- Apollo Moon Conversations and Pictures Show NASA Cover-up


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You may have read my Apollo hoax article elsewhere on this web site, where I believe that the Apollo footage that has been released by NASA seems to be a hoax. I have uncovered various pictures and transcripts of astronaut conversations from the Apollo missions that relate to encounters with UFOs, and perhaps this is one reason why NASA would release fake footage to the general public.

The following are excerpts of conversations from Apollo Astronauts on the Moon to Mission Control - which show that the Astronauts came across some strange and hard-to-explain structures and unusual sightings of unidentified craft - whilst on the surface of the Moon.

In the photo below, you can see an Apollo astronaut stepping down onto the Moon. In the background, space, the final frontier. Or is it a Hollywood backdrop, the ultimate deception? Many people feel we have not been told the complete truth regarding NASA's space program, in particular the Apollo Missions of the late 60's and early 70's.

Recent research has shown that conditions on the Moon could be very different from the 'official-line' which NASA would lead us to believe.

Dr Farouk El Baz, one of NASA's foremost scientists, confirmed public suspicions when he stated 'not every discovery has been announced to the public'. Is this the understatement of the millennium? Why is it that relatively few people have been allowed total access to the massive NASA archives (photographs which are supposedly in the public domain).

Instead we have to make do with the two or three dozen 'reproductions' that appear in the 'official' textbooks, despite literally millions of photographic images obtained by NASA. Something is seriously amiss. Also the original photographs are huge (32"x24") so by the time they have been reduced to fit the pages of a regular book the clarity and quality reduced by the copying process make most of the images pretty meaningless. In many cases, researchers are left with little more than 'smudges' and 'blurs'.

Even so, despite all these obstacles, there is still hard evidence when these photographs are scrutinized under the proverbial - and literal - microscope, that points to the fact that virtually everything NASA has told us about the Moon is a lie.

The REAL NASA MOON PHOTOS, for example show all kinds of structures, seemingly both old and new, such as domes, pipelines, and even pyramids. So why aren't these photos in the public domain? You can see in several of NASA's film footage, the American flag 'flapping in the wind' and yet the Moon according to NASA has no atmosphere, because it is a vacuum! One film clearly shows a desperate astronaut trying his level best to hold the flag still!

We are also told that the famous Neil Armstrong 'footprints' will remain etched on the Moon's surface forever. We are told this precisely because the Moon's 'atmosphere' is a vacuum. The laws of physics demand that dust becomes hardened and will compress in a 'vacuum' therefore ensuring the 'footprints' remain undisturbed. And yet great plumes of dust can be seen spewing forth from underneath the 'Moon Buggy' as it travels across the lunar surface. Is this 'vacuum theory' some kind of wild hoax by NASA?

Another NASA cover-up are the small cloud formations that have been photographed above the Moon, again in a vacuum?. And while were on the subject of clouds what about the ONE HUNDRED MILE WIDE CLOUD OF VAPOR that was detected by NASA's own instruments. This embarrassing 'anomaly' was promptly dismissed by NASA scientists as being the result of the considerable volume of urine ejected by the Apollo Mission astronauts! What were they drinking?!

For decades strange 'lights' and artificial seeming structures have been observed and recorded on the Moon by amateur astronomers. Science writer Joseph Goodavage observed that over two hundred white 'dome shaped' structures had been seen and catalogued, only for them often to vanish and reappear somewhere else?. There are even color photos from the Apollo 8 missions that clearly show evidence of green vegetation on the lunar hills.

These unusual findings, when added together with the anomalies which Richard Hoagland has shown to exist on Apollo Moon photographs, provide compelling evidence for an ongoing NASA cover-up of what the Apollo Astronauts really discovered on the Moon from 1969 to 1972.

The following Apollo Astronaut conversations were mostly taken from the out-of-print book "Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon" by Don Wilson (Dell, 1975):

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Apollo 16 Mission: April 16 - 27, 1972

Charles Duke, Thomas Mattingly and John Young land in the Descartes highlands:

Duke: These devices are unbelievable. I'm not taking a gnomon up there.

Young: O.K., but man, that's going to be a steep bridge to climb.

Duke: You got - YOWEE! Man - John, I tell you this is some sight here. Tony, the blocks in Buster are covered - the bottom is covered with blocks, five meters across. Besides the blocks seem to be in a preferred orientation, northeast to southwest. They go all the way up the wall on those two sides and on the other side you can only barely see the out-cropping at about 5 percent. Ninety percent of the bottom is covered with blocks that are 50 centimeters and larger.

Capcom: Good show. Sounds like a secondary ...

Duke: Right out here ... the blue one that I described from the lunar module window is colored because it is glass coated, but underneath the glass it is crystalline ... the same texture as the Genesis Rock ... Dead on my mark.

Young: Mark. It's open.

Duke: I can't believe it!

Young: And I put that beauty in dry!

Capcom: Dover. Dover. We'll start EVA-2 immediately.

Duke: You'd better send a couple more guys up here. They'll have to try (garble).

Capcom: Sounds familiar.

Duke: Boy, I tell you, these EMUs and PLSSs are really super- fantastic!

It is obvious that the astronauts are talking in code - meant to disguise what they are referring to. The big question is why the excited cries? Can this be *merely* due to the collecting of Moon rocks, as they would have us believe? Or did they find something much more substantial, which was not meant for public knowledge?

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Apollo 16: Describing Domes and Tunnels on the Moon

Duke: We felt it under our feet. It's a soft spot. Firmer. Where we stand, I tell you one thing. If this place had air, it'd sure be beautiful. It's beautiful with or without air. The scenery up on top of Stone Mountain, you'd have to be there to see this to believe it - those domes are incredible!

Mission Control: O.K., could you take a look at that smokey area there and see what you can see on the face?

Duke: Beyond the domes, the structure goes almost into the ravine that I described and one goes to the top. In the northeast wall of the ravine you can't see the delineation. To the northeast there are tunnels, to the north they are dipping east to about 30 degrees.

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Apollo 17

Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmidt; Landed in the Taurus-Littrow Valley; Dec 7 - 19, 1972. Check out the following weird conversation that took place:

Mission Control: Go ahead, Ron

Evans: O.K., Robert, I guess the big thing I want to report from the back side is that I took another look at the - the - cloverleaf in Aitken with the binocs. And that southern dome (garble) to the east.

Mission Control: We copy that, Ron. Is there any difference in the color of the dome and the Mare Aitken there?

Evans: Yes there is... That Condor, Condorsey, or Condorecet or whatever you want to call it there. Condorecet Hotel is the one that has got the diamond shaped fill down in the uh - floor.

Mission Control: Robert. Understand. Condorcet Hotel.

Evans: Condor. Condorset. Alpha. They've either caught a landslide on it or it's got a - and it doesn't look like (garble) in the other side of the wall in the northwest side.

Mission Control: O.K., we copy that Northwest wall of Condorcet A.

Evans: The area is oval or elliptical in shape. Of course, the ellipse is toward the top.

Again we have another example of code being used to disguise what has been found. For example, "Condorset Hotel". Why the codes, if there are no secrets being discussed.

Why not explain to the American people openly what is going on? After all, they have paid for the mission.

Wilson says in his book (p. 139):

"Although NASA has always held that the findings of lunar and space expeditions have never been held secret, it is interesting to note thatDr. Farouk El Baz, one of NASA's foremost scientists, does admit 'not every discovery has been announced'."

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Another strange Apollo 16 "ground-to-air" conversation

Capcom: What about the albedo change in the subsurface soil? Of course you saw it first at Flagg and were probably more excited about it there. Was there any difference in it there - and Buster and Alsep and LM?

Duke: No. Around the Alsep it was just in spots. At Plum it seemed to be everywhere. My predominant impression was that the white albedo was (garble) than the fine cover on top.

Capcom: O.K. Just a question for you, John. When you got halfway, or even thought it was halfway, we understand you looped around south, is that right?

Young: That is affirm. We came upon - Barbara.

Wilson writes (p.140): "Joseph H. Goodavage, whom included this conversation in a Saga magazine article, comments: "Barbara? That really needs some explanation, so I made an appointment withNASA geologist Farouk El Baz at National Aeronautics and Space Museum. Here's how part of our conversation went:

Saga: What do you suppose Young meant when he said they came upon "Barbara"?

El Baz: I can't really say. Code perhaps ...

Saga: But Barbara is an odd name for something on the Moon, isn't it?

El Baz: Yes, an enigma. As I suggested, perhaps a code, but I don't really know."

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Apollo 17 conversation

They find something startling, and are ordered to immediately switch to code DMP (lunar module pilot): What are you learning?

Capcom: Hot spots on the Moon, Jack?

DMP: Where are your big anomalies? Can you summarize them quickly?

Capcom: Jack, we'll get that for you on the next pass.

CMP (command module pilot): Hey, I can see a bright spot down there on the landing site where they might have blown off some of that halo stuff.

Capcom: Roger. Interesting. Very - go to KILO. KILO.

CMP: Hey, it's gray now and the number one extends.

Capcom: Roger. We got it. And we copy that it's all on the way down there. Go to KILO. KILO on that.

CMP: Mode is going to HM. Recorder is off. Lose a little communication there, huh? Okay, there's bravo. Bravo, select OMNI. Hey, you know you'll never believe it. I'm right over the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw the light flash again.

Capcom: Roger. Understand.

CMP: Right at the end of the rille.

Capcom: Any chances of - ?

CMP: That's on the east of Orientale.

Capcom: You don't suppose it could be Vostok? (a Russian probe).

Wilson writes (p. 141):

"The Vostok flights took place in the early sixties and were *strictly Earth orbiters*. They never reached the Moon!"

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Apollo 16: Another strange conversation

Wilson writes (p. 141): "While on the Moon, did any of our astronauts see any indication of alien handiwork, such as strange constructions, disturbances or the like? Consider this strange Apollo 16conversation:"

Orion: Orion has landed. I can't see how fat the (garble) ... this is a blocked field we're in from the south ray - tremendous difference in the albedo. I just get the feeling that these rocks may have come from somewhere else. Everywhere we saw the ground, which is about the whole sunlit side, you had the same delineation the Apollo 15 photography showed on Hadley, Delta and Radley Mountains ...

Capcom: O.K. Go ahead.

Orion: I'm looking out here at Stone Mountain and it's got - it looks like somebody has been out there plowing across the side of it. The beaches - the benches - look like one sort of terrace after another, right up the side. They sort of follow the contour of it right around.

Capcom: Any difference in the terraces?

Orion: No, Tony. Not that I could tell form here. These terraces could be raised but of (garble) or something like that ...

Casper: (Mattingly in lunar orbit overhead): Another strange sight over here. It looks - a flashing light - I think it's Annbell. Another crater here looks as though it's flooded except that this same material seems to run up on the outside. You can see a definite patch of this stuff that's run down inside. And that material lays or has been structured on top of it, but it lays on top of things that are outside and higher. It's a very strange operation.

Wilson writes (p.142):

"And we might add that this is a very strange conversation. What are the real meanings of such terms used here as structure, blocked field, beaches, benches, terraces and the like? NASAclaims that they are just metaphoric terms to describe unusual natural formations."

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Strange Apollo 17 conversation about "Watermarks" on the Moon

Capcom: Roger, America, we're tracking you on the map here, watching it.

LMP: O.K. Al Buruni has got variations on its floor. Variations in the lights and its albedo. It almost looks like a pattern as if the water were flowing up on a beach. Not in great areas, but in small areas around the southern side, and the part that looks like the water-washing pattern is a much lighter albedo, although I cannot see any real source of it. The texture, however, looks the same.

Capcom: America, Houston. We'd like you to hold off switching to OMNI Charlie until we can cue you on that.

DMP: Wilco.

LMP: Was there any indication on the seismometers on the impact about the time I saw a bright flash on the surface?

Capcom: Stand by. We'll check on that, Jack.

LMP: A UFO perhaps, don't worry about it. I thought somebody was looking at it. It could have been one of the other flashes of light.

Capcom: Roger. We copies the time and ...

LMP: I have the place marked.

Capcom: Pass it on to the back room.

LMP: O.K. I've marked it on the map, too.

Capcom: Jack, just some words from the back room for you. There may have been an impact at the time you called, but the Moon is still ringing from the impact of the S-IVB impact. So it would mask any other impact. So they may be able to strip it out at another time, but right now they don't see anything at the time you called.

LMP: Just my luck. Just looking at the southern edge of Grimaldi, Bob, and - that Graben is pre-Mare. Pre-Mare!

Capcom: O.K., I copy on that, Jack. And as long as we're talking about Grimaldi we'd like to have you brief Ron exactly on the location of that flashing light you saw ... We'll probably ask him to take a picture of it. Maybe during one of his solo periods.

Notice that the Capcom reiterates that it was a *flashing* light. It was therefore *no* meteor impact that they were witnessing. Notice also that the Lunar Command Pilot specifically mentions the word "UFO".

Wilson writes (p. 60):

"This last conversation makes it obvious that both our astronauts and NASA do not take these sightings of light or UFOs lightly. Maps were marked and photographs were taken at the sites of these occurrences."

While the Apollo 17 astronauts were discussing the "Watermarks", the sighting of the UFO occurred. The conversation then returns to the Watermarks.

DMP: O.K. 96:03. Now we're getting some clear - looks like pretty clear high watermarks on this - CMP. There's high watermarks all over the place there.

LMP: On the north part of Tranquillitatis. That's Maraldi there, isn't it? Are you sure we're 13 miles up?

Capcom: You're 14 to be exact, Ron.

LMP: I tell you there's some mare, ride or scarps that are very, very sinuous - just passing one. They not only cross the low planar areas but go right up the side of a crater in one place and a hill in another. It looks very much like a constructional ridge - a mare-like ridge that is clearly *as constructional as I would want to see it*."

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Apollo 15 - Appenine Mountains of the Moon

David Scott, Alfred Worden, James Irwin; went to the Appenine Mountains of the Moon, July 26 - Aug. 7, 1971. Conversation about discovering strange "tracks":

Scott: Arrowhead really runs east to west.

Mission Control: Roger, we copy.

Irwin: Tracks here as we go down slope.

MC: Just follow the tracks, huh?

Irwin: Right we're (garble). We know that's a fairly good run. We're bearing 320, hitting range for 413 ... I can't get over those lineations, that layering on Mt. Hadley.

Scott: I can't either. That's really spectacular.

Irwin: They sure look beautiful.

Scott: Talk about organization!

Irwin: That's the most *organized structure I've ever seen*!

Scott: It's (garble) so uniform in width.

Irwin: Nothing we've seen before this has shown such uniform thickness from the top of the tracks to the bottom.

Wilson writes: (p. 145):

"What are these tracks? Who made them? Where did they come from? Does NASA have an answer for the people?"

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Another weird conversation about tracks

Made by Harrison Schmitt, a trained geologist and the only civilian ever to walk on the Moon (all the rest were military men, or as Hoagland would say - "good soldiers", who did what they were told).

Schmitt: I see tracks - running right up the wall of the crater.

Mission Control (Gene Cernan): Your photopath runs directly between Pierce and Pease. Pierce Brava, go to Bravo, Whiskey, Whiskey, Romeo.

Wilson writes (p. 145):

"If this is not code, what is it? And why switch to the use of strange meaningless "code" words if NASA was not trying to cover up something startling, something that needed to be hidden from the public? In fact, science writer Joseph Goodavage maintains that "whenever something was discovered, the astronauts and CAPCOM apparently switched to a prearranged code, sometimes even on an alternate publicly unmonitorable channel.

NASA scientist Farouk El Baz admitted in a magazine interview that NASA did commit itself to a secretive search for various things on the Moon. 'We're looking for something - something ...' He admitted that 'a huge bridge-like structure in Mare Crisium has been reported ... That is all I can say about it.' When asked if 'that was a bridge - that you've actually found artificial structures or some kind of intelligently placed artifact?'

El Baz quickly denied it. 'No. No. I am not admitting such a thing. But when you start to think about it, almost anything is possible. There are almost no limits [to] how you can interpret the many things astronomers have been observing and reporting for several centuries. Now the astronauts are seeing many anomalies close up'."

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Apollo 15 - sees white objects

Astronaut sees white objects flying by.

Capcom: You talked about something mysterious ...

Orion: O.K., Gordy, when we pitched around, I'd like to tell you about something we saw around the LM (LEM or Lunar Excursion Module). When we were coming about 30 or 40 feet out, there were a lot of objects - white things - flying by. It looked as if they were being propelled or ejected, but I'm not convinced of that.

Capcom: We copy that Charlie.

Wilson writes (p. 54):

"What could these mysterious flying objects have been? ... Can this be considered another UFO sighting? What did the astronaut mean when he reported that these peculiar 'white things' were *perhaps* 'being propelled or ejected'? And by whom?"

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Apollo 11 - "I say that there were other spaceships!"

Apollo 11, with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin Aldrin was the first Apollo flight to land on the Moon, on July 20, 1969. While Collins flew in orbit around the Moon in the command module, Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the lunar module, landing in the Sea of Tranquillity at 4:17 P.M. According to hitherto un-confirmed reports, both Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after that historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969.

I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a "light" in or on a crater during the television transmission, followed by a request from mission control for further information. Nothing more was heard.

The following astonishing conversation was picked up by ham radio operators that had their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets.

At this time, the live television broadcast was interrupted for two minutes due to a supposed "overheated camera", but the transmission below was received loud and clear by hundreds of ham radio operators.

According to Otto Binder, who was a member of the NASA space team, when the two moon-walkers, Aldrin and Armstrong were making their rounds some distance from the LEM, Armstrong clutched Aldrin's arm excitedly and exclaimed:

Armstrong: What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know!"

Mission Control: What's there?... malfunction (garble) ... Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

Apollo 11: These babies were huge, sir!... Enormous!... Oh, God! You wouldn't believe it! ... I'm telling you there are other space-craft out there ... lined up on the far side of the crater edge! ... They're on the Moon watching us!

Wilson writes (p. 48):

"Binder ends his report with this observation: 'There has, understandably, been no confirmation of this incredible report by NASA or any authorities. WE cannot vouch for its authenticity, but if true, one can surmise that mission control went into a dither and then into a huddle, after which they sternly [ordered] the moonwalkers to 'forget' what they saw and carry on casually and calmly as if nothing had happened. After all, an estimated 600 million people around the world were hanging on every word spoken by the first two men to leave footprints on the Moon."

The book "Celestial Raise" by Richard Watson and ASSK [P.O. Box 35 Mt. Shasta CA. 96067 (916)-926-2316); 1987; page 147-148] records the following (continuation?) of the above remarkable dialogue of Apollo 11, which was picked up by hundreds of ham radio operators in the USA:

During the transmission of the Moon landing of Armstrong and Aldrin, who journeyed to the Moon in an American spaceship, two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. NASA insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the reception.

This unexpected problem surprised even the most qualified of viewers who were unable to explain how in such a costly project, one of the most essential elements could break down... Some time after the historic Moon landing, Christopher Craft, director of the base in Houston, made some surprising comments when he left NASA.

The contents of these comments, which is included in the conversations [below], has been corroborated by hundreds of amateur radio operators who had connected their stations to the same frequency through which the astronauts transmitted. During the two minute interruption - which was not as it seemed, NASA, Armstrong and Aldrin with Cape Kennedy, censored both image and sound. 'I say that there were other spaceships.'

Here is reproduced completely the dialogue between the American astronauts and Control Center:

Armstrong & Aldrin: Those are giant things. No, no, no - this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!

Houston (Christopher Craft): What ... what ... what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you?

Armstrong & Aldrin: They're here under the surface.

Houston: What's there? (muffled noise) Emission interrupted; interference control calling 'Apollo 11'.

Armstrong & Aldrin: We saw some visitors. They were here for a while, observing the instruments.

Houston: Repeat your last information!

Armstrong & Aldrin: I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up in the other side of the crater!

Houston: Repeat, repeat!

Armstrong & Aldrin: Let us sound this orbita ... in 625 to 5 ... Automatic relay connected ... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything - what then?

Houston: Have you picked up anything?

Armstrong & Aldrin: I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film

Houston: Control, control here. Are you on your way? What is the uproar with the UFOs over?

Armstrong & Aldrin: They've landed here. There they are and they're watching us.

Houston: The mirrors, the mirrors - have you set them up?

Armstrong & Aldrin: Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those spaceships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.

A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.

Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?

Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility - the fact is, we were warned off! There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.

Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!...and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.

Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.

According to a Dr. Vladimir Azhazha:

"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the Moon module (LEM). But this message was never heard by the public - because NASA censored it."

According to a Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside.

Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind the cover-up.

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Cosmonaut Shadowed By Structured UFO

In April of 1979, Cosmonaut Victor Afanasyev lifted off from Star City to dock with the Soviet Solyut 6 space station. But while en route, something strange happened. Cosmonaut Afanasyev saw an unidentified object turn toward his craft and begin tailing it through space.

"It followed us during half of our orbit. We observed it on the light side, and when we entered the shadow side, it disappeared completely. It was an engineering structure, made from some type of metal, approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls. The object was narrow here and wider here, and inside there were openings. Some places had projections like small wings. The object stayed very close to us. We photographed it, and our photos showed it to be 23 to 28 meters away."

In addition to photographing the UFO, Afanasyev continually reported back to Mission Control about the craft's size, its shape and position. When the cosmonaut returned to earth he was debriefed and told never to reveal what he knew, and had his cameras and film confiscated.

Those photos and his voice transmissions from space have never been released. It is only now, with the collapse of the Soviet Union that Afanasyev feels that he can safely tell his story. "It is still classified as a UFO because we have yet to identify the object."

During the late 60's and early 70's, NASA's Apollo Mission astronauts all experienced close encounters with 'unidentified space vehicles'. According to the first man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, who took part in the Apollo 11 Mission, the reason why the US government changed their plans to build a 'Moon City' was because they were told to change those plans by unknown extraterrestrial voyagers... 'The fact is we were warned off' Armstrong told a NASA symposium. 'There was never any question then of a space station or Moon City.'

According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:

'Buzz' Aldrin who was also with Armstrong on the Apollo 11 mission, was said to have taken color film footage of alien craft, Armstrong later confirmed that this footage had indeed been shot by Aldrin, only to be confiscated by the CIA on their return to Earth. Fearing for his wellbeing, Armstrong refused to go in further details, except to confirm that the CIA were behind anextensive cover-up campaign regarding the US space program and consequent encounters with UFOs. In 1979, former chief of NASA Communications, Maurice Chatelain, confirmed that Armstrong and Aldrin had encountered UFOs on the Moon. To this day Chatelain vehemently protests the truth of their accounts.

In December 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman also saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record-breaking 14 day flight. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control, at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different.

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During James Lovell's flight on Gemini 7


Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7.


Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?


Capcom: ...Estimated distance or size?


'The encounter was common knowledge at NASA,' Chatelain said. 'All Apollo and Gemini Flights were followed by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - or UFOs, if you prefer to call them that. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who ordered absolute silence'. He added 'I think Walter Schirra, aboard Mercury 8, was the first astronaut to use the code name 'Santa Claus' to indicate the presence of Ufos'. But it was James Lovell, on board the Apollo 8 Command Module, who came out from behind the Moon and said, for everybody to hear 'Please be informed that there is a Santa Claus!' Even though this happened on Christmas Day, 1968, many people sensed a hidden meaning in those words.'

Chatelain also published an article in 1995 that confirmed that not only did the Apollo Moon Mission encounter UFOs, but that they also found 'several mysterious geometric structures of unnatural origin on the Moon'.

Another former astronaut, Dr Brian O'Leary, who was speaking at a science conference in 1994 confirmed the cover-up.

'For nearly fifty years, the secrecy apparatus within the United States government has kept from the public UFO and alien information, we have contact with alien cultures'. He went on to say 'the suppression of UFO and other extraterrestrial intelligence information for at least forty-seven years, is probably being orchestrated by an elite band of men in the CIA, NSA, NSS, DIA and their like. This small group appears able to keep these already hard-to-believe secrets very well'.

Statements from various NASA sources, including Maurice Chatelain reveal that all astronauts are briefed and debriefed, before and after every mission, and are warned not to discuss their encounters in public. Rumors of astronauts being 'threatened', 'going mad', or even 'losing their lives' on their return to Earth, abound.

According to Sgt Major Robert Dean, who carried the highest security clearance there is while serving at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) in the 1960's, the US intelligence community is in possession of a top-secret dossier entitled The Assessment, detailing the history of extraterrestrial visitation, and an assessment of their purposes for visiting our planet. For the past twenty years Sgt Major Dean had fought to make this information public knowledge.

Former NASA photographic technician, Donna Tietze said in an interview with a radio station in 1995 'The job of a co-worker in a restricted area was to airbrush out any anomalies found on the Moon photos'. The NASA Library is currently in possession of literally millions of photographs, plus an impressive catalogue of transmission tapes and videotapes documenting the presence of UFOs. The Clementine Probe alone sent back 1.6 million photographic images in 1994.

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower created NASA on October 1st, 1958, it was to 'coordinate national space activities' and to take 'full advantage of the military potential of space', and yet at the same time was to 'administer the civilian space program'.

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NASA Astronaut Cooper denies seeing UFO in orbit - But Tells of His Dealings With Secret UFO Film

Pioneering astronaut L. Gordon Cooper denies being the first astronaut to see a UFO while in orbit, but stands by his reports of a strange encounter over Germany in the 1950s.Cooper flatly denied the long-standing claim, repeated over the years by various authors including UFOlogical saints J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee, that he saw a greenish object with a red tail move past his Mercury 9 spacecraft in 1963. "No, somebody made a lot of money selling lies on that one," Cooper, the sixth American in space, told Art Bell on the syndicated "Coast to Coast" talk radio show recently. "It was totally untrue, sorry to say." However, the retired air force colonel, who once lectured the United Nations on the reality of UFOs, still holds an "unshakable" belief in extraterrestrial intelligence, thanks largely to personal experience. "On one occasion, I saw some strange vehicles that we assumed were UFOs," he told Bell.

In the encounter, which took place over Germany in the early 1950s, Cooper saw "flights of fighters flying by in the same sort of formation we flew, moving east to west." The U.S. Air Force base scrambled its own pilots, including Cooper, who remembers the objects as looking "just like saucers -- they were metallic looking, but we couldn't really get close enough to see more than that. You couldn't see any wings on them."

At the time, Cooper entertained the possibility that the craft might be a new Soviet design, but "looking back now," he suspects "it was some kind of extraterrestrial vehicle."

He also stood by his belief that he saw a UFO land at Edwards Air Force Base in California in 1957. Although Cooper had been filming the base with a camera crew at the time, the film, which he handed over to a high-ranking officer from Washington, has never emerged.

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Area 51 and the lost Gemini photographs

After another round of filming --- this time in orbit aboard Gemini 5 -- Cooper ran into trouble with the authorities when they confiscated film he took from space. However, in contrast to UFO legend, this film did not contain photographic proof of an alien encounter.Instead, he had ran afoul of the authorities for taking pictures of the "top secret" Nevada military base known familiarly as "Area 51". "I found out fairly recently that one of the reasons it got confiscated was I had inadvertently … overflown Area 51," while taking test photos, he said.

Cooper had no comment on the Great Face on Mars. "That's one of the reasons you need to send a manned mission to Mars, to study that stuff closer," he told Bell, gently criticizing today's NASA and recent presidential administrations for lacking the "bravery" to build on previous generations' space advances.

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In recently published memoirs "Leap of Faith: An Astronaut's Journey into the Unknown", by USAF Colonel L. Gordon Cooper (Ret.) recounts how he chased UFOs over Germany in his F-86. Following this experience, Cooper was very open minded about UFOs.

He writes,

"I knew an Air Force master sergeant assigned to a team that received an emergency call-out from Washington D.C., to the Pacific southwest (not Roswell.) He told me they reached a canyon and found a wreckage at the site. According to his friend -- and I had been around him enough to consider him a reliable guy -- a metallic disk-shaped object had crashed, and sitting atop the wreckage were two very human-looking fellows in flight suits, waving at them. They were hustled away, and the sergeant never found out who they were or what happened to them."

As a captain stationed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on May 3, 1957, he became aware that a metallic, saucer-shaped craft had landed (silently) sometime after 8:00 a.m. on base property. He alleges that the event was filmed by a startled technical film crew on assignment 50 yards away, the craft zooming out of sight when the photographers tried to approach it for a better camera shot. Cooper writes that, upon learning of the incident, he telephoned appropriate Pentagon officials, who ordered him to have all the film developed (but not printed) and to ship it immediately to the Pentagon. He adds that, before complying, he chose to peek at some of the negatives, which confirmed the existence of the "saucer" as described to him by the film crew. Cooper notes that he heard nothing more about the film or the results of any investigation.

After reading the above information, I must ask you this...

    • If NASA was formed as a 'civilian space agency', why were so many NASA programs funded by the US Defense Department?

    • Why were all astronauts subjected to US military security regulations?

    • Why were all video and photographic evidence screened by the National Security Agency?

    • Why were all the radio communications screened by the National Security Agency?

    • After spending millions of taxpayers' dollars planning a 'Moon City', why has the Moon not been visited by NASA since 1973?

    • Why are some of NASA's top photographic technicians employed to 'airbrush out' anomalies caught on film?

    • Why are astronauts and other NASA employees threatened with long jail sentences if they 'speak out' about what was really discovered out there in space?

    • Do you realize that no information, either photographic or otherwise, reaches the public domain until it has been thoroughly scrutinized and sanitized by the US intelligence community, and has been in effect since the space program began?.

    • Did you know that the main debates before the 'official' Moon landings were regarding mining and mineral rights?

Bearing in mind that the rich resources of titanium, aluminium, uranium, helium 3, and god knows what else, were found on the Moon. Do you really think that the US would have then told the rest of the world to come on up and take a share?

Buzz Aldrin has said in his book, 'Men From Earth'

'Another exciting energy resource on the moon is... an ample supply of the isotope Helium-3 (HE-3), which is very rare on Earth but has been deposited on the lunar surface over billions of years by the solar wind. It is estimated that at least a million tons of He-3 are readily recoverable from the regolith formations where lunar solar power stations would be practical.

This He-3 offers a key to safe, practical nuclear fusion energy on Earth. It is estimated that a single ton of He-3 delivered to Earth would be worth at least $1 Billion.'

Another issue is that one astronaut is seen to land 'heavily' after leaving the lunar module?

How come when the Moon gravity is one sixth of the Earth's own gravitational pull? Even bearing in mind their heavy spacesuits which NASA claim weigh 185-190lbs, plus the astronauts weight, the total weight relative to Earth should have been 62 pounds or about four and a half stone.

Again Buzz Aldrin says in his book that he weighed only 60 pounds, if this is the case they should have been able to jump at least six feet, but as official film footage shows, the astronauts struggle to jump over eighteen inches!

According to the laws of physics, this simply doesn't add up.

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Did you know...

Official NASA footage clearly shows an Apollo module taking off from the lunar surface, evidently minus any conventional propulsion system? What you see is a series of 'bolts' clamping the module to the Moon's surface explode and the module simply floats up into space. Is this evidence of an antigravity propulsion in use by 1969? Or simply a computer-simulated take-off from Hollywood Studios?

Below we have listed a few relevant catalogue numbers which you can obtain from NASA Photographics by ringing 001 202 358 1900, or why not use the internet to do a search, alternatively you can write to them at:


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Further Information


from CSTI Website


When two leading Soviet scientists recently proposed this theory, shockwaves reverberated throughout the entire scientific world. Now for the first time a book makes available the revelations that are causing a revolution in our knowledge of the Moon.

Here you will find the Soviet Artificial Moon Theory in its entirety, amazing actual transcripts from American Moon Missions that NASA has chosen not to publicize, and authoritative sightings and studies from leading astronomers all over the globe. OUR MYSTERIOUS SPACESHIP MOON is a compelling, enthralling and totally convincing work that opens our minds to what is quite possibly the greatest discovery man has ever made.


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the

mysterious. It is the source of all true art and


-Albert Einstein

As I stand out here in the

wonders of the unknown

at Hadley, I try to realize there is a

fundamental truth to our nature.

man must explore.

and this is exploration at its


-Astronaut David Scott

Apollo 15

August 7, 1971


Prepare to meet two Soviet scientists and their incredible theory which explains all the mysteries of the Moon. This book could very well be the most mind-boggling experience of your life.

When I first stumbled across the shocking Soviet theory revealing the true nature of the Moon, I was staggered. At first I found it unbelievable and naturally rejected it. Then, as scientific information from our Apollo expeditions brought back more and more facts that backed the Soviet theory, I found myself forced to accept it.

All my life I have been fascinated by the sky and the stars. The bright, fire-laden Moon was no exception. But I - like most other people - had learned to look upon her as just a close companion world of our Earth, a sometimes bright, sometimes absent light of the night. Like many, I had come to take her inconstant face and warm familiarity for granted.

Then in 1957 the Russians launched the world's first satellite and the Space Age began. Soon both superpowers of our planet - the U.S. and the 'S.U.' - were striving valiantly to reach the Moon. And after a decade of effort, man finally succeeded in reaching his neighbor in the sky.

Our landing on the Moon has been called man's greatest adventure. It has been described as,

"the greatest scientific, engineering and exploratory challenge in the history of the human race."

Ironically, it may prove to be more. The true makeup of this alien world could be the key to the very mystery of man himself!

For another story is lurking here that remains largely unknown - not only the strange encounters of American astronauts with an unknown alien presence on the Moon (asdocumented by NASA files), but the even more startling untold scientific account of the real nature of this strange lunar world.

Read this book and open-mindedly weigh the evidence. Perhaps you will come to agree that the theory of these two scholars from the Soviet Academy of Sciences is a most startling discovery. But even if you doubt their overwhelming findings, the Moon will never be the same to you again.

Never will you raise your eyes to look at her without wondering:



Excerpts from Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon

Published on: 2004-01-04

from ThinkAboutIt Website

(OMSM) Page 21

"In 1843 Johann Schroeter recorded a six-mile crater which he named Linne. Its depth was estimated by the scientist to be 1200 feet."

"This German astronomer made hundreds of maps of the Moon over many years. As he recorded his observations he saw this crater gradually disappear. Today Linne is just a tiny bright spot with little depth; a small pit surrounded by whitish objects."

"Near the crater Birt... is an object shaped like a sword...(and) a geometric object shaped like a cross, in the lunar crater Eratosthenes. In the lunar crater Gassendi are angular lines, and on the floor of the crater Littrow are seven spots in the shape of the Greek capital Gamma."

(OMSM) Page 24

"In 1935, two scientists named Van der Pol and Stormer detected radio signals on and around the Moon. Marconi and Tesla also reported flashing lunar lights."

"In 1956, Ohio University reported, along with observations around the world, a codelike radio chatter from the Moon. "

"In October 1958, American, Soviet, and British astronomers detected something speeding toward the Moon at better than 25,000 miles per hour! They not only SAW the strange object; they heard it emitting radio signals that no one could interpret!"

(OMSM) Page 26-27

"The first Astronaut to definitely see a UFO while in orbit was Major Gordon Cooper, during the marathon Mercury flight mission of 21 orbits in Faith 7 (May 15, 1963.)"

While making his fourth pass over Hawaii, Cooper claims he heard weird voice transmissions which he called an Unintelligible foreign language....Tapes later proved that the sounds were not those of a foreign language of this planet, but those of a tongue completely alien to Earth. Although language experts for NASA have replayed those tapes over and over, they simply have not been able to analyze it. (The language)..."

"On his final orbit of Earth while over the Muchea Tracking Station near Perth, Australia, the NASA astronaut (Cooper) sighted a weird-looking object approaching him. This UFO was also seen by over 200 people at the tracking station."

Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) - Blast off-July 16, 1969 - Landed on the Moon at 2:17 p.m. (Florida time), July 20th, 1969.

(OMSM) Page 47

"The unexplainable event began as the Apollo 11 spacecraft approached the Moon, and the astronauts began hearing weird radio noise, variously likened to a fire-engine, loud sirens, buzz-saw sounds and train whistles, which interfered with the space communication hookup. Mission Control was so perplexed they asked: You sure you don't have anybody else up there with you? "

"It was clear that the strange interruptive noises came from OUTSIDE the Apollo 11 spacecraft, and had to be radio signals."

(OMSM) Page 48

"It was presumably when the two moon-walkers, Aldrin and Armstrong, were making the rounds some distance from the LEM (Lunar Effect Module) that Armstrong clutched Aldrin's arm excitedly and exclaimed: What was it? What the hell was it? That's all I want to know. There followed further snatches of gasping interchanges between the two astronauts, with Mission Control chiming in frantically.

MISSION CONTROL: What's there?...malfunction (garble)...Mission Control calling Apollo 11...

APOLLO 11: These babies were huge, sir...enormous...Oh, God you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there...lined up on the far side of the crater edge...they're on the Moon watching us... "

Apollo 12 (Charles Conrad, Dick Gordon, Allan Bean) November 14, 1969

(OMSM) Page 49

"Less than a minute after blast-off, the Apollo spacecraft was hit by a bolt of lightning (11:22 a.m. EST, November 14, 1969). With Apollo 12 barely a mile and a half above the Earth, virtually all of the electrical equipment in the spacecraft suddenly shut down..."

"It looked for a moment as if all would be lost, but the astronauts remained cool, and within three minutes all power and ships systems were restored."

"The source of the bolt remained a mystery to our space experts. Strangely enough, the nearest lightning was reported by the Weather Bureau to be MORE THAN 20 MILES AWAY!"

(OMSM) Page 50

"As Apollo 12 headed toward the Moon, observatories all over Europe began reporting that they had sighted two bright flashing unknown objects in the crafts vicinity. Sighted THROUGH LARGE TELESCOPES, one object appeared to be following the spacecraft, and the other seemed to be traveling in front of it. Both objects appeared to be blinking on and off rapidly."

"The next day, Saturday November 15th, the three Apollo 12 astronauts DID report to Mission Control at Houston that they had sighted two bogeys (UFOs).

Apollo 14 (Capt. Allan Shephard Jr., Edgar Mitchel, Maj. Stuart Roosa.)

Apollo 15 (David R. Scott, James B. Irwin, Alfred M. Worden.)

Apollo 16 (Ken Mattingly, John Young, Charles Duke.)

(OMSM) Page 58-59

Apollo 17 Ground to Air (Taurus-Littrow area)

COMMAND MODULE PILOT (CMP): What are you learning?

GROUND CONTROL (GC): Hot spots on the Moon, Jack.

CMP: Where are your big anomalies? Can you summarize quickly?

GC: Jack, well get that for you on the next pass.

CMP: Hey, I can see a bright spot down there on the landing site where they might have blown off some of that halo stuff.

GC: Roger. Interesting. Very go to KILO KILO.

CMP. Hey, its gray now and the number one extends...

GC: Roger. We got it. And we copy that its all the way down there. Go to KILO KILO on that.

CMP: Mode is going to HM. Recorder is off. Lose a little communication there, huh? Okay, there's Bravo, Bravo, select OMNI. Hey, you know, you'll never believe it. I'm right over the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw the lights flash again.

GC: Roger. Understand.

CMP: Right at the end of the rille.

GC: Any chance of ?

CMP: That's on the EAST or Orientale.

GC: You don't suppose it could be Vostok? (Vostok is a Russian space probe.)

CMP: I'll be damned. I've got to mark that spot on the map!

(OMSM) Page 66-67

"The strangest anomaly...concerning the Moons craters, is that despite their fantastic size, even the LARGEST gaping holes are surprisingly shallow. Craters fifty, even one hundred miles in diameter are no more than a mere two to three miles deep."

"It has been calculated that a meteor of one million tons would be equal in explosive force to a one-megaton atomic bomb. We know that meteors weighing one million tons have clobbered the lunar surface. Yet they've left only broad, shallow holes."

"Even CONSERVATIVE estimates by scientists indicate that meteors 10 miles or more in diameter should have penetrated the Moons surface to a depth of 4 or 5 TIMES that diameter; yet the deepest Moon crater we know about (the Gagarin Crater is 186 miles across but less than 4 miles deep."

"The conclusion that some scientists drew is that there is something extremely tough and strong under the shallow lunar surface, beneath the thin layers of rock and dirt covering this mysterious sphere, that prevented deep holes. What could that tough, strong thing be?"

(OMSM) Page 72

"In 1962, Dr. Gordon McDonald, a leading scientist at NASA, published a report in the July issue of Astronautics. In it he stated that, according to an analysis of the Moons motion, it appears that the Moon is hollow: If the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the Moon be less dense than the outer parts. Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogenous sphere. Astronautics magazine July, 1962 issue.)

NOTE: The importance of this is immediately seen if one considers the possibility that our Moon is an artificial satellite. Another important question also comes to mind: Could the method used to analyze the Moons motion be applied to the Earths motion as well, to determine if it, also, is hollow?

Scientists have never had the opportunity to study Earth from a distance, thus making the carrying out of such observations impossible. But from orbiting space-stations (like the Soviet Mir station), these studies would be QUITE possible to carry out. If this has not already been done, (and realizing how much our government really tells the public, it probably HAS been), it SHOULD be, and SOON!

This would add another LARGE piece of evidence in the already PONDEROUS case in favor of the Hollow Earth Theory.

In fact, the more one studies our mysterious Moon, the more light is thrown onto the Hollow Earth Theory as well.

(OMSM) Page 79

"...Take that 148-mile crater. In area it out does Hiroshima hundreds of times over. What a powerful explosion it must have been to send millions of tons of lunar rock fountaining over tens of miles! On the face of it, one would expect to find a very deep crater here, but nothing of the sort: there is 3 miles at MOST between top and bottom levels, and ONE THIRD of that is accounted for by the wall of rock thrown up around the crater like a toothed crown."

"For such a big hole, it is too shallow. Furthermore, the BOTTOM of the crater is CONVEX, following the curve of the lunar surface."

(OMSM) Page 79-80

"Now, let us consider the chemical peculiarities of the lunar rock. (Samples were brought back by the Apollo missions.) Upon analysis, American scientists have foundChromium, Titanium and Zirconium in it. These are all metals with refractory, mechanically strong and anti-corrosive properties. A combination of them all would have enviable resistance to heat and the ability to stand up to means of aggression, and could be used on Earth for linings for electrical furnaces."

"If a material has to be devised to protect a giant artificial satellite from the unfavorable effects of temperature, from cosmic radiation and meteorite bombardment, the experts would probably have hit upon precisely these metals."

(OMSM) Page 91

"Our six trips to the Moon have produced a world of informational material: 837 pounds of lunar rocks and soil and over 30,000 photographs and reels of magnetic tape."

(OMSM) Page 92

"The oldest rocks found on planet Earth have been discovered in Greenland. They are dated 3.7 billion years."

"One rock from mans first trip to Luna was a baffling 4.3 billion years old. Another puzzler (Rock #13) checked in at an unbelievable 4.5 billion years. And an Apollo 11 soil sample turned out to be 4.6 billion years old. Another report based on the Potassium-Argon system of dating, now accepted by science as the most accurate dating system, claimed some of the rocks gave an unacceptable age of 7 billion years. "

"Two Apollo 12 rocks have been dated at 20 billion years."

(OMSM) Page 94

"Most of the rocks from our first Moon landing (Apollo 11) clocked in at 3.6 billion years of age, but the soil in which they rested proved to be 4.6 billion years old."

"With Apollo 12 the same contradictory clash was found. The soil sample (4.4 billion was a billion years OLDER than the rocks that lay strewn about it, an impossibility to our bewildered scientists. They expected the soil to be the powdered remains of the rocks lying amidst it, a rubble pile consisting of dust, dirt, rocks and stones that have been banged and crushed over eons of time by the bombardment of meteorites."

"Even more bewildering discoveries were to follow, as lunar experts found from chemical analysis of the soil that this lunar dirt did not come from the rocks around it but from somewhere else!"

"If the Moon did wander through the universe as a spaceship, then clearly it would have passed through different cosmic time zones. In so doing it would have picked up rocks and rock particles in the form of meteorites and micrometeorites, and the dust and dirt would be of differing ages."

(OMSM) Page 95

"Some elements found on the Moon have never before been found on Earth in their natural forms. At the Third Scientific Conference in Houston, the Argone National Laboratory reported that they had found Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237 in Lunar samples brought back by Apollo 12 and 14 elements never previously found in nature."

(OMSM) Page 99

"When the Lunar Module ascent stage of Apollo 12 was sent crashing into the Moon, the seismological equipment recorded the shock waves. The results staggered NASA scientists. The artificially created Moonquake lasted 55 minutes!"

"Furthermore, the KIND of signals recorded by the seismometers shocked scientists. Seismologists were puzzled that the signals started with small waves, gained in size to a peak, and lasted for unbelievably long periods of time. The records are utterly different from any obtainable observations on the Earth, relates one scientist in the highly regarded publication Science - November 12, 1971."

"The seismic records of Apollo 12 proved not to be unique. When the spent 3rd stage of the ill-fated Saturn rocket booster of Apollo 13 was propelled out of Earth orbit into a Moon trajectory, and by radio command crashed into the Moon, it hit with an impact equal to 11 tons of TNT, about 87 miles from the site where the Apollo 12 astronauts set up seismometers."

"The entire Moon vibrated for more than 3 hours, 20 minutes; the vibrations traveling to a depth of 22-25 miles."

"The Apollo 14s S-IVB was also boosted into a Moon course and, by remote control, crashed into the lunar surface. A NASA science publication (Apollo 14: Science at Fra Mauro, p.17) said: The Moon reacted like a gong. For about 3 hours it vibrated and these vibrations traveled to a depth of 22-25 miles. The instruments, by the way, picked up the vibrations even though they were 108 miles away from the Apollo 14 impact site."

(OMSM) Page 101-102

"There is also the question of the mystifying speed with which vibrations travel through the Moons hard, interior layer.

As Werner von Braun tells us:

The velocity (of seismic waves seems to gradually increase down to a depth of about 15 miles then there is a sharp increase. This increase can only be accounted for by a change to a denser material...At a depth of 40 miles, the velocity is estimated to be about 6 miles per second... No rocks examined thus far would, under the actual pressures expected to be at a lunar depth of 40 miles, transmit seismic impulses at speeds as high as 6 miles per second. (Popular Science January, 1972 pp. 67-68)."

"What kind of material would carry sounds at that speed? Strange that a check of the speed of sound through the probable intermixture of metals (Iron, Titanium, Beryllium, Molybdenum, and Yttrium) that exists in the outer maria averages out to be about 6 miles per second... Here is impressive proof that the inner layer inside the Moon is indeed metallic, and that the spaceship Moon does have an artificial inner hull!"

(OMSM) Page 105-106

"...Lunar scientists received upsetting news from instruments left on the Moon by Apollo expeditions. Great eruptions of water vapor clouds have been detected which spread over an area of some 100 SQUARE MILES on the Moons surface! The eruptions lasted 14 hours!"

"Apollo 16 astronauts had brought back rocks that appeared to be rusty, and it turned out that the rocks contained rusted iron! How could the iron in these rocks be rusted without the presence of water on the Moon, scientists wondered, for to have rust one must have Oxygen and free Hydrogen, as well as iron and water."

(OMSM) Page 135-136

"We do know from Apollo astronauts-Mission Control conversations that our astronauts did come across strange hard-to-explain structures on the surface of this strange alien world. Consider this conversation, for instance, which took place during the Apollo 16 mission between Ground Control and the Apollo 16 astronauts:

DUKE: These devices are unbelievable. I'm not taking a GNOMON up there.

YOUNG: O.K., but man, that's going to be a steep bridge to climb.

DUKE: You got YOWEE! Man John, I tell you this is some sight up here. Tony, the blocks in Buster are covered the bottom is covered with blocks, five meters across. Besides the blocks seem to be in a preferred orientation, northeast to southwest. They go all the way up the wall on those two sides and on the other side you can barely see the outcropping at about 5%. 90% of the bottom is covered with blocks that are 50cm and larger.

CAPCOM: Good show. Sounds like a secondary...

DUKE: Right out there...the blue one that I described from the lunar module window is colored because it is glass-coated, but underneath the glass it is crystalline...the same texture as the Genesis Rock...Dead on my mark.

YOUNG: Mark. Its open.

DUKE: I cant believe it!

YOUNG: And I put that beauty in dry!

CAPCOM: Dover. Dover. Well start EVA-2 immediately.

DUKE: You'd better send a couple more guys up here. They'll have to try (garble).

CAPCOM: Sounds familiar.

DUKE: Boy, I tell you, these EMUs and PLSSs are really superfantastic!

(OMSM) Page 145

Apollo 17

SCHMITT: I see tracks running right up the wall of the crater.

MISSION CONTROL (Gene Cernan): Your photo-path runs directly between Pierce and Pease. Pierce Brava, go to Bravo, Whiskey, Whiskey, Romeo.

"If this is not code what is it? And why switch to the use of strange meaningless code words if NASA was not trying to cover up something startling; something that needed to be hidden from the public? In fact, science writer Joseph Goodavage maintains that whenever something was discovered, the astronauts and CAPCOM apparently switched to a prearranged code, sometimes even on an alternate PUBLICLY UNMONITORABLE channel. (SAGA-March, 1974-p.36)."

"Secrets of our Spaceship Moon"

(SOSM) Page 18-19

"On the edge of the Sea of Storms is a strange opening that leads down into the Moon. Dr. H.P. Wilkins, one of the worlds leading lunar experts before his untimely death a few years ago, was convinced that extensive hollow areas did exist inside the Moon, perhaps in the form of caverns, and that these were connected to the surface by huge holes or pits. He discovered such an opening himself a huge round hole inside the crater Cassini A (click below image).

This crater is one and a half miles across, and the opening leading down into the Moon is over 600 feet across more than two football fields laid end to end. Wilkins writes in his definitive work, Our Moon: Its inside is as smooth as glass with a deep pit or plughole, about 200 yards across at the centre. "

"...hundreds, in fact, thousands, of UFOs have been seen on or around the surface of the Moon, and a concentration of them has been spotted in the Sea of Storms. Could they be coming and going through this huge opening or one like it?"

(SOSM) Page 52

"It should be noted that the Apollo flights, about which there have been rumors concerning UFOs, employ a different approach to communications between the astronauts and the ground.

The radio signals are sent directly back to Houston and then rebroadcast with Houston having the option of deleting whatever they choose to delete... During the earlier Gemini and Mercury flights the talk was in the open readily monitored by Ham equipment."

NOTE: The method now used by NASA (as mentioned above) keeps the HAM OPERATORS from monitoring the astronauts-to-ground transmissions, but people with their ownVHF/UHF transmitters/receivers (such as privately owned radio and television stations) could (and reportedly DID) monitor these conversations uncensored.

(SOSM) Page 53

"...Mission Control from time to time gave orders to the astronauts in some unusual terms, seemingly whenever an unusual sighting was taking place, directing them to Go to Whiskey Whiskey or Barbara Barbara or Bravo Bravo or Kilo Kilo. "

"Interestingly, there is an ICBM base in Montana by the name of KILO KILO. Could NASA have used this bases radio equipment to filter out through this prearranged private channel anything NASA did not want the public to know? Shockingly, WHISKEY WHISKEY, BARBARA BARBARA, and BRAVO BRAVE are also bases in the West."

(SOSM) Page 86-87

"The disks of the Sun and the Moon appear to be just about equal as viewed from Earth...The Moon is only 2,160 miles in diameter, while the Sun is 864,000 miles. That makes the Suns diameter approximately 400 times greater. To put it another way, the ratio of our Moons disk to the Suns is 1:400."

"However, our Sun is 93,000 miles away and the Moon is only about a quarter of a million miles away. Strangely enough, this works out to about the same ratio approximately 1:400. So the distance just about cancels out the size, and this is why the tiny Moon appears to the viewer on the Earth to be about the same size as our gigantic Sun."

"This is shown remarkably during a total eclipse. Isaac Asimov makes an observation about this truly amazing situation, which he calls coincidence."

"In his book Space, Time and Other Things (Doubleday, 1965) he notes:

What makes a total eclipse so remarkable is the sheer astronomical reason why the Moon and the Sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion. "

(SOSM) Page 92-93

"In his authoritative study Our Moon, H.P. Wilkins explains his astounding conclusion: Long ago it was calculated that if the Moon had contracted on cooling at the same rate as granite, a drop of only 180 degrees would create hollows in the interior amounting to no less than 14 millions of cubic miles. "

NOTE: Would not the same apply to the cooling of the Earth? This could have applications to the Hollow Earth Theory, which proposes that, not only the EARTH, but ALL planets are formed with interiors that are essentially HOLLOW.

(SOSM) Page 125

"The associated Press wire carried this brief but startling Soviet announcement:"

" Emphasizing the importance of lunar soil samples, and article in Pravda revealed that the first successful automatic mission in 1970 brought back particles of iron that DOES NOT RUST. Pure iron that does not rust is unknown on Earth.* In fact, it cannot yet be even manufactured. Physicists and scientific experts claim they cannot understand how this is at all possible without some kind of manufacturing process being involved. They also point out that it is beyond out present Earth technology."

(Detroit Free Press, August 24th, 1976.)

*NOTE: There is a large obelisk in New Delhi, India that is VERY ancient, and is composed of iron that does not rust.

(SOSM) Page 130

" The Sea of Tranquility is covered with material that is considerably more dense than the average density of the Moon... This is the reverse of what one would expect. On Earth the lava that flows upwards and out onto the surface is the lighter component not the heavier fraction. "

(New York Times November 99th, 1969.)

(SOSM) Page 158

"...Perhaps the most striking phenomenon of all regarding our strange Moon is that the seismic recordings each month conform to nearly the same identical pattern. The sequence of events, as Earths gravity tugs at the Moon, seems to be the same each month, rendering the same seismic signature."

"Lunar seismic disturbances are assumed to be generated by stresses building up and sliding or other movements of rock faces. In the case of the Moon, lunar expertGary Latham (NASA) explains, probably the tidal pull (of the Earth on the Moon) builds up until the friction can no longer hold these surfaces together and they just pop; they slide... But of course they would not slide each and every time in the same way at the same time. And yet they appear to be doing just that!"

"Moonquakes occur at monthly intervals like clockwork. When the Moon is closest (Perigee) the first pooping noises come. Actually, the very first occur five days before the Moon reaches Perigee in its orbit, and then again another event indicates something stirring in the Moon three days before Perigee. The amazing thing is the clockwork precision with which this all happens. Scientists find it absolutely astonishing. You can set your watch by it, confesses Latham." (NASA Science Briefing, Houston, May 26th, 1971.)

"Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon"

(OMSM) Page 63-64

"Even before man journeyed to Luna, scientists like Isaac Asimov had pointed out that the Moon is really a freak of celestial nature, for by all cosmic laws SHE SHOULD NOT BE CIRCLING THE EARTH."

"The Moon is a whopping one-fourth of Earths size. The next largest satellite circling a planet that is anywhere NEAR that ratio is whirling around Jupiter, and it is only one-EIGHTIETH the size of its master. Because of the Moons proportionally great size some scientists have even labeled the Earth-Moon combination an actual double planetary system."

"Discussing the problems of having the Moon where it is, Dr. Asimov asks:

" ...Small planets, such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites. Pluto has no known satellites, neither have Mercury and Venus... Yet Earth, quite surprisingly, does have a satellite the Moon. "

" ...Its not just having satellites. Its primarily the SIZE of those satellites... In general, then, when a planet does have satellites, there would be every reason to suspect... that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter. "

" But that is not so. Earth not only has a satellite, but it is a giant satellite, 2,160 miles in diameter. Amazing. " (Isaac Asimov Intelligent Mans Guide to Science, p.108.)

(OMSM) Page 74

"The Moons orbit is too nearly circular and synchronized. Such a gravitational capture should have produced a rather elongated, elliptical orbit, instead of the nearly circular path the Moon now follows around the Earth."

(OMSM) Page 64

"The Moon is a celestial freak in several other respects. Almost all other satellites in the solar system circle their respective planets in the same plane of the orbs equator. But not out Moon. Its orbit instead lies strangely closer to the Earths orbit around the Sun. Puzzled scientists wonder: Why is our Moon circling the Earth outside this usual equatorial planetary orbit? They do not know.

NOTE: The more scientists look at the evidence brought back from the Moon, the more they are convinced that it was formed at some remote corner of the Galaxy, and was captured by the Earth several thousand years ago.

The problem with the capture theory is that, for one, the Moon is too BIG. Secondly, its orbit is too perfectly circular, and too far out from the Earth. (If it HAD been captured by the Earth, it would have an ELLIPTICAL orbit, not a perfectly circular one.)

These facts, combined with the HOLLOW and seemingly ARTIFICIAL nature of the Moon, not to mention the coincidental positioning of the Moon the positioning that makes Earth the only planet in the solar system to experience total eclipses all of these discrepancies and coincidences are just too much to accept.

As outlandish as it may seem, the theory of Spaceship Moon having been altered and steered into Earth orbit by god-knows-who several thousand years ago seems to be the only one that fits all of the evidence.

"Secrets of our Spaceship Moon"

(SOSM) Page 191

" A new moon rose, Richard Lewis told us at the Fifth Lunar Conference in 1974. It was a planet in its own right... Such a planet had to be captured to become the satellite of the Earth. "

NOTE: The fact that the Moon was once, of necessity, a planet in its own right, along with fact that evidence points to the Moon being hollow, could be an interesting piece of evidence in favor of the Hollow Earth Theory. (This theory holds that, not only our Earth, but ALL planets are formed hollow.)

Therefore, the fact that the Moon is hollow does not necessarily mean that it is a spaceship fashioned by Aliens.

It could simply mean that the Hollow Earth Theory is, indeed, correct, and that all planets are, in fact, formed hollow; the Moon having once been its own planet, until its relatively recent capture by the Earth.

(Interestingly enough, the impossible celestial mechanics required for the Moon to be in its present orbit become much more probable if one considers it to be a hollow body. If, indeed, it was steered into our orbit by aliens however long ago, this would certainly made their job a lot easier!).

Unfortunately, orthodox scientists have as much (if not MORE) trouble accepting the Hollow Earth Theory as they do the Spaceship Moon theory.

(SOSM) Page 261

"Originally 10 flights to the Moon had been scheduled... In fact, Apollo 18 and 19 rockets were ALREADY PAID FOR and the astronauts TRAINED and raring to go. Yet these last two scheduled Moon missions were cut. Why were they slashed when, as one science reporter tells us, the hardware had already been purchased? "

"Even CRITICS of manned space flights like Dr. Thomas Gold of Cornell University screamed out against these nonsensical cuts: Its like buying a Rolls-Royce, and then not driving it because you want to save a few bucks on the gas. "

"Somebody Else is on The Moon"

(SEOM) Page 42

"If you look at a complex thing long enough, you begin to understand it, or at least its superficial aspects. The mind cannot assimilate everything in a complex picture at once, so you see very little at first. Gradually you master a detail, and then the mind can forget that detail and go on to something else. The more details you master, the more you can see."

(SEOM) Page 49

"On august 26, 1966, NASA's Lunar Orbiter I spacecraft took a picture of a crater on the hidden side of the Moon. (NASA photo #66-H-1293)...

It shows a 31 mile wide crater which HAS IMPINGED ON THE WALLS OF A SMALLER CRATER. Both craters are clearly distinguishable as OCTAGONS (click below image). Is there a natural way in which an octagon can be formed on the Moon an octagon 31 miles in diameter?"

(SEOM) Page 95

"34 tracks in the Apollo 17 landing area were measured and investigated. Length of the tracks ranges from .1 kilometer to 2.5 kilometers, with an average length of about .75 kilometer. Track widths ranged up to 16 meters (about 38 feet), with an average width of over 18 feet."

"20 men or more with long crowbars would be needed to dislodge even the smallest of the boulders... When the boulders were dislodged, a fantastic ADDITIONAL FORCE would have been required to KEEP them moving on a 25 degree slope."

(SEOM) Page 96

"NASA photo 67-H-1135 shows two long trails, 900 feet and 1200 feet long. The objects obviously making the trails are light-splashed by the sun; no real detail can be gleaned from studying them, but they do not look like boulders - click below images."

"Do you know how much force it would take to set in motion a rock 75 feet across? Volcanic action might do it, but we have NASA's word for the fact that the Moon (on the SURFACE, at least) is seismically quiet."

"The smaller object in the photo the one making the longer trail came up OUT OF THE CRATER before it continued down the hill. Repeat: it came up OUT OF A CRATER."

"There is a fascinating TREAD MARK on the trail of one of the boulders. There is also a symmetrical design on the boulder itself." (Again, see NASA photo #67-H-1135 -click below image. Complete frame HERE)

NOTE: on the Moons "RAYS": The so-called "rays" that extend from and between many craters on the Moon were found by Apollo astronauts to be composed of a fine, powdery chalk-like substance. (Much like the chalk-lines laid down on sports fields.)

What could be the cause of these rays? It is interesting to note that the craters with the largest ray patterns are the ones in which the most ACTIVITY has been noted. (Bright lights, artificial constructions, and spraying.)

The theory that these trails of dust are caused by meteor impacts is ruled out immediately, because most craters having rays have only one or two extending from them. (Only the busy craters have many of them.)

A meteor impact causes debris to be thrown in ALL directions. Even meteors hitting at an oblique angle would throw debris in a complete arc along its forward direction. So what causes the rays? It seems a strange coincidence that the bottoms of the "rayed" craters are heavily coated with the same white, powdery substance of which the rays are composed.

The "rays" are beginning to look like they were made by something "tracking" the powder up out of the crater, and in a straight line to other craters. It was found by the Apollo astronauts that this powder clings to EVERYTHING, and was, in fact, a great nuisance to them, as it clung to their suits, faceplates, camera lenses, cables, etc., and even found its way into the Lunar Module, posing a bit of a housekeeping problem, as the powder lost its adhesive quality upon entering the atmosphere of the Lunar Module.

Is it possible that spacecraft (UFOs?) landing on the bottom of the craters, thereby having their undersides covered by this powder, could be responsible for the tracking of this powder across the lunar surface?

It would take a great number of repetitions of these trips to track a line of powder pronounced enough to be seen from many miles up. But, after all, don't planes on Earth always follow certain flight patterns? Talk to an air traffic controller, or anyone involved or interested in flying; they will tell you that there are, in fact, invisible highways in the sky that pilots MUST follow.

(Not only is this the law of the FAA, it is common sense: the shortest distance between 2 points IS a straight line, and is thus the quickest path to get where you're going.)

So it is entirely possible (and quite likely) that these "rays" are caused by spacecraft on the Moon. (Scientists have been UNABLE to come up with a NATURAL explanation, after all!)

Now, whether these spacecraft belong to the U.S., the Soviets, or Aliens is purely a matter of speculation. I'm sure there are strong arguments in favor of each of these possibilities.

The facts are there; you are free to interpret them in any way you see fit.

(SEOM) Page 191

Lagrangian Points: "All the planets revolving around the sun have them. So does our Moon. You can stick something in one of these Lagrangian Points and it might stay there forever or as long as the planets do."

"...asteroids, all kinds of space junk and dust can collect in the Lagrangian Points and not get swept up by the gravitational attraction of bigger bodies."

NOTE: Could a permanent space-station (such as the ill-fated SkyLab) be placed into one of these Lagrangian Points? It would be much safer than placing one in ORBIT, where there exists a chance that its orbit will decay, and cause it to come crashing down to Earth.

(SEOM) Page 195-196

Isaac Asimov:

" It is a shame that one small thing remains unaccounted for; one trifling thing I have ignored so far, but WHAT IN BLAZES IS OUR MOON DOING WAY OUT THERE? Its too far out to be a true satellite of Earth... Its too BIG to have been CAPTURED by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up a nearly circular orbit about the Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible. "

" But, then, if the Moon is neither a true satellite of the Earth nor a captured one, what is it? " (Asimov on Astronomy Mercury Press, 1963.)

(SEOM) Page 215

"...after the successful RANGER and SURVEYOR and ORBITER and APOLLO flights, we dropped manned lunar exploration like a hot potato. Less than 20% of the data resulting from these probes has been studies. Less than 2% has been reported on."

(SEOM) Page 221

To order NASA Moon Photos:


P.O. Box 486

Bladensburg, Maryland


The NASA number should be given in full. The cost for a single 8x10 B&W photo is $1.75 (check current price); for color, $5.00 (check current price). Postage & Handling fees are 15% of the total order ($2.00 minimum).

For special research needs not furnished by Space Photographs, or photos for use by the media, contact or visit NASA at:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Room 6035

400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20546


(MGTE) Page 24-25

"The funding of top-secret military projects can be easily camouflaged by other unclassified projects. Components and parts needed for secret projects can be ordered one at a time from different manufacturers and charged to a dummy or decoy project.

The parts can be assembled in secret and the manufacturers never know what the end product is.

An expensive decoy project can be used to generate the funds and to develop the technology for highly sophisticated secret projects at the same time. The NASA space program to put men on the Moon provided the military with such a decoy project."

(MGTE) Page 32

"The point where a spacecraft enters the predominant attractive zone of the Moons gravity is called the neutral point. It is the region in space where the Earths force of attraction equals the Moons force of attraction. Since the Moon is smaller and SUPPOSEDLY has a smaller surface gravity, the neutral point should be quite close to the Moon.

In fact, if it is assumed that the Moon has one-sixth of the Earths surface gravity (which is what we are all taught in school), the neutral point is calculated to be about nine-tenths of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. The average distance to the Moon is about 239,000 miles, hence this places the neutral point approximately23,900 miles from the Moons center."

(MGTE) Page 45

"At a point 43,495 miles from the Moon, lunar gravity exerted a force equal to the gravity of the Earth, then some 200,000 miles distant." (Time magazine, July 25, 1969.)

(MGTE) Page 45-46

"At a distance of 43,495 miles from the Moon, Apollo 11 passed the so-called neutral point, beyond which the lunar gravitational field dominated that of Earth." (History of Rocketry & Space 1969.)

(MGTE) Page 48-49

"...since the Earths pull equals the Moons at the neutral point, the inverse-square law enables the pull of gravity at the Moons surface to be determined...The result is that the Moons surface gravity is 64% of the Earths surface gravity, not the one-sixth (or 16.7%) value predicted by Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation!"

(MGTE) Page 61

"In one-sixth gravity everything would weigh one-sixth, or 16.7%, of its Earth weight. A 180lb. man would weigh a mere 30lbs. Writers were speculating on the athletic abilities of men on the Moon long before the space program and Apollo. They based their calculations on one-sixth gravity. The public was anticipating some of these spectacular athletic feats when astronauts explored the Moon, but none were ever performed."

(MGTE) Page 63

"...even with the astronaut gear, (spacesuit, etc.)...(Apollo astronaut John Young)...should have been able to jump over six feet off the ground if the Moon had one-sixth of the Earths gravity. In actuality, his efforts lifted him at most 18" off the ground. ...observations (of the NASA video tapes, and television broadcasts) indicated that Young made several attempts to jump as high as he could but with no success in achieving a height of more than 18 inches."

(MGTE) Page 67

"A photo appeared in the December 12, 1969 issue of Life magazine showing Apollo astronaut Alan Bean carrying a barbell-shaped package of instruments which allegedly weighed 190 Earth pounds. The accompanying statement that it had a Moon weight of only 30 pounds does not seem consistent with the photo which shows a noticeable bow in the approximately 1-inch bar. (NASA photo 69-HC1341 - below image)."

"The movie film of this event is even more revealing. As Bean carried the instrument package across the lunar surface, the bar bent up and down, strained by the heavy burden on each end. It was also apparent that the instrument package was quite heavy from Beans efforts and movements."

(MGTE) Page 68

"Astronauts were sent to the Bend, Oregon area to get their Moon Legs. Walter Cunningham was the first to try out the Moon suit, backpack life support system, and certain tools to be used by Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon excursion."

"That the astronauts were able to maneuver around at all in the Bend, Oregon area with their gear on suggests that the gear weighed far less than 185 pounds. (The weight that we were all given.)"

(MGTE) Page 72-73

"When Apollo 14 astronauts were in view of the south flank of Cone Crater, Shephard went down on one knee to pick up a rock and required the aid of Mitchell to stand up. About 2/3 of the way to their destination, their heart rates were up to 120 beats per minute as they moved uphill."

"As they climbed, Shephards rate reached 150 per minute and Mitchells went to 128."

"The astronauts never reached Cone Crater. They went back down hill toward Weird Crater to collect rock samples, then on to triplet to dig trenches."

(MGTE) Page 74

"The author observed one of the Apollo 14 astronauts in a movie film of the mission. The astronaut was running in semislow-motion in an otherwise perfectly normal manner. The discrepancy arises when it I considered that the astronaut went no higher off the surface and went no farther with each step than he would have on Earth.

The slow-motion effects could not cover up this fact. This suggests that the film speed was adjusted to slow down the action to give the impression that the astronauts were lighter than they actually were. With the slow-motion effects, objects would appear to fall more slowly and the public would be convinced of the Moons weak gravity."

(MGTE) Page 75

"The Rover was supposedly designed for the Moons one-sixth gravity, but close examination indicates that it resembled a vehicle more suitable for near-Earth gravity. It was approximately 10 feet long and 4 feet high, with a 7.5 foot wheelbase and 6 foot tread width. The wheels were 32" in diameter with chevron-shaped treads of Titanium, not much different looking than an Earth tire."

(MGTE) Page 76-77

"...a minimum-size vehicle (for use on the Moon) would need a wheelbase of 20 feet to give it speed capability over rough terrain...To keep the center of gravity to within 6 feet of the surface, it would need a tread width of 20 feet"

(MGTE) Page 77

"The Rover encountered mostly loose dust and rocks on the Moon. This type of surface would have less traction than ordinary pavement. The Rover had a loaded Earth weight of 1,540 lbs. Under one-sixth gravity, only 128 lbs. of force would be required to make the vehicle slide. Therefore, in going the maximum speed of 10.2 MPH, the vehicle would begin to slide if the wheels were turned enough to make a radius of curvature of less than 84 feet.

Even at 5 MPH, the minimum curvature would be 20 feet. The operator would have to be extremely careful not to make any abrupt changes in direction since a sharp turn could tip it over."

(See the tracks of the Rover in NASA photo #71-HC-277 (click below image) it shows the tracks of the Rover while being driven by one of the astronauts.

The driver was doing some sand-dune-type reckless driving, with wild swerves and curves all over the place.

Doesn't sound like he had much trouble with flipping over, does it? And considering that the Rover was too SMALL for effective operation at one-sixth gravity, even at LOW speeds and using EXTREME caution, something just doesn't fit here.

All observations indicate that the Moon has a much higher gravity than was previously believed.)

(MGTE) Page 79-80

"Charles Duke (Apollo 16) evidently had a difficult time on the Moon. He fell a number of times and a series of photos appeared in many newspapers which showed him stumbling and falling... Since objects would take nearly 2-1/2 times longer to fall in one-sixth gravity, Duke should have had plenty of time to catch himself. It is even more surprising that Duke fell as OFTEN as he did considering that he was wearing the most advanced, updated Moon suit which supposedly provided him more flexibility than any astronaut before him."

(MGTE) Page 93-94

"The author acquired the movie showing the Apollo 14 flag ceremony. Close analysis of this film shows that the flag billowed and waved when the astronauts were not touching it or even close to it. At the end of the flag ceremony, as one of the astronauts moved away from the flag, it began to wave back and forth. In an apparent attempt to mask any further display of an atmospheric wind, both astronauts blocked the movie cameras view of the flag. The astronaut nearest the flag began running toward and in front of the camera while the other astronaut put his arm in front of the lens."

"The Apollo 14 film (above) was ordered (by the author) in 1980 from Movie Newsreels, a company located in Hollywood, California."

(MGTE) Page 104-105

"The most probable cause of a planets magnetic field seems to be the rotation of charges which are present in its atmosphere and on its surface. These charges rotate with the planet; therefore, the intensity of the magnetic field generated would be directly proportional to the planets rotational velocity. Since the Moons rotational velocity is less than 1% of Earths, is also follows that the Moons field is less than 1% of Earths."

NOTE: The Apollo program DID discover that the Moon has a very feeble magnetic field.

"A rotating planet can be compared to an electrical solenoid, which is a coil of wire... When a current is sent through the coil, a magnetic field is generated at right angles to the direction of the wire (the direction of the current flow). Planets carry charges with them in their atmosphere and surface and this generates electrical currents in the direction of rotation, or east-west. The magnetic field is generated at right angles to this, or the north-south direction. Even though the charges are not necessarily moving east-west relative to the surface which is traveling with them, the magnetic field is still created because the planet itself is rotating."

NOTE: This is very important when applied to the Hollow Earth Theory. One of the strongest arguments of orthodox scientists against the Hollow Earth Theory has always been that magnetic fields around planets are created by a rotating mass of liquid iron, thus making the Hollow Earth Theory an impossibility. Heaven forbid they should consider an alternate theory as to the cause of the Earths magnetic field.

After all, man has penetrated the crust of this planet no deeper than 5 miles (and that's if you count SONAR... actual PHYSICAL penetration is much less than this), so how do we know for certain what is at the center?) In light of the new findings (above) concerning the cause of planetary magnetic fields, the scientists main objection to the Hollow Earth Theoryis removed, and the theory becomes possible; indeed, very PROBABLE.

NASA photo 89-HC-431 shows the atmosphere around the Moon. (It is shown as plate #11 in MOONGATE.)

(MGTE) Page 125

"It is probable that only a limited thickness of the Earths crust contributes to the majority of the Earths surface gravity die to the scattering of gravity radiation originating from masses below a certain depth.

(Much the same as a stack of magnets gets stronger as you add more magnets, but only to a certain point, where the bottom magnet is not strong enough to reach all the way through to the upper layers Galt).

This implies that the Earths mass cannot be accurately predicted using the conventional method. If the planets had empty or hollow centers, the surface gravity might not be much different than if they had iron cores, or even lead cores. This seems to explain why the Moon has such a high gravity for its size. Because of this effect, the conclusion is that Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation overstated the mass of the Earth in the first place."

NOTE: While this argument is aimed at explaining the reason for the high gravity on the Moon, one can immediately see its importance as applied to the Hollow Earth Theory.

(MGTE) Page 126-127

"It is not commonly known that the Earth displays the same bell-like ringing or reverberation as the Moon...(Such a) ringing effect was recorded during the May 22, 1960 Chilean earthquake... The ringing continues for a considerable length of time in a regular series of slow impulses which were recorded at various independent seismic stations... The planet rang again as a result of the Anchorage, Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964."

09/28/2004 - Sounds of the Parkfield earthquake

amplitude divided by 5

from CISN Website

NOTE: This points out, as I stated earlier, that the Moon is not necessarily a spaceship just because of this ringing.

It does seem to point to the fact that ALL planets are, indeed, HOLLOW.

(MGTE) Page 129

"A photograph of the Earth taken by the DODGE (Department Of Defense Gravity Experiment) satellite. 18,100 miles above the equator, appeared in the November 10, 1967 issue of Life magazine...The author was not able to obtain permission to reproduce this photo; however, it is available for inspection at most libraries."

"The DODGE photo is interesting, but a view at a better angle is needed to show more details. Such a picture, taken in 1967 by the Applications Technology Satellite 111(ATS-111) from its stationary position over the equator above Brazil, is shown in NASA photo 67-HC-723 - below images"

NOTE: This last photo also appeared in Secret of the Ages - UFOs from inside the Earth, by Brinsley Le Poer Trench. (This book was taken off the market by the U.S. Governmentshortly after its release in 1977.)

Both of the above mentioned photos depict the Earth, and show the hole at the North Pole from different angles, giving depth to the phenomenon, and allowing researchers to make quite accurate estimates as to the holes width and angle of descent into the Earths interior.

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