Travel - Listening Script

Unit 11 Travel

A: What is the most beautiful sight you have ever seen?

B: Oh, I think it was the Northern Lights. I saw them in Canada. That was a really beautiful sight. How about you?

A: The Northern Lights, umm? The most beautiful sight... umm? I can't choose the best.

B: Haha, you've seen too much.

A: Yes, too much.

B: That's great. Where are you planning to travel to next?

A: Next, I want to go, hmm? I want to go to Italy.

B: Italy?

A: Yes, I want to go to Venice and I want to ride in a gondola and go shopping in the gondola.

B: That's great.

A: How about you?

B: Well, I have ... I really want to go abroad, but I have never been abroad, so the first place I want to go is ... maybe Spain.

A: Spain?

B: Spain or Italy. Yeah, Spanish food is good I think, and flamenco.

A: Flamenco?

B: Yes, dance, I think Spain is a fun place, an interesting place. What do you always take with you when you travel?

A: Take? When I go abroad?

B: Yes.

A: Hmm. I take some medicine!

B: Why?

A: Because it will be difficult to choose medicine when I go to a drug store abroad.