Listening script 3

Unit 3 Brands and Fashion

A: So, what brands do you like?

B: What brands do I like? I like ... actually, I don't care much about brands, but I like the designs of Louis Vuitton. How about you?

A: I don't have many famous brand things.

B: Would you like some?

A: Not really.

B: Then, what kind of clothes are you into?

A: I like simple and warm clothes, how about you?

B: Well I like to try all kinds of clothes, now I'm into cardigans. They are very useful and very warm, and they can be simple, and they can also be fashionable.

A: Are you into any foreign brands?

B: Foreign brands, umm? Well, umm? No, nothing in particular... What colour do you like?

A: I like black, and white, and grey.

B: Autumn colours? You like simple colours.

A: How about you? What colours do you like?

B: I like red, white, and now I'm a little into pink. Actually, right now I'm really into yellow. I like bright colours better than dark colours.