Travel - more questions

1. What country do you want to live in?

2. How far have you ever been by bicycle?

3. What do you think about working in a foreign country?

4. What is the most interesting thing that has ever happened to you while travelling?

5. What is the furthest place you have ever been to?

6. What is the strangest souvenir you have ever bought on a trip?

7. What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten on a trip somewhere?

8. In the places that you have visited, where are the most beautiful woman? Or most handsome men?

9. What do you (or would you) prepare before going abroad?

10. If you went to an uninhabited island, what would you bring?

11. If you had a "DeLorean", like in the movie "Back to the future", where and what era would you go to?