Why did they go to the Moon - The Great Truth ...


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A word about NASA

In no way this web page is intended to indict NASA.

Not to point blame at any Astronaut or Engineer. These were the true American Heroes and Pioneers of the 60ties ( sixties ) and the 70ties ( seventies ).

But ...

Something fishy is happening on the Moon and we are not been told about it !

"at no time when the Astronauts were in space were they alone. They were under constant surveillance by UFOs".

This statement has been backed up by several Astronauts. It is not only NASA Astronauts, but NASA insiders as well ... There also studies to consider ...

And Finally ... THE BIG PICTURE.

The implications of the Hollow Moon to the Big Picture of Humanity, If there is a Big Picture.

If the Moon is Hollow, If extraterrestrials are here, If they are in our skies as they are seemed to be, then I don't think it is a Good Picture for the Humanity !. We are not been allowed to develop as we would like to, or been directed or misdirected, and I am sure that's not a good thing!

"MY Moon Apollo Missions Web Page" is a cutting edge look at all the latest ideas, theories, and facts to support them.


Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On July 20, 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time.

The Apollo 11 ( XI ) Astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo Lunar Module Eagle at approximately 20:17:40 UTC. Its lunar coordinates are 00°41′15″N, 23°26′00″E, in the south-western corner of the lunar lava-plain called Mare Tranquillitatis ("Sea of Tranquility"), east of the craters Sabine and Ritter, north of the crater Moltke, and near a rille unofficially called "U.S. Highway Number 1".

The Apollo 11 ( XI ) Astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were sent for 3 hours, to investigate, inspect, walk through, take measurements, photographs, films, and samples, of the ruins of an group of large buildings built by Aliens ( Extraterrestrials ).

In a close distance to the Lunar Module, the video is showing Armstrong and Aldrin walking in the middle of what would be the remains of a lunar citadel.

Those buildings were the remains of an old Annunaki colony on the Moon.

They lifted off the surface on July 21 at 17:54 UTC. Tranquility Base has remained unvisited since then.


NASA, after the Apollo 11 ( XI ) moon landing, concealed and discarded reports, audios and videos that would prove the existence of life on the Moon.


The information of the present work comes from a high official of the United States, whose identity I can not reveal. He is part of a story, a dark history …


Since time immemorial, the history of Humanity has registered mysterious phenomena on the Moon.

In the 1950s, the Soviets and Americans embarked on a mad arms race, a period known as the Cold War. A dangerous stage in which thousands of bombs were manufactured ...

And suddenly, the Soviets and the Americans experienced a sudden change. Overnight, the USSR surprises the world by launching the first artificial satellite: the Sputnik (October 4, 1957). The United States was also engaged in the space race. The world wondered what was happening ?. Why so much interest in conquering space, especially the Moon ?. The Soviets and Americans continued their launches without explaining the real interests ...


Everything started in the 1940s. At that time there were intense UFO waves in the world, which put the Soviet military and allies on alert. For them it was clear: those objects, those ships, were not human. They conceived the need to reinforce the defense systems and give absolute priority to the space. For a decade they were confirming what they already knew. In total, without counting the images of the USSR, NASA, received 230,000 photographs of the natural satellite. Many of the images presented "walls" or "roads" parallel kilometers long.

Apollo 11 ( XI ) was launched in Florida on July 16, 1969. Astronauts: Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin and Michael Collins. Already on the outward journey, the astronauts saw a series of "anomalies" that were hidden from the world press. Once perched on the moon, Armstrong recorded a strong rise in heart rate (up to 156 beats per minute) ... The frequency of Aldrin could not be detected since his space suit was not connected to the biomedical information console.


They were observing several spaceships and very tall beings, with white and tight suits. When they wanted to film it, spaceships and beings disappeared.


7 Alien Starships on the Moon Menacing the Apollo 11 Astronauts, 1 min

duration 00:38 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )





Shortly after that historic landing on the Moon, Armstrong and Aldrin were surprised again.

The pulse of their hearts reached 160 minutes!

The incomprehensible words of Neil Armstrong surprised and confused the technicians in Houston ...


The conversation between the Apollo 11 Astronauts, and the Base in Houston is as follows approximately …

But what is it?

Can you explain this?

No, do not worry. Proceed to the process.

It's ... really incredible. It's great here.

You could never imagine it.

Received. We know it. Can you go from the other side;

Go back, on the other side.

What is this ? It is impressive ! Oh my God ! What is it, there?



Armstrong: Pero, ?que es eso ?

Aldrin: Aquello es una forma de vida

Base: Os tenemos, tranquilos, vosotros continuad explorando el terreno

A: Oh, Dios mio ! Pero si … existe realmente.

!Nunca hubiera imaginado que existiera una cosa asi !

B: !! Roger, lo hemos enterdido, pero ahora id hacia el otro lado !

Repito, hacia el otro lado !!

A: ?Pero que demonios es eso ? !Es espectacular ! !Increible !

!Oh, Dios mio ! ?Que es eso de ahi ?


On the other side of the crater a little more than 60 meters from the Moon Lander Eagle had appeared some starships and some Beings. Objects in the form of a disk in perfect form on the ground. Next to them some Beings too tall with white uniforms.

When the Astronauts, obeying the persistent orders of Houston, tried to film them, the objects and the Beings disappeared!


Aug 29 2015 posted to Aliens & UFOs

Astronauts Audio Conversation With NASA About UFOs On The Moon

This is a truly insipration video that shows two highly trained, experienced and qualified astronauts discussing about the possible finding and sightings of aliens from another planet. It is interesting as such candid discussions between heroes of space over communications on the subject of aliens has not been covered in depth.


Youtube video

Astronauts Audio Conversation with NASA about UFOs on the Moon - FindingUFO


Published on Aug 28, 2015


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 10, 2019


In this audio conversation with NASA you can hear a couple of astronauts are very surprised and shocked for seeing some strange UFOs for the first time ever in Space.

How long has NASA known about intelligent life out in Space? As always YOU decide!


film #2, 1 min.,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ...


They were observing several spaceships and very tall beings, with white and tight suits. When they wanted to film it, spaceships and beings disappeared.


The conversation between the Apollo 11 Astronauts, and the Base at Houston, Texas, U.S.A. is as follows approximately …

But what is it?

Can you explain this?

No, do not worry. Proceed to the process.

It's ... really incredible. It's great here.

You could never imagine it.

Received. We know it. Can you go from the other side;

Go back, on the other side.

What is this ? It is impressive ! Oh my god ! What is it, there?


duration 01:01 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )



These intense physical and emotional events ( 1. The Lunal Landing, and 2, The observation of the several spaceships and the very tall beings, with white and tight suits, both within in a few hours period, caused a surge of stress hormones and this contributed to a “broken heart syndrome” to Neil Armstrong !

The condition may also be called takotsubo cardiomyopathy, apical ballooning syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy by doctors.


Some of these incidents leaked to the public, thanks to radio amateurs who managed to capture the conversation between Armstrong, Aldrin and Houston. NASA as expected, denied everything calling it ridiculous.

And the moment of truth arrived, the secret reason why they went to the Moon ... This was the only and secret truth. North of the Moltke crater, Armstrong and Aldrin filmed an incredible construction. The 14-minute movie was never broadcast by NASA. Officially it does not exist.


But this unbelievable story was a bit short of to be publicized in public opinion.

NASA allowed on July 21 to publicize a few simple and incomprehensible news.

With a telefax that made the round of the world, the following statement was made:

"The heart of Astronaut Nil Armstrong beat 160 pulses per minute today towards the end of his Lunar Walk as he was working on a laborious workload of samples of lunar rocks and soil."

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| The event was almost unnoticed! |

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Some people, however, rightly wondered ...

How is it possible for Armstrong to suffer such a tachycardia in such a harmless, comfortable transport of lunar rocks?

In the Lunar Module Eagle's agonizing landing, Neil Armstrong's pulse reached 156. There, of course, the astonishing heartbeat activity was justified.

When loading the rocks, it did not make sense!

Neil Armstrong was 39 years old and had 78 missions in combat in the war in Korea. He had piloted more than 200 types of aircraft and was famous for his excellent temper and his steel nerves.

Why to reach 160 beats during a sample collection?

With the irrational news revealed by Charlie Berry (the Astronaut's physician), an important detail that overruled the official interpretation was ignored.

During the three hours of the walk, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's collected lunar rocks of a total weight of 25 kilograms.

Since on the surface of the moon the gravity is 6 times less than that of the Earth, the real weight of the rocks was 4 kilograms! and they were transferred by the two Astronauts at different periods of the Moon walk.

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| The NASA version was obviously not convincing! |

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It was not the negligible weight of the rocks that caused tachycardia to Neil Armstrong!

It was the view of those extraterrestrial buildings!

Despite his extraordinary physical and psychological preparation, Neil Armstrong, realizing the transcendent image he was seeing, could not avoid the justified intense excitement!


The same thing happened to Buzz Aldrin!

But his pulses were not recorded because the electronic circuitry of his space suit was not connected to the console that received the biometric data.


These intense physical and emotional event 3. The walk through the Alien buildings ), both within in a 24 ( twenty four ) hours period, caused a surge of stress hormones and this contributed to a 2nd “broken heart syndrome” to Neil Armstrong !

The condition may also be called takotsubo cardiomyopathy, apical ballooning syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy by doctors.

There's a small chance that broken heart syndrome can happen again after a first episode. There's no proven therapy to prevent additional episodes.

*** But it happened to Neil Armstrong, 2 times, within in a 24 ( twenty four ) hours period !

Neil’s Armstrong “broken heart syndrome” had long-lasting effects.

Neil Armstrong died after heart surgery, but he seemed to be recovering from it at first.

According to his obituary, Neil Armstrong’s family revealed that “Armstrong died following complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.” His date of death was August 25, 2012. He was 82-years-old when he passed away.


Later in the new Apollo space missions to the Moon, they continued to record the buildings in ruins, and after fulfilling the military objective, those buildings were destroyed. The military did not allow the presence of such ruins, it could cause chaos on Earth. That's what they said ... "


The agencies controlled by those who serve us the evil are trying to deceive us and they try us to doubt everything

Our duty is to fight to get knowledge and so realize that whenever we choose the darkness, that is, the selfish act or anyone doing harm to others, we will be chained more to this dense world and we will propitiate to continue acting and increasingly more harshly by those who serve us the evil until we learn to choose what lead us to altruism, the goodness; no matter how many hundreds of lives we have to live, in the end we will learn this lesson


Flight after flight to the mysterious space, what was its purpose? Surely that first triumphant march on the lunar surface and penetrating violation of the ground of the Moon with the big flag -acts of irreverent conquest-, should have led to extensive exploration and yet only a few landings were done those early years of the Apollo missions because, they said, there was no more than useless dust and rocks.

You really will you believe it, right?

We present another scenario, a treatise of the sixth dimension on the observation of your military penetration on the Moon, which initially can be ruled out as a fairy tale of science fiction, but soon you will find out is a true picture of what is really happening there in lunar orbit. To begin, contrary to what you have been said, your moon is rich in minerals and resources which are of paramount importance for the industry and the military, and the suggestion that there is nothing for humanity is a pure camouflage.

Remember: they give you with spoon just what the authority considers that you can assimilate.

What they do not tell you, what can not be in the public domain for any reason is that many of your space missions are secret travels to the moon. They have not told you the truth about your penetration in space, doesn´t matter you, because once it has been launched, quickly you lose interest in your flying capsules. Now that they have become a routine branch of your aerospace industry, space travels no longer fascinate you, so that simply, have not been attentive.

Meanwhile, they, your new explorers have been busy creating the first lunar bases inhabited by man. They already host engineers and military experts who currently build the Lunar Biosphere, developed from research and experimentation in a similar ecosystem artificially created, to which exists today in the Arizona desert. It was verified that the land selected Lunar site presents conditions of optimal surface, where the natural structures of the moon surface and the remains of an old Annunaki colony could be used as protection against bombardment from space and as shields against observation. The available resources were also a factor in the strategic location of the Biosphere, as should be the ideal conditions for drilling and mineral water directly from the facility, and that has been achieved.


and for more Alternative information please view the following web pages ...

MY Anunnaki

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MY Anunnaki

and / or ...

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and / or ...

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MY Nibiru - Planet 'X'

and / or ...

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MY Watchers - Nephilim -

and / or ...

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and / or ...

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and / or ...

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ESPANOL - Mi Teoría de Los Antiguos Astronautas


and for more information please view the following web pages

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTZr2v9zG4U - The Moon is An Alien Space/Command Center


and for more information please view the following web page ...

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

Apollo Missions Ended Because Extraterrestrials Prevented US Navy Bases on Moon









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