Listening script 7

Unit 7 Nibbles

A: Can you tell me about a really good restaurant?

B: Yes, my favourite restaurant is Enchante in Yokkaichi.

A: What kind of food do they make?

B: Oh, it's, umm, French.

A: French food! Oh, sounds good.

B: When and what do you usually eat for breakfast?

A: Usually I wake up at 8am, so I eat breakfast at 9am. Usually, umm, I eat soup.

B: What kind of soup?

A: I like soup, so I make a lot of different kinds of soup. Sometimes I eat with rice and sometimes I eat with bread. How about you?

B: I usually don't have breakfast. but if I eat it, I almost always just have bread.

A: What did you have for lunch yesterday?

B: I had "udon".

A: Noodles? Japanese noodles?

B: Yeah, how about you?

A: Yesterday?

B: Yesterday.

A: I ate fried rice

B: Fried rice? I had it at Tenkaichi. Do you know Tenkaichi? It's a really famous Japanese restaurant. It was really good. I was wondering how they made it so good.