Listening script 1

Unit 1 Who are you?

A: So, what's your blood type?

B: It's B.

A: You're B?

B: Yeah.

A: Oh, you don't look like a B.

B: How about you?

A: I'm O. Do I look like an O?

B: Umm? Yeah, I think you do.

A: Thanks! Ha ha.

B: So, when's your birthday?

A: My birthday is on the 26th of January. How about you?

B: Umm? My birthday is on the 13th of September.

A: Oh, just last month!

B: So, anyway, what are your other classes like?

A: They're boring. I almost never listen in them. English is my favourite class. How about you?

B: I like history.

A: What's that class like?

B: It's interesting. I'm interested in different societies and the way people lived in the past.