Gyrodactylus pardalidis Ogawa and Inoue, 1997

宿主 Hosts

ヒガンフグ Takifugu pardalis (Temminck and Schlegel,1850)

コモンフグ Takifugu flavipterus Matsuura, 2017(T. poecilonoyus として)

寄生部位 Site of infection

鰭 fin

産地 Localities

萩 Hagi(山口県 Yamaguchi Pref.),野母 Nomo(長崎県 Nagasaki Pref.)

環境 Environment

海 marine

文献 Reference

Ogawa, K. and Inouye, K. (1997a). Parasites of cultured tiger puffer (Takifugu rubripes) and their seasonal occurrences, with descriptions of two new species of Gyrodactylus. Fish Pathology 32: 7–14.