Vehicles - more questions

1. What do you think about driverless cars?

2. Is it environmentally irresponsible to drive a car now?

3. Have you ever taken a ferry? If so, where and how long did it take?

4. What vehicle do you dislike the most and why?

5. Why does anyone need a driving licence? Is it really needed or just a waste of money?

6. Which do you use - train or car, for a date with your girlfriend/boyfriend?

7. What do you do when you take a flight?

8. How can we solve the problem of crowded trains?

9. What vehicle, that you have never been in before, do you want to ride in?

10. Do you think there will ever be a flying car?

11. How do you feel about Japanese cars being right hand drive when most cars in the world are left hand drive?

12. Do you get travel sick? If so, when?