Some students' questions

1. What animal would you like to hug?

2. What do you want to do before you die ?

3. Where is the place you want to go now ?

4. What kind of hairstyle do you want your girlfriend or boyfriend to have?

5. It is hot in the daytime and cold during the night recently, so I am always confused.

Do you have any idea about what clothes to wear?

6. When did you decide to enter this university? And why?

7. Have you ever imagined the future where we have transparent displays which appears in SF movies??

And what would you like to do if we had them? Think of it as a student of the data science department.

8. What's the most expensive thing have you ever bought?

9. Have you ever met a famous person?

10. Please tell me about the country that you want to visit the most.

11. Who do you like the best in this school's professors.

12. If you go to a deserted island, what would you bring?

13. What would you do if you had free time and much money? For example, do you want to go on a round the world trip.

"wanna" is only used for conversations.

14. Do you have some music which you listen to everyday?

15. What do you want to do with your girlfriend or boyfriend?

16. Do you have something which is more important than your life?

17. Have you ever fallen in love with someone?

18. What do you want to do, if you could be Donald Trump?

19. If you are married, where did you meet your wife and why did you get married? If you are not married, do you want to get married now? Please tell me the reasons!

20. If you won the lottery, what would you spend the money on ?

21. If you could be born again, which would you like to be - a woman or a man?

22. There are many specialty goods in Shiga. For example, Omiushi, Funazushi, and so on. What specialty goods from Shiga do you like the best?

23. Do you have a good friend?If you answer "yes",what good

points does your friend have? Please tell us concretely.

24. What was the most enjoyable thing you did last year?

25. If you could get advice for yourself in the past by riding a time machine only once, what advice would you ask for?

26. What is the most frightening experience of your life?

27. If you were a YouTuber , what style of YouTuber would you like to be?

28. When do you usually do university homework?

29. Who do you most respect in your life? (teacher, friend, famous person, artist, etc.)

30. You are left behind on Mars! What song would you sing loudly to get rid of fear?

31. The Tokyo Olympic Games is coming next year. What sports do you want to watch?

32. What would you do if you found 1 million yen?