- The Moon is An Alien Space/Command Center


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At 6.03 pm IST on August 23, the Chandrayaan-3 lander touched down on the moon's surface, in the south polar region 



1. ENGLISH - Lunar South Pole Landing - Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft landed - Youtube Videos

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2. ESPANOL - Alunizaje en el Polo Sur Lunar - la nave espacial Chandrayaan-3 


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3. FRANCAIS - Atterrissage au pôle Sud lunaire - le vaisseau spatial 

Chandrayaan-3 a atterri

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4. DEUTSCH – Mondlandung am Südpol – Raumsonde Chandrayaan-3 gelandet

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5. ITALIANO - Sbarco sulla Luna al Polo Sud - atterrata la navicella spaziale Chandrayaan-3

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6. PORTUGUES - Aterrissagem no Pólo Sul Lunar - nave espacial Chandrayaan-3 


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8. Arabic - عربي - الهبوط على القطب الجنوبي القمري - هبوط المركبة الفضائية شاندرايان-3

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9. JAPANESE - 月の南極点着陸 - チャンドラヤーン 3 号宇宙船が着陸


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What’s there at South Pole of Moon  Why there is a space race to reach Moon  Chandrayaan 3 Update - Youtube Video

What is it about the southern pole of the Moon that is attracting scientists from around the globe? Why is the south pole of the Moon so special? Let's find out in this video. Why there is a space race to reach Moon | Chandrayaan 3 Update. 

duration 06:26 minutes

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Lunar South Pole Terrain in Coded Color

Released Saturday, July 22nd, 2023

Updated Sunday, August 13th, 2023 at 11:16PM

Visualizations by:Ernie Wright

An image of the Moon's South Pole colored by elevation, with labels for 29 craters and the recently named Mons Mouton.


The camera flies toward and then around the Moon's South Pole as the natural surface color changes to colors that encode elevation. Thirty features at the South Pole are identified.

Three months after the launch of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) on June 18, 2009, the mission released its first batch of elevation measurements of the area around the lunar south pole. Fourteen years, 60,000 orbits, and over 10 billion laser shots later, LRO's picture of the south pole landscape has filled in nicely. LRO's detailed terrain maps will be vital for both human and robotic explorers scheduled to arrive at south pole locations in the coming years.

duration 00:45 minutes

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Tour of the Moon 4K Redux

The camera flies over the lunar terrain, coming in for close looks at a variety of interesting sites and some of the LRO 

data associated with them. Includes narration, music, feature titles, research sources, and the location and scale of the 

image center. Music Provided By Killer Tracks: "Never Looking Back" - Frederick Wiedmann. "Flying over Turmoil" - Benjamin 

Krause & Scott Goodman.

In the fall of 2011, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission released its original Tour of the Moon, a five-minute 

animation that takes the viewer on a virtual tour of our nearest neighbor in space. Six years later, the tour has been 

recreated in eye-popping 4K resolution, using the same camera path and drawing from the vastly expanded data trove 

collected by LRO in the intervening years.

The tour visits a number of interesting sites chosen to illustrate a variety of lunar terrain features. Some are on the 

near side and are familiar to both professional and amateur observers on Earth, while others can only be seen clearly from 

space. Some are large and old (Orientale, South Pole-Aitken), others are smaller and younger (Tycho, Aristarchus). 

Constantly shadowed areas near the poles are hard to photograph but easier to measure with altimetry, while several of the 

Apollo landing sites, all relatively near the equator, have been imaged at resolutions as high as 25 centimeters (10 

inches) per pixel.

The new tour highlights the mineral composition of the Aristarchus plateau, evidence for surface water ice in certain spots 

near the south pole, and the mapping of gravity in and around the Orientale basin.

duration 04:56 minutes

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Why is it So Difficult To Land On The Moon If We Have Already Landed On Other Planets ?

Throughout the history of lunar exploration, more than half of all missions have failed; some have been lost upon landing and never found, others have crashed into the lunar surface, destroying themselves, and others never arrived, so why is it so difficult to land on the Moon? Why didn't the astronauts on the Apollo missions have these problems? Let's find out! Although the Moon is one of the closest celestial bodies to Earth, landing on its surface remains a significant challenge for aerospace engineering. The first factor complicating the Moon landing is its surface. Unlike other planets like Earth, which have a dense atmosphere that can slow down the spacecraft and allow it to land smoothly, the Moon has no significant atmosphere that can be used to slow down the descent. In addition, its surface is covered with craters and rocks, which increases the risk of the spacecraft crashing. Another major cause of failures in missions to the Moon is lunar gravity, which is only about one-sixth of Earth's gravity. This means that any spacecraft landing on the Moon must be able to decelerate enough to avoid crashing, but it must also calibrate the rocket braking process well to not jump back into space. In other words, the spacecraft design and landing system must balance the need for smooth deceleration and reduced mass so that the spacecraft can remain on the lunar surface.

duration 13:17 minutes

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Why Is It So Difficult To Send Humans Beyond The Moon?

The human race has been able to place robots on Mars, send spacecraft to all the gaseous planets, and even send an exploration probe to Pluto. However, we have been unable to send humans beyond the Moon and probably still have a long way to go. Why is it so difficult to send humans beyond the Moon? Let's find out! In 1969 NASA managed to put on the surface of the Moon the first human beings; As Neil Armstrong said, this was a small step for man, but a great leap for all of humanity, since it was the first time that we set foot on a world other than Earth. Paro has passed more than half a century, and not only have we not gone further, but we have not returned to the Moon. In a past video, we explained why it is so difficult to return if we have already gone in the past. But even if we were to return to the Moon, it would be tough to go any further, and that's because the technology needed to do so is just beginning to be tested. The first attempts When the first humans arrived on the Moon more than half a century ago, the spacecraft they traveled on was the Apollo, which had to orbit the Moon repeatedly to land. After exploring the lunar surface, they rejoined the command modules to return to Earth; in total, six missions and 12 astronauts managed to step on the lunar surface. But since then, this incredible feat has not been repeated, Why? A very difficult challenge to take on The journey beyond the Moon is a much more difficult task than it seems. One of the biggest challenges is cost. Traveling beyond the Moon is much more expensive than sending missions to the Moon. For example, NASA spent about $25 billion on the Apollo program, which took astronauts to the Moon. For example, if you wanted to send a human-crewed mission to Mars, the cost would be at least 100 times higher. No government or company is willing to spend so much money on a mission that does not immediately benefit humanity.

duration 11:50

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Why Is It So Difficult To Build A Lunar Base If There Is Already One In Space ?

Human ingenuity and technology have managed to overcome challenges that centuries ago seemed unimaginable. Still, although we have already managed to get humans to the moon and build bases in space where astronauts can remain indefinitely outside our planet, we have not yet built a base on our natural satellite. So why is building a base on the moon so tricky if there is already one in space? Let's find out! The exploration of space has been one of the most outstanding achievements of humanity; since the launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957, we have made great strides in space exploration, both in spacecraft and in constructions, to maintain a permanent settlement of humans in space with space stations. There are currently two space stations in operation, the Tiangong Space Station, built by the China National Space Administration (CNSA), and the International Space Station (abbreviated as ISS, for its acronym), which was built in collaboration with five space agencies from different countries, NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), JAXA (Japan), ESA (Europe), and CSA / ASC (Canada). But, despite significant achievements in space, building a lunar base has been an elusive goal. One of the main reasons behind this difficulty is the lack of resources and the technical complexity of establishing a permanent settlement in a resourceless place like the moon. Why was it easier to build space stations than a base on the moon? 

duration 16:29 minutes

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The Moon is the Spaceship of ET's from Sirius A System

duration 21:20 minutes

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The Moon's Galactic History: A Look at the Moon's Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth

The Moon’s Galactic History: A Look at the Moon’s Extraterrestrial Past and Its Connection to Earth, follows the past and present research about the Moon’s strange, enigmatic history, with a focus on an extraterrestrial presence. Questions are examined such as, “Are there Moon inhabitants?” “Are the UFOs seen today connected to the Moon?” “Is there a city on the Moon?” and more. Additionally,  things observed on the Moon, including anomalous strange lights, unidentified flying objects, odd constructions, artifacts, symbols and more. This web page examines new thoughts and ideas from researchers and what their ideas are today about the extraterrestrial, Moon-Earth connection, and what it means for us. With all the information on unidentified flying objects in the news today, it is time to have an updated web page with current research that investigates both the past and present material on the Moon. Did you know that: Several of the NASA astronauts reported seeing UFOs while traveling to the Moon?; the Moon might be hollow?; Apollo 10 astronauts heard strange “space music” when traveling on the far side of the Moon?; mysterious anomalous activity has been seen on the Moon for centuries?; there are said to be ruins of structures on the Moon?; and more.


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[ ENGLISH ] - Is the Moon a spaceship ?

Could aliens reside in it now ?

Or is it an ancient starship with secrets of our past and even we humans ourselves ?

Or it could it be an observation platform, scrutinizind human endeavors as we grow and become a space-ferrying race as well.

Until we begin to take these curiosities about the Moon seriously, we may never know who parked the a starship in orbit around Earth.

The next time you look up at the Moon, ask your self, why ?

Carl Sagan --> "A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object." Therefore, the Moon may not be a "natural" satellite at all."

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon's gravitational field ... indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow."

Isaac Asimov --> "It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been affected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly perfect circular orbit around the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "If the astronomical data are recduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "No known natural process can explain such a structure."



¿Es la Luna una nave espacial?

¿Podrían los extraterrestres residir en él ahora?

¿O es una antigua nave estelar con secretos de nuestro pasado e incluso de nosotros mismos los humanos?

O podría ser una plataforma de observación, escudriñando los esfuerzos humanos a medida que crecemos y nos convertimos también en una raza de transbordadores espaciales.

Hasta que comencemos a tomar en serio estas curiosidades sobre la Luna, es posible que nunca sepamos quién estacionó la nave estelar en órbita alrededor de la Tierra.

La próxima vez que mires a la Luna, pregúntate ¿por qué?

Carl Sagan --> "Un satélite natural no puede ser un objeto hueco". Por lo tanto, la Luna puede no ser un satélite "natural" en absoluto".

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Los experimentos del Lunar Orbiter mejoraron enormemente nuestro conocimiento del campo gravitatorio de la Luna... lo que indica la aterradora posibilidad de que la Luna sea hueca".

Isaac Asimov --> "Es demasiado grande para haber sido capturado por la Tierra. Las posibilidades de que tal captura se haya visto afectada y la Luna haya tomado una órbita circular casi perfecta alrededor de la Tierra son demasiado pequeñas para hacer creíble tal eventualidad". ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Si se reducen los datos astronómicos, se encuentra que los datos requieren que el interior de la Luna se parezca más a un hueco que a una esfera homogénea".

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Ningún proceso natural conocido puede explicar tal estructura".



La Lune est-elle un vaisseau spatial ?

Des extraterrestres pourraient-ils y résider maintenant ?

Ou est-ce un ancien vaisseau spatial avec des secrets de notre passé et même nous, les humains nous-mêmes ?

Ou cela pourrait-il être une plate-forme d'observation, scrutant les efforts humains à mesure que nous grandissons et devenons également une race de transport spatial.

Jusqu'à ce que nous commencions à prendre au sérieux ces curiosités sur la Lune, nous ne saurons peut-être jamais qui a garé le vaisseau spatial en orbite autour de la Terre.

La prochaine fois que vous regarderez la Lune, demandez-vous pourquoi ?

Carl Sagan --> "Un satellite naturel ne peut pas être un objet creux." Par conséquent, la Lune n'est peut-être pas du tout un satellite "naturel".

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Les expériences Lunar Orbiter ont considérablement amélioré notre connaissance du champ gravitationnel de la Lune... indiquant la possibilité effrayante que la Lune soit creuse."

Isaac Asimov --> "C'est trop gros pour avoir été capturé par la Terre. Les chances qu'une telle capture ait été affectée et que la Lune ait ensuite pris une orbite circulaire presque parfaite autour de la Terre sont trop faibles pour rendre une telle éventualité crédible ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Si les données astronomiques sont réduites, on constate que les données exigent que l'intérieur de la Lune ressemble plus à un creux qu'à une sphère homogène."

Dr Bruce Cornet --> "Aucun processus naturel connu ne peut expliquer une telle structure."



Ist der Mond ein Raumschiff?

Könnten jetzt Aliens darin wohnen?

Oder ist es ein uraltes Raumschiff mit Geheimnissen unserer Vergangenheit und sogar wir Menschen selbst?

Oder es könnte eine Beobachtungsplattform sein, die menschliche Bestrebungen unter die Lupe nimmt, während wir wachsen und auch zu einer raumfahrenden Rasse werden.

Bis wir anfangen, diese Kuriositäten über den Mond ernst zu nehmen, werden wir vielleicht nie erfahren, wer das Raumschiff im Orbit um die Erde geparkt hat.

Wenn Sie das nächste Mal zum Mond aufblicken, fragen Sie sich selbst: Warum?

Carl Sagan --> "Ein natürlicher Satellit kann kein hohles Objekt sein." Daher ist der Mond möglicherweise überhaupt kein "natürlicher" Satellit."

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Die Lunar Orbiter-Experimente haben unser Wissen über das Gravitationsfeld des Mondes erheblich verbessert ... was auf die beängstigende Möglichkeit hinweist, dass der Mond hohl sein könnte."

Isaac Asimov --> "Er ist zu groß, um von der Erde eingefangen worden zu sein. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein solcher Einfang betroffen war und der Mond dann eine nahezu perfekte kreisförmige Umlaufbahn um die Erde eingenommen hat, ist zu gering, um eine solche Möglichkeit glaubhaft zu machen ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Wenn die astronomischen Daten reduziert werden, stellt sich heraus, dass die Daten erfordern, dass das Innere des Mondes eher einem Hohlraum als einer homogenen Kugel gleicht."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Kein bekannter natürlicher Prozess kann eine solche Struktur erklären."



La Luna è un'astronave?

Gli alieni potrebbero risiederci ora?

O è un'antica astronave con segreti del nostro passato e persino noi stessi umani?

Oppure potrebbe essere una piattaforma di osservazione, scrutare gli sforzi umani mentre cresciamo e diventiamo anche una corsa spaziale.

Fino a quando non inizieremo a prendere sul serio queste curiosità sulla Luna, potremmo non sapere mai chi ha parcheggiato l'astronave in orbita attorno alla Terra.

La prossima volta che guardi la Luna, chiediti, perché?

Carl Sagan --> "Un satellite naturale non può essere un oggetto cavo." Pertanto, la Luna potrebbe non essere affatto un satellite "naturale".

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Gli esperimenti del Lunar Orbiter hanno notevolmente migliorato la nostra conoscenza del campo gravitazionale della Luna... indicando la spaventosa possibilità che la Luna possa essere vuota."

Isaac Asimov --> "È troppo grande per essere stato catturato dalla Terra. Le possibilità che una tale cattura sia stata influenzata e che la Luna abbia poi intrapreso un'orbita circolare quasi perfetta attorno alla Terra sono troppo piccole per rendere credibile una tale eventualità ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Se i dati astronomici vengono ridotti, si scopre che i dati richiedono che l'interno della Luna sia più simile a una sfera cava che a una sfera omogenea."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Nessun processo naturale conosciuto può spiegare una tale struttura."



A Lua é uma nave espacial?

Os alienígenas poderiam residir nele agora?

Ou é uma nave estelar antiga com segredos de nosso passado e até mesmo de nós mesmos humanos?

Ou poderia ser uma plataforma de observação, examinando os empreendimentos humanos à medida que crescemos e nos tornamos uma raça de transporte espacial também.

Até começarmos a levar a sério essas curiosidades sobre a Lua, talvez nunca saibamos quem estacionou a nave estelar em órbita ao redor da Terra.

Da próxima vez que você olhar para a Lua, pergunte a si mesmo, por quê?

Carl Sagan --> "Um satélite natural não pode ser um objeto oco." Portanto, a Lua pode não ser um satélite “natural”.

Dr. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Os experimentos do Lunar Orbiter melhoraram muito nosso conhecimento do campo gravitacional da Lua... indicando a assustadora possibilidade de que a Lua possa ser oca."

Isaac Asimov --> "É muito grande para ter sido capturado pela Terra. As chances de tal captura ter sido afetada e a Lua então ter assumido uma órbita circular quase perfeita ao redor da Terra são muito pequenas para tornar tal eventualidade crível ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Se os dados astronômicos forem reduzidos, descobre-se que os dados exigem que o interior da Lua seja mais parecido com uma esfera oca do que com uma esfera homogênea."

Dr. Bruce Cornet --> "Nenhum processo natural conhecido pode explicar tal estrutura."


[ GREEK ] - Είναι η Σελήνη διαστημόπλοιο;

Θα μπορούσαν να κατοικούν εξωγήινοι σε αυτό τώρα;

Ή μήπως είναι ένα αρχαίο διαστημόπλοιο με μυστικά του παρελθόντος μας ακόμα και εμείς οι ίδιοι οι άνθρωποι;

Ή θα μπορούσε να είναι μια πλατφόρμα παρατήρησης, να εξετάζει προσεκτικά τις ανθρώπινες προσπάθειες καθώς μεγαλώνουμε και να γινόμαστε επίσης μια φυλή διαστημικών πορθμείων.

Μέχρι να αρχίσουμε να παίρνουμε στα σοβαρά αυτές τις περιέργειες για τη Σελήνη, μπορεί να μην μάθουμε ποτέ ποιος στάθμευσε το διαστημόπλοιο σε τροχιά γύρω από τη Γη.

Την επόμενη φορά που θα κοιτάξετε ψηλά στη Σελήνη, ρωτήστε τον εαυτό σας, γιατί;

Carl Sagan --> "Ένας φυσικός δορυφόρος δεν μπορεί να είναι ένα κοίλο αντικείμενο." Επομένως, η Σελήνη μπορεί να μην είναι καθόλου «φυσικός» δορυφόρος».

Δρ. Sean C. Solomon, MIT --> "Τα πειράματα του Lunar Orbiter βελτίωσαν κατά πολύ τις γνώσεις μας για το βαρυτικό πεδίο της Σελήνης ... υποδεικνύοντας την τρομακτική πιθανότητα ότι η Σελήνη μπορεί να είναι κούφια."

Isaac Asimov --> "Είναι πολύ μεγάλη για να έχει συλληφθεί από τη Γη. Οι πιθανότητες να έχει επηρεαστεί μια τέτοια σύλληψη και η Σελήνη να έχει ακολουθήσει μια σχεδόν τέλεια κυκλική τροχιά γύρω από τη Γη είναι πολύ μικρές για να γίνει αξιόπιστο ένα τέτοιο ενδεχόμενο ."

Dr. Gordon MacDonald --> "Εάν μειωθούν τα αστρονομικά δεδομένα, διαπιστώνεται ότι τα δεδομένα απαιτούν ότι το εσωτερικό της Σελήνης μοιάζει περισσότερο με μια κοιλότητα παρά με μια ομοιογενή σφαίρα."

Δρ. Bruce Cornet --> "Καμία γνωστή φυσική διαδικασία δεν μπορεί να εξηγήσει μια τέτοια δομή."


[ Arabic ] -

هل القمر مركبة فضائية؟

هل يمكن للأجانب الإقامة فيه الآن؟

أم أنها مركبة فضائية قديمة بها أسرار ماضينا وحتى نحن البشر أنفسنا؟

أو يمكن أن تكون منصة مراقبة ، تدقق في المساعي البشرية بينما ننمو ونصبح سباقًا للعبارات الفضائية أيضًا.

حتى نبدأ في أخذ هذه الفضول حول القمر على محمل الجد ، قد لا نعرف أبدًا من أوقف المركبة الفضائية في مدار حول الأرض.

في المرة القادمة التي تنظر فيها إلى القمر ، اسأل نفسك ، لماذا؟

كارل ساجان -> "لا يمكن أن يكون القمر الصناعي الطبيعي جسماً أجوف". لذلك ، قد لا يكون القمر قمرًا صناعيًا "طبيعيًا" على الإطلاق ".

الدكتور شون سي سولومون ، معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا -> "لقد حسنت تجارب المركبة القمرية إلى حد كبير معرفتنا بمجال جاذبية القمر ... مما يشير إلى الاحتمال المخيف بأن القمر قد يكون أجوفًا."

إسحاق أسيموف -> "إنه أكبر من أن تلتقطه الأرض. فرص تأثر مثل هذا الالتقاط والقمر بعد ذلك قد اتخذ مدارًا دائريًا شبه مثالي حول الأرض هي صغيرة جدًا لجعل مثل هذا الاحتمال موثوقًا به . "

د. جوردون ماكدونالد -> "إذا تم إعادة تكوين البيانات الفلكية ، فقد وجد أن البيانات تتطلب أن يكون الجزء الداخلي من القمر أشبه بجوف أكثر من كونه كرة متجانسة."

د. بروس كورنيه -> "لا توجد عملية طبيعية معروفة يمكنها تفسير مثل هذا الهيكل."


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UFO hunters claim they have discovered a massive alien base on the moon ­nine miles wide. And while scientists say its just a crater, barmy space fanatics insist it’s in fact a huge glass dome.  You Tuber Tony Wilke spotted the shape in a photo of the lunar landscape taken during NASA’s Apollo missions. It comes after satellite photos of the Mars revealed unnatural shapes hailed as entrances to an underground base.  “Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome.”

According to Tony, who runs the YouTube channel Earth Files Earths History, the dome is approximately 250 million years old. During that time it’s suffered damage, he said, but it still stands because of a supporting beam more than two miles long.  The structure is some nine miles across and at least two miles deep, it’s claimed. Quite why the aliens needed to build a giant extra-terrestrial 02 Arena out of glass is not guessed at.  Scott C Waring, who edits the website UFO Sightings Daily, hit out at scientists for dismissing the find.  “As you can see for yourself this is a dome on Earth’s moon,” he said. “Scientists have mislabeled it as a crater, when obviously it’s a dome.  “This is mislabeled in astronomy as Harden Crater. I don’t blame the scientists. It’s just the way education goes in school.”  Tony said that when the domes were first built aeons ago, the class would have been completely transparent.  “When these domes were constructed and completed they were completely clear,” he said.  “You could take a hundred foot by hundred foot block of glass that they make you could see perfectly clear to the other side without any distortion at all.  “But this is just the result of deterioration after millions and millions of years.”

NASA Scientists & What They Say About The Moon

Moon Pyramid

Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel.  Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they   show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions.  “Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.

Moon Strutures

The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.  When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies.  It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972.   Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion.  “Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.”  – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)  Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.



UFOs - Brian OLeary


THRIVE Movement

Oct 29, 2011


duration 00:54 minutes


Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994.

Moon Glass Tower

  It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?  He then went on to state that:  Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.  If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think.  That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening.


and / or ...



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 on UFO sightings, the Navy and Pentagon – 10 youtube videos


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  GAIA seek truth - videos - 17 videos



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 SpaceTime - Science Show – 16 videos



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ALIENS On The MOON... ( Alien Hunter )

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 Mix - Alien Hunter - 42 videos


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 The Moon is An Alien Space Command Center – 38 youtube videos


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 ALIENS On The MOON... - the first 30 youtube videos


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 ALIENS On The MOON... - youtube videos - published on 2013 - 2017 – 12 videos


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 ALIENS On The MOON... - youtube videos - published on 2018 - 45 videos


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 ALIENS On The MOON... - youtube videos - published on 2019 - 91 videos


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 ALIENS On The MOON... - the LATEST 30 youtube videos


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 LUNA 13 - 190 videos


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This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE.  


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in my fight against my Brain Tumor which is Growing, (((   for more information about me, please visit my MEDICAL web page 


2024-04-16 : the website is under construction. I connect into the INTERNET, every 24 - 48 hours, from an INTERNET CAFE, If there are available PC Computer(s) there. 


Hmmmmmmmmmmm indeed. If I had to guess why Governments the world over are suddenly obsessed with the dark side of the moon… vast cities on the moon! There would have to be a population of millions!! But millions of whom??



Who Walked on the Moon?

Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)–Apollo 11

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-)–Apollo 11

Charles "Pete" Conrad (1930-1999)–Apollo 12

Alan Bean (1932-2018)–Apollo 12

Alan B. Shepard Jr. (1923-1998)–Apollo 14

Edgar D. Mitchell (1930-2016)–Apollo 14

David R. Scott (1932-)–Apollo 15

James B. Irwin (1930-1991)–Apollo 15

John W. Young (1930-2018)–Apollo 10 (orbital), Apollo 16 (landing)

Charles M. Duke (1935-)–Apollo 16

Eugene Cernan (1934-2017)–Apollo 10 (orbital), Apollo 17 (landing)

Harrison H. Schmitt (1935-)–Apollo 17


Who Orbited the Moon?

Frank Borman (1928-)–Apollo 8

William A. Anders (1933-)–Apollo 8

James A. Lovell Jr. (1928-)–Apollo 8, Apollo 13

Thomas Stafford (1930-)–Apollo 10

Michael Collins (1930-2021)–Apollo 11

Richard F. Gordon Jr. (1929-2017)–Apollo 12

Fred W. Haise Jr. (1933-)–Apollo 13

John L. Swigert Jr. (1931-1982)–Apollo 13

Stuart A. Roosa (1933-1994)–Apollo 14

Alfred M. Worden (1932-2020)–Apollo 15

Thomas K. Mattingly II (1936-)–Apollo 16

Ronald E. Evans (1933-1990)–Apollo 17




 ! PLAYLIST - Lunar Tourism - Journeys Across the Moon - Incredible Videos of the Lunar Surface - 20 Videos

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and / or ...

Video Number 5001.

Alien Hunter 

Published on Oct 24, 2019 

Music by Freeland

duration 12:04 minutes

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and / or ...

Video Number 4984.9999 Welcome


Alien Hunter 

Published on Oct 12, 2019

duration 18:49 minutes

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and / or ...

My last 5 BANNED videos ;-)

Alien Hunter - Published on May 9, 2018 -  duration 43:01 minutes

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and / or ...

081 Moon Musings - Structures beneath the Sea of Tranquility

Bill Bryson - Published on May 31, 2012 - duration 32:20 minutes

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and / or ...

Was There A Nazi Moon Landing?


Science Channel  

Published on May 20, 2015 

Russians analyze soil from the moon’s Sea of Crises, and realize something has disturbed the surface. Experts agree Nazi technology was advanced enough; could they have reached the moon first? | For more, visit

Subscribe to Science Channel! |

Check out SCI2 for infinitely awesome science videos. Every day. |

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duration 02:59 minutes

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10 Reasons Aliens Might Invade Earth


John Michael Godier 

Published on Mar 3, 2018

duration 18:51 minutes

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William Tompkins - The Moon is An Alien Space/Command Center



Howskii deMaverick 

Published on Aug 27, 2017 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Apr 10, 2019


William Tompkins aka Bill Tompkins | Talks about... ''Our'' Moon..

& Aliens

He died last Month - 8/21

Search4TruthReality aka Walter, did many Interviews with Bill, some of the Absolute Best, and from what I understand they became Very Good friends.. Here's a Video with Walter, about Bill / Will Tompkins:

duration 21:37 minutes

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What is Really Happening on the Moon that we don't know about?

 The 5th Kind 

Premiered May 30, 2019 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 21, 2018


This documentary has been written and produced by the 5th kind using segments from partnership licences of original shows. If you would like to support our work, please check out our patreon page. . .

duration 27:22 minutes

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A word about NASA

In no way this web page is intended to indict NASA.

Not to point blame at any Astronaut or Engineer. These were the true American Heroes and Pioneers of the 60ties ( sixties ) and the 70ties ( seventies ).

But ...

Something fishy is happening on the Moon and we are not been told about it !

"at no time when the Astronauts were in space were they alone. They were under constant surveillance by UFOs".

This statement has been backed up by several Astronauts. It is not only NASA Astronauts, but NASA insiders as well ... There also studies to consider ... 

And Finally ...  THE BIG PICTURE.

The implications of the Hollow Moon to the Big Picture of Humanity, If there is a Big Picture.

If the Moon is Hollow, If extraterrestrials are here, If they are in our skies as they are seemed to be, then I don't think it is a Good Picture for the Humanity !. We are not been allowed to develop as we would like to, or been directed or misdirected, and I am sure that's not a good thing!

"MY Moon Apollo Missions Web Page" is a cutting edge look at all the latest ideas, theories, and facts to support them.


The Friday Poem ‘Voyage to the Moon’ by Archibald MacLeish



Presence among us,

wanderer in the skies,

dazzle of silver in our leaves and on our

waters silver,


silver evasion in our farthest thought–

“the visiting moon” . . . “the glimpses of the moon” . . .

and we have touched you!

From the first of time,

before the first of time, before the

first men tasted time, we thought of you.

You were a wonder to us, unattainable,

a longing past the reach of longing,

a light beyond our light, our lives–perhaps

a meaning to us…


our hands have touched you in your depth of night.

Three days and three nights we journeyed,

steered by farthest stars, climbed outward,

crossed the invisible tide-rip where the floating dust

falls one way or the other in the void between,

followed that other down, encountered

cold, faced death–unfathomable emptiness . . .

Then, the fourth day evening, we descended,

made fast, set foot at dawn upon your beaches,

sifted between our fingers your cold sand.

We stand here in the dusk, the cold, the silence . . .

and here, as at the first of time, we lift our heads.

Over us, more beautiful than the moon, a

moon, a wonder to us, unattainable,

a longing past the reach of longing,

a light beyond our light, our lives–perhaps

a meaning to us . . .

O, a meaning!

over us on these silent beaches the bright earth,

presence among us.

Archibald MacLeish for The New York Times, July 21, 1969

duration 02:53 minutes

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First Moon Landing 1969 - The Greatest Day Ever


R Diddy 

Published on Jul 20, 2009 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 13, 2019


It was 50 years ago. Can you imagine traveling to the moon today aboard a 1969 rocket and lunar module?


duration 03:46 minutes

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7 Alien Starships on the Moon Menacing the Apollo 11 Astronauts, 1 min


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 10, 2019


film #1, 1 min.,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ...


They were observing several spaceships and very tall beings, with white and tight suits. When they wanted to film it, spaceships and beings disappeared.


The conversation between the Apollo 11 Astronauts, and the Base at Houston, Texas, U.S.A. is as follows approximately …

But what is it?

Can you explain this?

No, do not worry. Proceed to the process.

It's ... really incredible. It's great here.

You could never imagine it.

Received. We know it. Can you go from the other side;

Go back, on the other side.

What is this ? It is impressive ! Oh my god ! What is it, there?


duration 00:38 minutes

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Aug 29 2015 posted to Aliens & UFOs

Astronauts Audio Conversation With NASA About UFOs On The Moon

This is a truly insipration video that shows two highly trained, experienced and qualified astronauts discussing about the possible finding and sightings of aliens from another planet. It is interesting as such candid discussions between heroes of space over communications on the subject of aliens has not been covered in depth.


Youtube video

Astronauts Audio Conversation with NASA about UFOs on the Moon - FindingUFO



Published on Aug 28, 2015 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 10, 2019


In this audio conversation with NASA you can hear a couple of astronauts are very surprised and shocked for seeing some strange UFOs for the first time ever in Space.

How long has NASA known about intelligent life out in Space? As always YOU decide!



film #2, 1 min.,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ...


They were observing several spaceships and very tall beings, with white and tight suits. When they wanted to film it, spaceships and beings disappeared.



The conversation between the Apollo 11 Astronauts, and the Base at Houston, Texas, U.S.A. is as follows approximately …


But what is it?

Can you explain this?

No, do not worry. Proceed to the process.

It's ... really incredible. It's great here.

You could never imagine it.

Received. We know it. Can you go from the other side;

Go back, on the other side.

What is this ? It is impressive ! Oh my god ! What is it, there?



duration 01:01 minutes

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Apollo 11 Astronauts investigate Alien group of buildings, film #1, 2 min


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 10, 2019


film #1, 2 min.,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ...

The Apollo 11 Astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were sent for 3 hours, to investigate, inspect, walk through, take measurements, photographs, films, and samples, of the ruins of an group of large buildings built by Aliens ( Extraterrestrials ).

In a close distance to the Lunar Module

duration 01:67 minutes

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Apollo 11 Astronauts investigate Alien group of buildings, film #2, 6 min.

Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 10, 2019


film #2, 6 min.,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ...

The Apollo 11 Astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were sent for 3 hours, to investigate, inspect, walk through, take measurements, photographs, films, and samples, of the ruins of an group of large buildings built by Aliens ( Extraterrestrials ).

In a close distance to the Lunar Module


duration 06:27 minutes

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Apollo 11 Astronauts investigate Alien group of buildings, film #3, 6 min.

Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 10, 2019


film #3, 6 min.,

A Top Secret of 50 years since July of 1969.

On the Moon, in the Moltke lunar impact crater, near the southern edge of the Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility ) ...

The Apollo 11 Astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, were sent for 3 hours, to investigate, inspect, walk through, take measurements, photographs, films, and samples, of the ruins of an group of large buildings built by Aliens ( Extraterrestrials ).

In a close distance to the Lunar Module


duration 06:35 minutes

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Los astronautas del Apolo 11 investigan un grupo de edificios alienígenas, película # 4, 6 min.

Evangelos VOLOTAS 

Published on Jun 10, 2019 


película # 4, 6 min.

Un secreto de 50 años desde julio de 1969.

En la Luna, en el cráter de impacto lunar de Moltke, cerca del borde sur de Mare Tranquillitatis (Mar de la Tranquilidad) ... 

Los astronautas del Apolo 11, Neil Armstrong y Buzz Aldrin, fueron enviados por 3 horas para investigar, inspeccionar, caminar, tomar medidas, fotografías, películas y muestras de las ruinas de un grupo de grandes edificios construidos por Aliens (Extraterrestres). .

A corta distancia del módulo lunar.


duración 06:34 minutos

(por favor usando el clic derecho de su ratón, y elvínculo abierto en la ventana privada siguiente,)



Large Structures Found On The Moon~ Apollo 11~ 2017



Published on Mar 17, 2017 

*Please Watch to the End

** Watch in HD and Full Screen

Hey Guys.... The anomalies in this crater prove that there is more going on, on the Moon, than NASA/JPL are letting on. As always, tell me what you think these anomalies are and thanks for watching. Don't forget to share this video and throw me a thumbs up. Always appreciated! 

As always, look for the picture links at the bottom of the description. Best Regards, Chris....

IMAGE CREDIT GOES TO: ESA / NASA / JPL / University of Arizona / Caltech / Msss 

** These pictures are made public to the people**

Thanks for watching! If you guys like what you see, 

please SUBSCRIBE and don't forget to give me a thumbs up! Its greatly appreciated! 

Check out the other Mars Team Members videos here: (bottom of page)


duration 13:06 minutes

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========== Looking at strange features on the moon?



Published on Mar 14, 2012 

This is a picture showing researchers at the ames researchers center looking a computer, but on the desk are pictures of what appears to be stranged structures on the moon.

Picture Link:

duration 00:37 minutes

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NASA Moon Bombing, October 9th 2009.



Published on Oct 9, 2009 

The Moon Bombing that took place October 9th 2009.

duration 07:39 minutes

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NASA Bombs Moon Alien structures


carlos barria 

Published on Oct 12, 2009

duration 00:26 minutes

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Japan offers proof of Civilization on Moon



Published on Dec 29, 2009 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 09, 2019


Ever wonder why NASA have never shown us clear pictures of the Moon, when they can show us crystal clear images of distant galaxies? you have to wonder what they are hiding! check out the link

duration 04:00 minutes

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Japan discovers buildings on the Moon 




Published on Jun 24, 2014


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jun 09, 2019


Japanese Probe KAGUYA selene in its mission to study and exploration of the moon has filmed many buildings in an area of the lunar south pole.

FUENTE: VÍDEO: KAGUYA taking "Earth-rise" by HDTV (Dec. 31, 2007)


duration 06:25 minutes

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Beamer discovers Alien Base on Moon via KAGUYA Satellite


David Beamer 

Published on Nov 12, 2007 

On Nov.7th, 2007 Japan's KAGUYA takes images of the moon using a HDTV camera!

The Satellite was undergoing functional verification. During this initial time, it acquired images which look like an alien base near the North Pole of our Moon? The alien base area is just prior to orbiting over the dark shadow of the moon threshold in the bottom right corner of the video. I just wrote Japan in regard to my find thanks to this more detailed HDTV. On the opposite side (kept "turned" away from Earth) many areas have these bases. In fact, I think the whole moon is a Nephilim Mother Ship much like Saturn's Iapetus.

E-mail Contact Dave for a better JPEG:

ATS Links:

HD JAXA Link now shut down on some servers: 

Cern Video Cam Link:

South Pole Tycho Crater:

Kaguya Crash Footage: 

Next NASA Probe: 

Write Dave Beamer via:

P.S. If you have time, please check out my free JPEGs on My Space?

duration 01:57 minutes

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Some Only SEE Rocks On The MOON.. NASA LROC Image 1080p FHD


Alien Hunter 

Published on Sep 9, 2018 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 13, 2019





duration 11:50 minutes

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Those Times Astronauts Spoke About Things They Probably Shouldn't Have!!


Matrix Wisdom 

Published on Jun 1, 2019 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 15, 2019


They've been caught on live mic more times than we thought.


duration 15:00 minutes

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Alien Moon Structures - Apollo 17


benjamin redman 

Published on Feb 17, 2017 

The ultimate expose of 1972 NASA incident with Apollo 17, revealing alien structures on the moon, the censorship of Walter Cronkite and the connection and confirmation of specific aspects of the Bentwaters-Rendlesham Forest incident.

duration 18:49 minutes

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There Is No Conventional Explanation For This..Are They Still Here?


Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries 

Published on Jul 3, 2019 

Someone other than us is still present on this planet. Mind-blowing information that we are being observed and have been for thousands of years. If these interpretations of past events are true then they could be impacting everyone even today! Every one of the strange anomalies pointed out here, from the moon to the Giza Pyramid, are compelling.

duration 12:14 minutes

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You Thought It Didn't Exist...They Are On The Surface of The Moon!


Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries  

Published on Jul 4, 2019 

Did someone develop a technology so advanced that we cannot even begin to imagine it? Going back and investigating it seems that some events may not be what we think they are, we may have found and engineered a technology long ago that is not of Earth. If this got into the wrong hands then we could have a civilisation already in space, possibly on the Moon or Mars and now venturing even further into space.

duration 12:26 minutes

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Dr. Edgar Mitchell Confirms Reality of ETs!



Published on Jul 10, 2009 

Lee Patrick Hanks of New World Integrations and the new Tara-13 Network interviews Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. (Apollo 14 astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Science) at the 2009 X-Conference in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell confirms that ETs are in fact visiting Earth.

For more information, visit;

duration 09:36 minutes

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Dr. Edgar Mitchell 🌌 UFO Interview 2009 Aliens are Real and Watching Us 👽 the Day Before Disclosure



Published on Apr 10, 2013 

Dr Edgar Mitchell, Aliens, Interview, UFOs, There Are Several Species Visiting Our Planet, Legendado

Former Astronaut Explains The UFO Cover-Up - Astronaut Edgar Mitchell - Witness Testimony

387911 Alien UFO Agenda Secret Underground Bases Free Energy Conspiracy Theory Documentaries research! Best UFO documentaries of all time!


ufo tv documentary

SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film (FREE!)

Sirius Disclosure

Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14 Astronaut testifies to Extraterrestrial Visitations - tells all, says aliens prevented nuclear war!

R.I.P Dr. Edgar Mitchell has died at the age of 85

more info at Coast to Coast AM:

WOW!! Government Admits Working With UFO"s & Aliens May 6, 2013


The Reason NASA Never Returned To The Moon (Full Documentary)

Area 51 Scientist Boyd Bushman Makes Alien Confession in Video

Edgar Mitchell UFO and aliens are real and watching us! 

There are several species visiting our planet!

UFO Disclosure: Dr. Edgar Mitchell Interview - The Day Before Disclosure 

Dr. Edgar Mitchell YouTube Playlist

Are Aliens Real - Edgar Mitchell on the moon!

Edgar is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the Grey aliens are real and that right now aliens are watching us!

UFO Aliens

Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight January 31, 1971, proceeded by the lunar landing. During the two lunar EVAs, Mitchell spent about 33 hours on the Moon.

Edgar believes in Aliens and UFOs - Aliens are Real! Claiming that we have been watched and observed for a long time. He mentions the Roswell Alien crash in the summer of 1947 and says US government denial is because they weren't sure if the alien found was hostile. Edgar is positive that we are being watched right now.

When asked how many Alien Civilizations there are Edgar's answer was - Billions. 

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.

Aliens UFO

Edgar gives insight why the government has kept Aliens and UFO information above top-secret. He says the Air Force protects did not know what to do with the Alien crashed saucer, and superior technology. They labeled it "above top-secret," and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group Majestic-12 (MJ-12) within the government. 

Mitchell's reference to Majestic-12 documents gives us proof that a group to protect UFO information and ongoing UFO events exist.

UFO Interview

There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell's statements will have long reaching consequence in the UFO community.

We will continue to look for answers as to why they are here, where they come from, how they get here, and what we will do when and if they decide to make themselves known openly.

Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA - all covered up.

He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.

Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk.

'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said. It's been covered up by all governments for 60 years.

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Edgar Mitchell Astronaut Aliens


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duration 13:54 minutes

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UFO Disclosure 🌌 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Interview


Light Dancing 

Published on Dec 19, 2018 

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell’s National Press Club Speech

duration 42:45 minutes

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Rense & Dr Ken Johnston NASA airbrushed photos that had shown structures on the moon Part 1


Published on Feb 16, 2012

duration 10:47 minutes

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Ken Johnston at the Smithsonian (1 of 2)



Published on Jun 17, 2010 

Ken Johnston at The Smithsonian. Former NASA employee and Apollo Mission team member Dr. Ken Johnston tells us his story of NASA fakery and image manipulation during the famed Apollo missions to the Moon. He then takes us on a whirl wind tour of the Apollo exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum is Washington DC. This is a once is a one in a lifetime interview with a top whistleblower from inside NASA! Don't miss it!

duration 08:26 minutes

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Ken Johnston at the Smithsonian (2 of 2)



Published on Mar 4, 2012 

Ken Johnston at The Smithsonian. Former NASA employee and Apollo Mission team member Dr. Ken Johnston tells us his story of NASA fakery and image manipulation during the famed Apollo missions to the Moon. He then takes us on a whirl wind tour of the Apollo exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum is Washington DC. This is a once is a one in a lifetime interview with a top whistleblower from inside NASA! Don't miss it!

duration 08:47 minutes

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Former NASA Employee Discovers Some Very Strange Buildings on the Moon



Published on Oct 28, 2018 

A former NASA employee found something he shouldn't have when he discovered photos showing a module of the mission “Apollo” on the lunar surface and base of aliens on its surface. The picture was taken by astronauts during the separation of the module and classified as many other photographs taken during the program “Apollo”, which were recorded mysterious structures and UFO. These photos were later ordered destroyed, however, the employee retained some of them and published them online. Among the released images are photos originating from NASA that depicts various different artificial structures on the moon.

duration 50:21 minutes

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Project Camelot 

Published on Jan 22, 2016 

I interview Ken Johnston who worked for NASA during the Apollo moon landings and saw clear photos of domes on the moon and other structures. He claims there are bases on the moon and mars.





Dr. R. Ken Johnston, Sr. one of 4 Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilots from the Apollo Moon Program, is a retired aerospace engineer, US Marine, and “NASA Whistleblower.” He refused to strictly follow orders and destroy a nearly-complete collection of 8″ x 10″ glossy photo-prints from the Apollo program, photos that are not available from NASA at this time and are of a higher resolution than what is found online. Johnston was born at Fort Sam Houston US Army Air Base in San Antonio, TX. 1942, and studied at Oklahoma City University. He enlisted in the US Marines in August, 1962 and reported to Pensacola as a Marine Officer Cadet for flight training in September 1964. He left active duty from the Marines in August 1966.

Johnston was hired by Grumman Aircraft Corp. because of his training as a pilot with an avionics background to become a principal contractor for the Apollo Lunar Module testing. His duty was to assist with cockpit and instrument development and Astronaut training at the Manned Space Center (to be renamed JSC) in Houston, Texas, as a “civilian astronaut consultant pilot." Ken Johnston worked as a contractor from 1966 to 1972, during the Apollo Program, and he was employed by Brown & Root Northroup, principal contractors to NASA for management of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, where all the moon rocks were stored, curated, cataloged and in some cases, distributed to scientists who had successfully applied to carry out analysis in their own labs.

An important part of Johnston‘s duty was to provide photographic and peliminary analysis of the lunar samples to the contributing scientists from around the world. The photographic documentation was to document the lunar samples exact location and orientation in situ. In addition to the photos he provided copies of the lunar sample information catalogs to the scientists. As such, he had in his office several sets of photographs taken by Apollo astronauts with their chest-mounted Hasselblad cameras. When the lunar sample distribution wound down, he was instructed by Bud Laskawa, his boss, to destroy what remained of the photo archive, but Johnston kept one set as a personal collection for a work portfolio.

Johnston applied to NASA for the 1977 astronaut selection for duty as a Space Shuttle astronaut, but was turned down because NASA wanted the astronauts to be PhD level scientists. The ideal astronaut was no longer a “jet-jock”, but men with scientific accreditation. When NASA was recruiting again, Johnston re-applied, but was considered too old. He did, however, join NASA’s educational outreach program as a “Solar System Ambassador” traveling and speaking to civic and youth groups about space exploration and careers in engineering and science.













Kerry Lynn Cassidy



duration 1:59:58 hours

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Cancelled Apollo Mission's 18,19 & 20 - Crew's & Landing Sites



Published on Aug 8, 2009 

Image Video of the canceled moon mission's from Project Apollo undertook by the United State's & NASA from the late 1960's & early 1970's, which flew 24 Men to the Moon & back on 9 daring mission's, 6 of which landed & led to 12 brave Men walking on another world.

But unfortunately several missions of the Apollo program were canceled during the 1970s, due to budget limitations or schedule constraints.

Most notable of these were three Lunar landing missions, Apollo's 18, 19 and 20, all of which had received a considerable level of planning.

Originally, NASA produced 15 flight-worthy Saturn V rockets. This was enough to provide for two unmanned tests and 13 manned missions. The 13 manned missions included the ten missions Apollo 8 through Apollo 17 that were actually flown, and the three canceled missions Apollo 18 through to Apollo 20.

The first mission to be canceled was Apollo 20 when On January 4, 1970 NASA announced it was canceling the mission as its Saturn V rocket was now needed for the Skylab space station.

Then, on September 2, 1970, NASA announced it was canceling the Missions Apollo 18 & Apollo 19 because of budget restrictions due to congressional cuts which had limited the production of the Saturn V.

On January 4, 1970 NASA announced it was canceling the Apollo 20 as its Saturn V rocket was now needed for the Skylab space station

● Apollo 18 : (0:18)


Commander (CDR) : Richard Gordon (0:38)

Command Module Pilot (CMP) : Vance Brand (1:12)

Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) : Harrison Schmitt (1:36)

Landing Site : The Gassendi Crater (2:31)

● Apollo 19 : (2:54)


Commander (CDR) : Fred Haise (3:15)

Command Module Pilot (CMP) : William Pogue (3:49)

Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) : Gerald Carr (4:09)

Landing Site : The Copernicus Crater (4:35)

● Apollo 20 : (5:14)


Commander (CDR) : Stuart Rossa (5:33)

Command Module Pilot (CMP) : Don Lind (6:02)

Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) : Jack Lousma (6:26)

Landing Site : The Marius Hills (6:56)

duration 07:16 minutes

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Earth's Moon: Why One Side Always Faces Us


Conceptual Academy 

Published on Apr 2, 2015 

Only one side of the Moon ever faces us because Earth's force of gravity on it is not uniform. This is related to our ocean tides and a lengthening of days on Earth. Duration: 7:58.

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duration 07:58 minutes

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Tour of the Moon 4K Redux (Music Only)


NASA Scientific Visualization Studio 

Published on Mar 29, 2018 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 13, 2019


In the fall of 2011, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission released its original Tour of the Moon, a five-minute animation that takes the viewer on a virtual tour of our nearest neighbor in space. Six years later, the tour has been recreated in eye-popping 4K resolution, using the same camera path and drawing from the vastly expanded data trove collected by LRO in the intervening years.

The tour visits a number of interesting sites chosen to illustrate a variety of lunar terrain features. Some are on the near side and are familiar to both professional and amateur observers on Earth, while others can only be seen clearly from space. Some are large and old (Orientale, South Pole-Aitken), others are smaller and younger (Tycho, Aristarchus). Constantly shadowed areas near the poles are hard to photograph but easier to measure with altimetry, while several of the Apollo landing sites, all relatively near the equator, have been imaged at resolutions as high as 25 centimeters (10 inches) per pixel.

The new tour highlights the mineral composition of the Aristarchus plateau, evidence for surface water ice in certain spots near the south pole, and the mapping of gravity in and around the Orientale basin. 

The camera flies over the lunar terrain, coming in for close looks at a variety of interesting sites and some of the LRO data associated with them. Includes feature titles, research sources, and the location and scale of the image center.

Visualizer: Ernie Wright (lead)

For more information or to download this public domain video, go to


duration  04:56 minutes

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A Lazy Orbit of the Moon


Robert Kooima 

Published on Mar 22, 2012 

The view from lunar orbit.

This video was rendered by a real-time 3D planetary terrain system I've developed. It shows data collected by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. The texture map is a combination of several Wide Angle Camera mosaics, and the height map is the WAC Global Lunar DTM with LOLA filling in the poles. Both the texture and the height have a resolution of 100 meters per pixel. Together they total just under 12 gigapixels of data.

The total distance traveled is a little more than one orbit. The moon rotates beneath the camera during the trip, so the ground trace moves slightly eastward. The path covers only a tiny piece of the entire moon, and only a small fraction of the beautiful high-resolution data collected by LROC WAC.

duration 12:59 minutes

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Journey Across The Moon - Stunning Images From The SELENE Lunar Orbiter


Space Videos  

Published on Feb 7, 2018 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 13, 2019


This video was created from images taken by SELENE during its final month of operation - June 2009.

SELENE (/ˈsɛlᵻniː/; Selenological and Engineering Explorer), better known in Japan by its nickname Kaguya (かぐや?), was the second Japanese lunar orbiter spacecraft following the Hiten probe.[1] Produced by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) and the National Space Development Agency (NASDA), the spacecraft was launched on September 14, 2007. After successfully orbiting the Moon for a year and eight months, the main orbiter was instructed to impact on the lunar surface near the crater Gill on June 10, 2009.[2]

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Music by Keving Macleod

duration 31:51 minutes

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MOON IMAGES (HD) - Japan Kaguya Space Telescope - IMAGENS DA LUA (HD) - Sonda Espacial Kaguya do Japão


Acervo Digital 

Published on Nov 6, 2016 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 13, 2019





- Philipp Weigl - Subdivision of the Masses

- Kai Engel - Realness

- Scott Buckley - Stars In Her Skies

- Stellardrone - Comet Halley






SELENE ou Kaguya foi uma sonda espacial japonesa, construída pela JAXA (Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency). Foi lançada com destino à Lua no dia 14 de setembro de 2007.

SELENE orbitou a Lua, com o objetivo de executar um completo mapeamento geográfico e mineral. Utilizou nessa operação, dois minisatélites para executarem retransmissão de ondas de rádio e fazerem imagens em 3D. Utilizou também, uma câmera de HDTV para filmagens em alta definição.

O nome SELENE é uma abreviatura de SELenological and ENgineering Explorer.

A sonda espacial ficou popularmente conhecida como Kaguya no Japão, após uma votação pública para a escolha de seu nome. Kaguya é o nome de um personagem de um conto de fadas japonês.

A sonda Kaguya foi o passaporte de entrada do Japão no seleto grupo de países que também tinham enviado sondas para a órbita lunar nos anos finais da década de 2000 (EUA, China e Índia).

Dados da missão Kaguya:

- Data de lançamento: 14 de setembro de 2007.

- Local: Tanegashima Space Center (TNSC).

- Veículo de lançamento: Foguete H-IIA.

- Massa total: 2914 kg.

- Parte da massa: 2 pequenos satélites de comunicação, com 50 Kg cada, medindo cada um 1m X 1m X 0,65m.

- Inserção em órbita lunar: 03 outubro de 2007.

- Órbita operacional: circular e polares, numa altitude de 100 Km.

- Final da missão: 10 de junho de 2009.

A missão terminou no dia 10 de junho de 2009, com uma colisão programada na superfície visível da Lua, que ocorreu às 18:25 UT. A coordenada do ponto de impacto foi a seguinte: 65.5º S e 80.4º E.



duration 14:08 minutes

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IMAGES OF THE MOON - Panoramic view - Apollo Missions - IMAGENS DA LUA - Visão panorâmica - Missões Apollo


Acervo Digital 

Published on Jul 23, 2016 


Evangelos VOLOTAS

Published on Jul 13, 2019





APOLLO 11 - JUL/1969

APOLLO 12 - NOV/1969

APOLLO 14 - FEV/1971

APOLLO 15 - JUL/1971

APOLLO 16 - ABR/1972

APOLLO 17 - DEZ/1972


Apollo Surface Panoramas: é uma biblioteca digital de panoramas fotográficos que os astronautas da Apollo registraram ao explorar a superfície da Lua. 

Os panoramas foram produzidos, digitalizados e renderizados por Warren Harold no Centro Espacial Johnson com apoio da NASA. 

Veja as imagens aqui:

Os panoramas são formados por centenas de imagens individuais que podem ser acessadas neste catálogo:



1 - Sergey Cheremisinov - Labyrinth

2 - Hans Atom - Death of a Music Box

3 - Scott Holmes - Everest

4 - Pipe Choir Records - Winterwell

Download das músicas:

(As músicas estão no Volume 1, 6 e 10 )






duration 10:51 minutes

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and / or ...



Project Camelot 

Published on Dec 15, 2016

PART ONE of TWO : William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.

This interview connects the dots on many topics discussed by Tompkins in other interviews including the collaboration of our Navy with Nordics (and reptilians) involving top aerospace companies such as Northrop, TRW, Boeing, Hughes, and many others.

He discusses what really happened during the Battle of LA, the beginnings of MJ12, how nearly all U.S. presidents have been ruled by Dracos and much much more....



duration 1:24:36 hours

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 Project Camelot 

Published on Dec 15, 2016 

PART TWO: THIS PART HAS SOME OF THE MOST GROUNDBREAKING DISCLOSURES... William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.

This interview connects the dots on many topics discussed by Tompkins in other interviews including the collaboration of our Navy with Nordics (and reptilians) involving top aerospace companies such as Northrop, TRW, Boeing, Hughes, and many others.

He discusses what really happened during the Battle of LA, the beginnings of MJ12, how nearly all U.S. presidents have been ruled by Dracos and much much more....



duration 1:26:44 hours

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William Tompkins - A Case for the Secret Space Program July 18, 2017



Published on Aug 31, 2017 

William Tompkins back-up presentation for the 2017 MUFON Symposium in Las Vegas.

This is a URL for the last known public presentation by William Tompkins. It is from the MUFON 2017 Symposium. MUFON is displaying it for free on MUFON Television.

Bill's first book: Selected by Extraterrestrials




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duration 1:08:58 hours

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William Tompkins Last Interview with Jordan Sather - MUFON 2017 Secret Space Program


SphereBeing Alliance 

Published on Jan 28, 2018 

July 21st MUFON symposium. Jordan Sather interviews Secret Space Program insider William Tompkins for the last interview he gave before his passing a month later on August 21st 2017 during the "Great American Eclipse"

duration 55:56 minutes

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William Tompkins | Reptilian Bases and Nazi Facilities in Antarctica/Antarctic |UFO/Alien Disclosure


Howskii deMaverick 

Published on Aug 27, 2017 

Jeff Rense:

Bill Tompkins / William Tompkins @ Reptilians & Nazi's - Facilities & Bases | Radio-Interview by Jeff Rense |

Bill Tompkins died last Month - 8/21 (2017)

Search4TruthReality ( ) aka Walter, did many Interviews with Bill, some of the Absolute Best, and from what I understand they became Very Good friends.. Here's a Video with Walter, about Bill / Will Tompkins:





True Freedom.

| Howskii the Maverick' || Verax

duration 1:37:26 hours

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William Tompkins | Reptilian Bases vesves Nazi Facilities in Antarctica [New, UFO Disclosure]


Howard Hor 

Published on Aug 19, 2017 

Alternative News Source: SUBSCRIBE vesves SHARE.

William Tompkins talks about Reptilian Bases and Nazi-Facilities in Antarctica etc - Interview by Jeff Rense -|- January 3rd 2017 I dont own this video in any way .

William Tompkins discloses his first-hand witness testimony of what he saw during the reconnaissance missions to the moon and during NASAs and Neil .

Retired Marine Major Steve Motley shares inside information on numerous current events and discusses other interesting topics! Reptilian Bases and Facilities .

duration 2:06:41 hours

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FLIR1: Official UAP Footage from the USG for Public Release


To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science 

Published on Dec 16, 2017 

Exclusive analysis brought to you by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science: FLIR1 is the second of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and approved for public release. It is the only official footage captured by a US navy F/A-18 Super Hornet present at the 2004 Nimitz incident off the coast of San Diego. Like Gimbal, this footage comes with crucial chain-of-custody (CoC) documentation because it is a product of US military sensors, which confirms it is original, unaltered, and not computer generated or artificially fabricated. While there have been leaked versions on the internet, the CoC establishes the authenticity and credibility that this version is the original footage taken from one of the most advanced sensor tracking devices in use.

Read further analysis of what is being observed in the video on our community of interest:




Go Fast: Official USG Footage of UAP for Public Release


To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science 

Published on Mar 9, 2018 

GO FAST is the third of three official USG videos selected for release after official review by multiple government organizations. While To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science was the first to obtain a copy, it should be available to any member of the press or public via the Freedom of Information Act. This footage was captured by a U.S. Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet using the Raytheon ATFLIR Pod that was being operated by a highly trained aerial observer and weapons system operator whom the government has spent millions of dollars to train. Go Fast reveals a Navy encounter that occurred off the East Coast of the United States in 2015 and the object in view remains unidentified. 

Read further analysis of what is being observed in Go Fast by our team of experts including additional videos and reports on our community of interest:

It is the mission of To The Stars Academy to support underfunded areas of research that could lead to a better understanding of scientific anomalies and breakthrough discoveries in technology.




Gimbal: The First Official UAP Footage from the USG for Public Release


To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science 

Published on Dec 16, 2017 

Exclusive analysis brought to you by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science. Gimbal is the first of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and has been approved for public release. This footage, and all official USG footage you will see on TTS Academy’s community of interest (COI), comes with essential chain-of-custody documentation validating that it is received in its original and unaltered form and is authentic. The US Department of Defense uses this process in order to meticulously ensure that information and material retain their integrity without revealing sources and methods. This documentation is what sets this footage apart from anything else that has made its way to the public domain, by establishing its authenticity and thereby giving it enormous historical significance.

Read the full analysis of what you are observing in the video on our community of interest:




Why Scientists Don't Freak Out About UFO Videos


Tech Insider  

Published on Jan 20, 2018 

If you've been online recently, you've probably seen this. This is one of two clips released by the Department of Defense. Both videos show a thermal image of an unidentified flying object. The videos have been widely shared and scrutinized. A lot of people think this is the first real evidence that extraterrestrials exist, and that they've visited us here on Earth.

There's just one thing. Most people in the scientific community don't think these videos prove anything.

People have been claiming to see UFOs for decades. Countless videos purporting to show alien aircraft have been popping up since the invention of film. But this video is unique. It was released by the Department of Defense who found the video noteworthy enough to study and release.

Until 2012, the DOD says it ran a secret "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program." The program was funded by $22 million dollars worth of "black money." These are funds the Pentagon sets aside for classified programs.

Cmdr. David Fravor: "Both of us, both airplanes see a disturbance in the water and a white, 40-foot-long Tic Tac-shaped object."

This is Cmdr. David Fravor. He was one of the Navy pilots that spotted the UFO.

Cmdr. David Fravor: "I get over to the 8 o'clock position, it's at about the 2 o'clock position, and I decide I'm gonna go see what it is and it's about 200 feet below me. And I cut across the circle and as I get about a half mile of it, it rapidly accelerates to the south in about two seconds and disappears."

All this seems pretty incredible, so why don't scientists care?

Caleb Scharf: "I think it's very, very difficult as a scientist to look at something like this and say anything except, you know, it's intriguing. But I would need a vast amount more documentation and context to really understand what's going on here."

Caleb Scharf is an astronomer and director of the multidisciplinary Columbia Astrobiology Center.

Caleb Scharf: "The difficulty with this kind of problem is that you can't plan for it."

Carolin Frueh: "Yeah, because I think that's exactly, one cannot tell much from the video."

That’s Carolin Frueh, she's an assistant professor at Purdue School of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Carolin Frueh: "Yeah, I would like to know what the wind was ... was there turbulence?

What they're talking about, is the scientific method. Basically, before scientists will accept something as fact, a lot of research and testing has to be done. And it all has to take place in a controlled environment.

Caleb Scharf: "You can't plan for it. You can't really set up a thorough, proper scientific experiment. It's all reliant on serendipitous data. And that's one of the most difficult kinds of problems to solve in science. So I'm not surprised that we don't have a good answer yet."

Caleb Scharf: "I suspect pilots across the decades have seen all sorts of interesting stuff out of their window. But again, jumping to saying what you're seeing could be some advanced technological spacecraft. That's a really big leap to make."

But these videos were released by the US government. There has to be some significance ... right?

Caleb Scharf: "I suppose there's a spirit of openness about it, if you don't know what you're looking at, then throw it out to the world and say "Look this is what we've got. You can interpret it in a variety of different ways."

If we're using the scientific method, hard evidence and a cacophony of data are the best metrics for explaining this phenomenon. But what if you did see it for yourself? Would you still need an experiment to explain it?

Cmdr. David Fravor: "I believe, as do other folks that were on the flight who visually saw it, that it was not from this world."

The Cmdr. is not alone. The videos continue to be scrutinized by a lot of people who agree this is an alien aircraft.

As for the DOD, other than releasing the video, they haven't said much. Presumably, they have access to more data from the flight, and from reports made immediately after the encounter. Releasing more info could begin to answer to scientists' questions. But ultimately, even that might not be enough.  

Caleb Scharf: "On the one hand, I could be really cynical about all of this but I think it's really wonderful that people are intrigued by phenomena that they see out in the world. That's a good thing. That's a positive thing, our curiosity is a positive thing. And to be honest, if there are strange things floating around up there, I'd like to know what they are. The difficulty with this kind of problem is that you can't plan for it."

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US Navy confirms multiple UFO videos are real


Fox News  

Published on Sep 17, 2019 

Navy acknowledges UFO videos in statement; reaction from UFO expert Nick Pope. #Tucker #FoxNews

FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News Edge. A top five-cable network, FNC has been the most watched news channel in the country for 17 consecutive years. According to a 2018 Research Intelligencer study by Brand Keys, FOX News ranks as the second most trusted television brand in the country. Additionally, a Suffolk University/USA Today survey states Fox News is the most trusted source for television news or commentary in the country, while a 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News is the top-cited outlet. FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape while routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.

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and / or ...

vast cities on the moon! There would have to be a population of millions!! But millions of whom??


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and for more information please view the following web pages 

( please using the right click of your mouse,  and Open Link in Next Private Window,  ) - Apollo Missions Ended Because Extraterrestrials Prevented US Navy Bases on Moon

and / or ..

( please using the right click of your mouse,  and Open Link in Next Private Window,  ) - Is the moon an artificial structure? Research shows the moon is HOLLOW

and / or ..

( please using the right click of your mouse,  and Open Link in Next Private Window,  ) - Scientific paper asks: “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”

and / or ..

( please using the right click of your mouse,  and Open Link in Next Private Window,  )

and / or ...

( please using the right click of your mouse,  and Open Link in Next Private Window,  ) - Did Armstrong & Aldrin receive death threats to keep moon secrets?

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( please using the right click of your mouse,  and Open Link in Next Private Window,  ) - First man on moon dies along with secrets of what he saw


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Why did they go to the Moon - The Great Truth ...


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Apollo Missions Ended Because Extraterrestrials Prevented US Navy Bases on Moon ...


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MY Anunnaki


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MY Anunnaki

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Part 2

here’s Helium-3 in them there Moon hills!

by Guy Cramer

December 14, 2004

 Moon can be mined for abundant Helium-3 to be used in Fusion Reactors on Earth and Space.

The United States and International Space Agencies will be going to the moon with Purpose!

The current value of pure gold (Au), at today's price is $15,500 per kilogram.

Helium-3 (He3) a rare particle on Earth but abundant on the Moons lunar surface (He3 is required for a fusion reactant - safe nuclear energy) has an energy value in today's dollars is $5.7 million per kilogram when compared to the value and energy potential of oil.

On January 14, 2004 U.S. President Bush announced a new vision for NASA that incorporated a human return to the Moon by 2020, follow-on exploration of Mars and other destinations.

A recent meeting of some 200 scientists from 17 countries expects "lunar landers cooperating into an international lunar robotic village before 2014", evolving technologies for human-tended missions that prepare the ground for an "effective, affordable human lunar exploration and permanent presence by 2024."

Nuclear fusion holds the promise of producing massive amounts of energy without the radioactive byproducts of fission-powered plants.

Dr. Larry Taylor director of UT’s Planetary Geosciences Institute in Knoxville says, “The moon is an orbiting space station. All the things you might need for planetary travel are there—hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and other essentials. You can find ways to process or mine the moon and its soil, but there’s a lot of stuff up there we could use down here too. The abundance of helium on the moon represents “the Persian Gulf of energy in the 21st century.” Helium, with an atomic mass of 3, could have huge importance for generating energy on earth. In 1999 Taylor wrote, “There is more than 100 times more energy in the helium-3 on the moon than in all the economically recoverable coal, oil, and natural gas on earth.”

Scientists estimate there are about 1 million tons of helium 3 on the moon, enough to power the world for thousands of years. The He3 is mainly imbedded in an ore called ilmenite.

A space vehicle with a payload bay the size of a space shuttle could bring back enough helium-3 to generate the electricity to satisfy the United States’ needs for a full year.

Particles of hydrogen and helium in the solar wind that strikes the moon become embedded in the rocks and soil. This doesn’t happen on the earth because our atmosphere and our magnetic field shield our planet from these solar particles.

It has been estimated that helium 3 would have a cash value of $5.7 billion a ton in terms of its current energy equivalent to oil at <$40 per barrel oil.

At $40,000 to $60,000 per kilo for transporting materials from Earth to the Moon, it is not cost effective to go to the Moon even for pure gold (Au), at today's price of <$15,500 per kilogram. He3 equivalent energy value in today’s dollars is $5.7 Million per kilogram making this venture for the He3 fusion reactant worth the effort and cost. 

While the vehicles for retrieving resources from the moon are being designed and built, Taylor thinks the nation—and the world—can speed research and development of fusion reactors that could process helium trapped in lunar material.

However, a loophole in Space Law allows individuals and companies to hold Mineral Rights on the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies. Growing concern from Scientists that these rights may be held hostage have been alleviated by a three man North American team; Dr. Joseph Resnick, Dr. Timothy R. O'Neill and Guy Cramer (ROC-Resnick/O'Neill/Cramer team) who have acquired the mineral rights for 95% of the side of the moon that faces Earth, the polar regions and 50% of the far side of the moon.

After setting aside 8.9 million acres around Apollo 11 Lunar landing site and designated as a "World Heritage Site". The ROC team announced that it was holding more than 75% of the Lunar Mineral rights to allow for the extraction of Helium-3 and other minerals for the advancement of Space Exploration, Earth and Space Sciences and safer more efficient energy production.  

With the mineral rights secured, the ROC team wants to oversee the extraction process for He3 and other minerals for any robotic or human ventures to obtain these materials to ensure the Moon doesn’t become a series of scared surface mines visible from Earth or future lunar orbiting space stations. Visual Mitigation will be a priority so that the expected large scale strip mining doesn’t turn the moon into an eyesore for the rest of us.

While the ROC team could become the DeBeers of He3 they have decided that the isotope should not be run like a commodity to profit from - given the

important nature of He3 and costs in travel, mining, acquiring, refining and transporting it back to Earth. However, future mineral extraction will

require a small lease to cover the costs of planning for visual mitigation and environmental oversight by the ROC team. "The Lunar surface will have to

look the same after the mining is done as it was prior to the mining. The environmental and visual preservation must be factored into any planning of

future lunar mines."

While efficient He3 reactors are still being tested and refined, many advances have been made in the past few years. Only a few pounds of helium 3 are known to exist on Earth, most the by-product of nuclear-weapon production.

Reactors that exploit the fusion of deuterium and tritium release 80 percent of their energy in the form of radioactive neutrons, which exponentially increase production and safety costs, states Gerald Kulcinski, Director of the Fusion Technology Institute (FTI) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

In contrast, helium 3 fusion would produce little residual radioactivity. Helium 3, an isotope of the familiar helium used to inflate balloons and blimps, has a nucleus with two protons and one neutron. A nuclear reactor based on the fusion of helium 3 and deuterium, which has a single nuclear proton and neutron, would produce very few neutrons -- about 1 percent of the number generated by the deuterium-tritium reaction. "You could safely build a helium 3 plant in the middle of a big city," Kulcinski said.

Helium 3 fusion is also ideal for powering spacecraft and interstellar travel. While offering the high performance power of fusion -- "a classic Buck Rogers propulsion system" -- helium 3 rockets would require less radioactive shielding, lightening the load, said Robert Frisbee, an advanced propulsion engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California.

Wisconsin researchers have produced protons from a steady-state deuterium-helium 3 plasma at a rate of 2.6 million reactions per second in a chamber, which is roughly the size of a basketball. "It's proof of principle, but a long way from producing electricity or making a power source out of it," Kulcinski said. The next generation of helium 3 fusion reactors are expected to be completely void of radiation.

While it's true that to produce roughly 70 tons of helium 3, for example, a million tons of lunar soil would need to be heated to 1,470 degrees Fahrenheit (800 degrees Celsius) to liberate the gas. "There's enough in the Mare Tranquillitatis alone to last for several hundred years," according to Apollo17 astronaut and FTI researcher Harrison Schmitt. “Besides the helium, a mining process would produce water and oxygen as by-products,” he says.

70 Tons of helium-3 would have a cash value of $400 Billion in terms of its current energy equivalent in oil.

Following an idea put forward by two European scientists of conserving distinct regions on Mars, the ROC team acquired the mineral rights to Seven hundred million acres of Mars and designated these 8 regions as the first “Extraterrestrial Nature Preserves”. The team has agreed to set them aside as preserve regions, prior to the public and corporate ability to obtain those rights.

Dr. Resnick (former NASA scientist and current consultant to NASA) states "Space law does not allow countries to have land ownership on planets and moons in the solar system but it does allow for the Mineral Rights to be obtained by individuals and companies. The countries party to the Space Treat Act have agreed that none of them has either jurisdiction nor ownership of any extraterrestrial body, nor samples.”

Dr. Resnick found the loophole in Space Law 25 years ago that allowed him ownership of all planetary bodies outside the "Third Planet from the Sun"... submitted this to the World Court at the Hague, and to the United Nations in New York City. In 25+ years no one has ever disputed Dr. Resnick’s claimed ownership.

Dr. Resnick was structuring the Universal Mineral Leases Registry (UMLR) when his partner, Guy Cramer, had read the article on the Mars parks proposal and discussed the ability with Dr. Resnick and Dr. O'Neill to implement the preserve idea into reality through the UMLR. The ROC team agreed and decided to obtain the mineral rights to these regions, to set them aside as protected areas, prior to the public launch of the UMLR.

This loophole in Space law has been a growing concern to Scientists, however, most were unaware that Dr. Resnick had foreseen some of these issues long ago when he obtained ownership of the mineral rights.

Each of the Mars designated areas contain representative features on Mars including the solar systems largest Volcano, Mon Olympus, three times the altitude of Mount Everest and is as wide as the entire chain of Hawaiian Islands as well as the deepest Trench in the Solar System, Valles Marineris which is a giant canyon system that runs about 3000 miles (4800 kilometers) long, meaning on Earth it would stretch all the way from New York City to Los Angeles! The widest point is about 600 kilometers across, and at its deepest point Valles Marineris is about 10 kilometers from top to bottom. This is 6 times deeper than the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The designated historical park holds the landing sites of the Viking 1 and Mars Pathfinder spacecraft. Five other regions have also been allocated for preservation: see photos and locations here Mars Parks

The North American team issued this statement "We support the effort to protect these Martian areas and by virtue of 'owership' via the Universal Mineral Leases Registry (UMLR), we are designating the areas as "preserves".  This effort constitutes the first-of-a-kind "Extraterrestrial Nature Preserve" established by human beings and sanctioned by the owners of the mineral rights located in the Mars regions. Furthermore we have obtained the mineral rights for a large Lunar area surrounding the Apollo 11 landing site and designated this area as a "World Heritage Site" which will allow our future space fairing decedents the opportunity to see this site as it remains on the timeless lunar soil of our first astronauts landing on another celestial body".

This UMLR is filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and updated semi-annually.

The ROC Team has acquired a few other sites of interest on Mars and the Moon through the UMLR that are of scientific interest, but they have not designated those areas for protection from mineral acquisition or mining. Consideration will been given by the team to allowing countries open access to most of those areas for selections of landing sites to optimize the science return and benefit for exploration.

The ROC team is expected to work with NASA's Moon-Mars and Beyond Initiative and International Space Agencies to set aside specific regions of interest for potential; landing, launch, habitat, exploration, environmental, communication, experimentation, industrialization and commercialization sites  

With key areas now obtained and protected by the ROC team, the public now has access of the for acquisition of mineral rights to other areas on the Moon, Mars and Beyond.

For further information, please contact Guy Cramer directly at (604) 961-7046.



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Part 3

Future Lunar Based Observatory Site Protected

by Guy Cramer

194,068 square Kilometers have been secured on the far side of the lunar surface for a future Moon base for observatories, (Picture and coordinates at end of article). Located at the exact middle of the opposite side of the moon the base may one day become home to the most powerful telescopic, radio, gamma ray… observatories in human history. The name of the site is called the Icarus Lunar Observatory Base (ILOB) there is a crater within the protected region called Icarus. This is the farthest solid point away from Earth in our moon-planet combination. 

Jeffrey G. Taylor, a University of Hawaii geophysicist states "The moon is good place to do space-based astronomy, as it moves rather slowly compared to the whipping around like current space telescopes. The moon also has a more stable surface than the Earth and no atmospheric interference.

"That means you can spread out a baseline of optical telescopes for interferometry," Taylor says. "It would be really big. At Mauna Kea (Hawaii) they are hooking up the two Keck telescopes with a 100-meter baseline. On the moon, they could have a 10 kilometer (6 mile) baseline."

The moon also is big enough for huge steerable radio telescopes, bigger than the steerable dishes at the Very Large Array in New Mexico.

The reason the far side of the moon is often referred to as the dark side has nothing to do with lack of sunlight as the far side gets the same amount of sunlight that the nearside does within a lunar month, however as the nearside of the moon always faces earth, if a spacecraft goes behind the moon it goes into communications blackout as there is no capability for direct line of sight transmission, thus the far side of the moon is referred to as dark due to the lack of radio signals from earth. This is why the exact middle of the far side was selected for the observatory site as it is the quietist area for this type of listening device such as a radio telescope. There is also the benefit within the visual spectrum as when the moon is full from earth perspective the far side of the moon is in almost complete darkness as the shine from the earth and sun are on the opposite side, this lack of reflection and direct or indirect sunlight will make for favorable conditions unlike any on earth or in earths orbit. 

A loophole in Space Law allows individuals and companies to hold Mineral Rights on the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies. Growing concern from Scientists that these rights may be held hostage have been alleviated by a three man North American team; Dr. Joseph Resnick, Dr. Timothy R. O'Neill and Guy Cramer (ROC-Resnick/O'Neill/Cramer team) who have acquired the mineral rights for 95% of the side of the moon that faces Earth, the polar regions and 50% of the far side of the moon.

After setting aside 8.9 million acres around Apollo 11 Lunar landing site and designated as a "World Heritage Site". The ROC team announced that it was holding more than 75% of the Lunar Mineral rights to allow for the extraction of Helium-3 and other minerals for the advancement of Space Exploration, Earth and Space Sciences and safer more efficient energy production. See Moon can be mined for abundant Helium-3 to be used in Fusion Reactors on Earth and Space.

Moon - Protected Icarus Region (Dark Side Observatory Park)

170.0°E - 190.0°E

10.0°N - 10.0°S














Image Statistics:

Image size = 320 rows by 320 columns.

Resolution = 16.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 1.8952 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).

Projection = sinusoidal.

Stretch = auto.

Top Latitude = 10.0 degrees north.

Bottom Latitude = 10.0 degrees south.

Right Longitude = 190.0 degrees east.

Left Longitude = 170.0 degrees east



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Part 1

Large areas of Mars now protected from future commercialization

by Guy Cramer

In November 2004 an article in "Nature", discussed seven large regions on Mars being proposed as Conservation parks by Charles Cockell, a microbiologist for the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, and Gerda Horneck, an astrobiologist from the German Aerospace Centre in Cologne, Germany. Each of the proposed areas contain representative features on Mars including the largest Volcano, Mount Olympus, and the deepest Trench, Marineris, in the Solar System. The historical park holds the landing sites of the Viking 1 and Mars Pathfinder spacecraft.

This map of Mars (© Charles Cockell) highlights six of the proposed conservation sites – the Polar Park is not shown.

A few weeks later a North American team; Dr. Joseph Resnick, Dr. Timothy R. O'Neill and Guy Cramer (ROC-Resnick/O'Neill/Cramer team) following the idea as put forth by the two European scientists started the process of turning these regions into parks by obtaining the mineral rights to these regions to protect them from the commercialization expected to one day encroach on these Martian lands. Dr. Resnick (former NASA scientist and current consultant to NASA) states "Space law do not allow countries to have land ownership on planets and moons in the solar system but it does allow for the Mineral Rights to be obtained by individuals and companies." Dr. Resnick was structuring the Universal Mineral Leases Registry (UMLR) when his partner, Guy Cramer, had read the article on the Mars parks proposal and discussed the ability with Dr. Resnick and Dr. O'Neill to implement the idea into reality through the UMLR. The ROC team agreed and decided to obtain the mineral rights to these regions, to set them aside as protected areas, prior to the public launch of the UMLR.

The 1979 Moon Agreement specifically seeks to regulate the exploration and exploitation of natural resources found on the Moon and other celestial bodies; the U.S., Russia, China and many other countries have not ratified this agreement.

The North American team issued this statement "We support the effort to protect these Martian areas and by virtue of 'owership' via the Universal Mineral Leases Registry (UMLR), we are designating the areas as "preserves".  This effort constitutes the first-of-a-kind "Extraterrestrial Nature Preserve" established by human beings and sanctioned by the owners of the mineral rights located in the Mars regions. Furthermore we have obtained the mineral rights for a large Lunar area surrounding the Apollo 11 landing site and designated this area as a "World Heritage Site" which will allow our future space fairing decedents the opportunity to see this site as it remains on the timeless lunar soil of our first astronauts landing on another celestial body".

This Registry is filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and updated semi-annually.

The North American team actually obtained areas on Mars larger (shown below) than those proposed by the two Europeans and included both the Martian North and South Polar regions;

Olympus Park

141.1°W - 124.9°W


Olympus Mons rises 23 km (~75,000 ft) above the surrounding plains and is the highest known peak in the Solar System. The altitude of Olympus Mons is three times the altitude of the largest peak on Earth, Mt. Everest, and is as wide as the entire chain of Hawaiian Islands. The distance from one end of where the mountain starts rising to the other side is over 372 miles (600 kilometers). This is farther than the distance from Chicago, Illinois to Minneapolis, Minnesota. So if you think of Olympus Mons as taking up more space than the state of Wisconsin, you will have a good idea of just how much of the surface of Mars this giant mountain covers.













Image Statistics:

Image size = 256 rows by 255 columns.

Resolution = 16.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 3.7016 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).

Marineris Park

  101.5°W - 19.5°W


Valles Marineris is a giant canyon system that runs about 3000 miles (4800 kilometers) long, meaning on Earth it would stretch all the way from New York City to Los Angeles! The widest point is about 600 kilometers across, and at its deepest point Valles Marineris is about 10 kilometers from top to bottom. This is 6 times deeper than the Grand Canyon in Arizona.













Image Statistics:

Image size = 256 rows by 656 columns.

Resolution = 8.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 7.4033 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).

Historical Park

58.0°W - 33.0°W



The historical park holds the the landing sites of the Viking 1 and Mars Pathfinder spacecraft. Outflow channels have many internal features that indicate they were formed by vast floods of water long ago in the Martian past. The end of the outflow channel Ares Valles was the landing site for the 1997 Pathfinder rover.














Image Statistics:

Image size = 160 rows by 197 columns.

Resolution = 8.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 7.4033 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).


Desert Park

-46.0° (314°)W - -84.0°(276°)W

29.0°N - 9.0°S

The large, dark, "shark's fin"-like feature which dominates this face of Mars is called Syrtis Major Planitia. Syrtis Major Planum, is a low-relief volcanic shield of probable basaltic composition. This was the first feature identified on the surface of the planet by early terrestrial observers in the Seventeenth Century. It was used by Christian Huygens to measure the rotation rate of Mars - a martian day is about 24 hours and 37 minutes.













 Image Statistics:

Image size = 304 rows by 304 columns.

Resolution = 8.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 7.4033 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).

Hellas Park

-44.5° (315.5°)W - -84.5°(275.5°)W

25.5°S - 55.5°S


Hellas Planitia is the largest impact basin in the southern highlands. The Hellas basin is roughly 1430 miles (2300 kilometers) across. That is about half the size of the USA! The crater was formed by a giant impact during the Heavy Bombardment period of the early Solar System, approximately 3.9 billion years ago. Hellas Planitia also contains the lowest elevation point on Mars, reaching about 9 kilometers below the surrounding highlands.














Image Statistics:

Image size = 240 rows by 289 columns.

Resolution = 8.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 7.4033 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).


Southern Park

50.2°W - -24.2°(335.8°)W

50.5°S - 82.5°S


The Southern Highlands are mostly plateaus covered with many craters and contains most of the oldest rocks visible on Mars.














Image Statistics:

Image size = 256 rows by 378 columns.

Resolution = 8.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 7.4033 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).


North Polar Park

50.3°W - -50.3°(309.7°)W

90°N - 83.0°N


Planum Boreum is the plain at the Martian north pole. It contains layers of both light and dark material in a spiral pattern. In the winter, this spiral material is covered by carbon dioxide ice, but during the summer much of the ice sublimes (turns from solid to gas) and exposes the plain. Much of the rest of the ice is actually water-ice, and remains as a fairly permanent ice cap even in the summertime. The north pole plain is surrounded by many active sand dunes.














Image Statistics:

Image size = 28 rows by 49 columns.

Resolution = 4.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 14.8065 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).

South Polar Park

50.3°W - -50.3°(309.7°)W

84°S - 90.0°S


Planum Australe is the plain at the Martian south pole. Just like the Planum Boreum, it is covered by carbon dioxide ice in the winter and has a remnant ice cap during the Martian summer. It also has layers of light and dark material curved into a spiral pattern like the northern pole. However, the layers of material of the south pole are more extensive than the north pole, and Planum Australe has fewer active sand dunes.














Image Statistics:

Image size = 24 rows by 42 columns.

Resolution = 4.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 14.8065 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).


Moon (Lunar) Park

Mare Tranquillitatis - Sea of Tranquility

Apollo 11 Landing Site Preserve

World Heritage Site

 -21.1°E - 25.8°E

2.7°N - 1.3°S













Image Statistics:

Image size = 256 rows by 297 columns.

Resolution = 64.0000 pixels per degree (true at the equator).

Scale = 0.4738 kilometers per pixel (true at the equator).

The ROC Team has acquired a few other sites of interest on Mars and the Moon through the UMLR that are of Scientific interest, but they have not designated those areas for protection from mineral acquisition or mining. Consideration will been given by the team to allowing countries open access to most of those areas for selections of landing sites to optimize the science return and benefit for exploration.

On January 14, 2004 U.S. President Bush announced a new vision for NASA that incorporated a human return to the Moon by 2020, follow-on exploration of Mars and other destinations.

A recent meeting of some 200 scientists from 17 countries expects "lunar landers cooperating into an international lunar robotic village before 2014", evolving technologies for human-tended missions that prepare the ground for an "effective, affordable human lunar exploration and permanent presence by 2024."

The ROC team is expected to work with NASA's Moon-Mars and Beyond Initiative and International Space Agencies to set aside specific regions of interest for potential; landing, launch, habitat, exploration, environmental, communication, experimentation, industrialization and commercialization sites  

With key areas now obtained and protected by the ROC team, the public now has access of the for acquisition of mineral rights to other areas on the Moon, Mars and Beyond.



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