2014-2021 Splash Toys - Bueil (France) and Hong Kong (China)
Turnover: 80 M€, 45 employees.
Toy Industry.
Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Vice-President:
- Defining the general policy of the group including its financial orientation, its commercial strategy and the management of human resources.
- Analyzing the toy market but mainly the group's activity data and identifying areas for development.
- Setting up communication actions.
- Leading meetings.
- Supervising, leading and coordinating the activity of international teams.
- Developing a portfolio of international customers and prospects and negotiating and establishing contracts with them.
- Creating subsidiaries in countries in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe as well as in the United States, Japan, Russia and China, opening around 100 offices abroad and setting up partnerships with the largest companies (MGA in the United States) and sales areas.
- French toy price in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
- Nordy, Splash Toys HK, Splash BV.