00 NASA dropped a 2-ton kinetic missile on the moon: What did they destroy?


NASA dropped a 2-ton kinetic missile on the moon: What did they destroy?

Is it possible that NASA bombed the moon in order to destroy an Alien base? According to many people around the world, the answer is a big YES.

According to a set of images and alleged reports, there are alien structures on the surface of the moon, and NASA launched a 2-ton kinetic weapon to destroy them, despite international laws clearly prohibiting it.

NASA BOMBED the surface of the moon

One of the greatest enigmas regarding UFOs and Alien life is whether governments andSpace Agencies around the world are covering up such information. While seeing UFO’s on Earth and videos from space isn’t something new, in the last couple of years, a lot of attention has been drawn to Earth’s moon. There, on the surface of Earth’s natural surface lay numerous ‘Alien’ Bases. The fact that many believe NASA and governments around the world have covered up information on these alien bases has become a widely accepted ideology in the last decade among ufologists and believers.



NASA Moon Bombing, October 9th 2009.


Published on Oct 9, 2009

The Moon Bombing that took place October 9th 2009.

duration 07:39 minutes



One of the most interesting things about the moon, which involves a ‘typical’ cover-up is the LCROSS mission by NASA where they literally BOMBED the surface of the moon for alleged ‘Scientific’ purposes.

Despite the fact that it strictly prohibited, NASA released a ‘Centaur’ kinetic weapon which ultimately impacted the moon.

In the last couple of decades, several extremely important treaties have made significant impact on Military Space Policy, and according to the Book The Paths Of Heaven: The Evolution Of Airpower Theory, the following treaties are of note:

1) The Outer Space Treaty (OST) which dates back to 1967, clearly states that international law applies BEYOND the atmosphere. The treaty of 1967 reemphasized standing international laws and initiated new space-related laws: Free Access to space and celestial bodies for peaceful intent, prohibitions on national appropriations of space or celestial bodies, prohibitions on putting any weapons of mass destruction in space or on celestial bodies.

2) The Antiballistic Missile (ABM) treaty of 1972 (which was signed between the USA and the USSR) banned the development, testing, and employment of space-based ABMs.

3) The Convention on Registration (1974) requires parties to maintain a registry of objects launched into space and report orbital parameters and general function of those objects to the UN.

4) And most importantly, the Environmental Modification Convention signed in 1980 which prohibits the hostile use of environmental modification.

Apart of the above-mentioned treaties, in 1977 a convention was concluded on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques which set out a number of prohibitions also with respect to outer space and celestial bodies.

Despite the above-mentioned facts, NASA modified the surface of the moon after launching the 2-ton kinetic weapon which created a 5-mile wide crater.

‘Officially’, the main LCROSS mission objective was to explore the presence of water ice in a permanently shadowed crater near a lunar polar region. The mission was launched together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on June 18, 2009, as part of the shared Lunar Precursor Robotic Program, the first American mission to the Moon in over ten years.


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