Heterobothrium praeorchis Bychowsky, Mamaev, and Nagibina, 1976

5 June 2022

宿主 Hosts

ショウサイフグ Takifugu pardalis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1850)

アカメフグ Takifugu chrysops (Hilgendorf, 1879)

コモンフグ Takifugu flavipterus Matsuura, 2017

寄生部位 Sites of infection

鰓 gills.

産地 Localities

野母町 Nomo-machi,壱岐 Iki(長崎県 Nagasaki Pref.);相良 sagara(静岡県 Shizuoka Pref.);油壷 Aburatsubo(神奈川県 Kanagawa Pref.);萩 Hagi(山口県 Yamaguchi Pref.) ;塩釜 Shiogama(宮城県 Miyagi Pref.)

環境 Environment

海 marine.

文献 Reference

Ogawa, K. and Itoh, N. (2022). Five new and two known species of Heterobothrium (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) infecting puffers of the genus Takifugu from Japanese waters. Systematic Parasitology 99: 317–340.