A Contribution to Model Theory


Scientific Support for the Decision Making in the Security Sector, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Vol.12, Ed: Kounchev,O., Willems,R., Shalamanov, V., Tsachev, T., IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007

Modelling and Simulation is an essential component for any intellectual behaviour. Human knowledge and intellect is based on the ability to create and manipulate models either cognitive or concrete, as an individual or in groups. The collection of information and the systematic creation of an image, model or construction which represents a part of the real environment are fundamental for the development of intellect. Only by experimenting or manipulating these representations in a goal oriented, more or less systematic approach it is possible to determine those solutions, which are faulty, less effective or negative. The intellectual search for best solutions is always based on the ‘trial and error’ application of models. Learning is only possible by making mistakes but this should not be done with a real system of high value. Therefore, only models which permit the necessary simulations and experiments are the means for finding the best solutions.
