Food quiz answers

Food Quiz answers

What is the difference between a typical breakfast and a traditional breakfast? A typical breakfast is cereal and toast, a traditional breakfast is cooked including bacon and eggs

What is typically British food for lunch? Sandwiches

Where can you eat in Britain apart from at home and in a restaurant ? A pub

What is an English typical Sunday lunch? Roast dinner

How are British meal times different from the Spanish ones? They are much earlier

What is high tea? Do a lot of people have it? High tea is a meal eaten at around 6pm consisting of bread and cakes

What is cream tea? A cream tea is scones with jam and thick "clotted" cream served with tea

What is the most popular dish in England at the moment? Curry

What potatoes are typically British and are not called chips? Crisps

Which pudding is typically British and it is not sweet? Black pudding

What are the main ingredients? Pigs blood and fat

What is a "Cornish Pastie"? It's a semicircular pie with mostly meat and potato in it

What is the difference between "Shepherd's Pie" and "Cottage Pie"? Shepherd's pie has lamb in it and cottage pie has beef

What is a Ploughman's lunch and where do you usually eat it? It's bread, cheese, salad and pickes usually served in a pub

What typically British food is eaten with chips? Fish

Can you name a typical British dessert which starts with letter

t_ _ _ _ _. What is it made of? trifle, made with cake and jelly mostly

The two most famous supermarkets in England:

T_ _ _ _ _ and S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tesco and Sainsbury