More Questions 3

1. How do you feel about men using make up?

2. What car do you think is really stylish?

3. Which smartphone do you think has the best design?

4. Are the other members of your family trendy? Who is the trendiest?

5. Do you like individual and original things or do you prefer to get the same things as your friends?

6. What is the sexiest car you can think of?

7. It is sometimes said that Tokyo style is bland and Osaka fashion is vulgar. What do you think?

8. Do you prefer scruffy hair or tidy hair, and why?

And here are some students' questions that I thought were especially interesting:

If you could be reborn would you rather be born a man or a woman?

What do you think about students in high school making themselves up?

How many minutes did it take you to choose today's clothes?

What do you think about Japanese Harajuku fashion?

What do you think about the Japanese pop culture like J-pop,animation or another and what kind of influence has it brought to young people especially Japanese young people today?