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We are Luna Society International, and we believe it's time to stop talking about the Moon — it's time for us to return humans to the Moon.

It's time that we, the people, go back to Moon. It's time that we establish sustainable bases on the Moon, and it's time we begin developing the valuable resources on the Moon. And the time to do it is now!

We have the technology. We have theimagination and inspiration necessary to bring the project to life. We have theessential people power, and we have access to the needed funding.

Today — decades after humans inexplicably stopped going to the Moon — we hear talk about missions to Mars and other planets. But no voyage to any planet beyond Earth can start unless we return first to the Moon and prove that we can live, thrive and survive successfully for long periods of time in an environment that is dramatically different from Earth.

How will we do it? With a massive international crowdfunding program that makes such a program viable without government interference.

Your membership in Luna Society International comes with a claim to your own personal parcel of land on the Moon — a place that we hope you'll be able to visit, soon.

We're not talking about decades from now: we're talking about a matter of just a few years, a time in which travel to the Moon (for work or pleasure) will become as commonplace as taking a jet flight from Paris to Tokyo.

Are you ready to come along with us? Please click here and take the next great step by deciding where you'd like to go on the Moon.




SpaceX Plans Moon Landing In 2022

19 November LunaSociety Lunar Missions, Lunar Science, Private Space 0

An artist's rendering of SpaceX's "Starship" Moon LanderElon Musk‘s SpaceX is on a fast track to send its Starship spacecraft to the Moon within three years, according to a report by Space.com Senior Space Writer Mike Wall:

Starship could start putting NASA payloads down on Earth’s nearest neighbor quite soon, if all goes according to plan.

“We are aiming to be able to drop Starship on the lunar surface in 2022,” SpaceX president and chief operating officer Gwynne Shotwell said during a NASA-organized CLPS teleconference Monday (Nov. 18).

The proposed mission would probably carry cargo for NASA and a variety of other private and commercial enterprises.

SpaceX also plans a human-crewed voyage to the Moon in 2023, which will carry the Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa and a team of artists.

Full story at MSNBC.com.





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