Greek History and Prehistory - What the Ancient Greek Philosophers said about the Moon


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What the Ancient Greek Philosophers said about the Moon



Since ancient times the Moon has been characterized as an artificial creation, since there are recorded historical phases where there is no existence in the Earth's sky.


Democritus of Abdera

Δημόκριτος ο Αβδηρίτης

[ image ] Democritus


Anaxagoras of Clazomenes

Αναξαγόρας από τις Κλαζομενές

[ image ] Anaxagoras

The Ancient Greek Philosophers Democritus and Anaxagoras taught that there was a time when the Earth was ... without the Moon!. There is even modern evidence of voids beneath the crust of the Moon ( Hollow Moon ).

[ image ] Sea of Tranquillity - Mare Tranquillitatis)


Scientists have even recently spoken of a mysterious round structure beneath the Sea of ​​Tranquility – Mare Tranquilatis.



081 Moon Musings - Structures beneath the Sea of Tranquility

Bill Bryson

Published on May 31, 2012

This ended up being a Barlow night. I explore The Coastlands and look at a mountain range east of Kunowsky. Next I search for a alien base in the Crystal Lake area. I finish up by looking at what appear to be structures beneath the Sea of Tranquility. Fantastic session with little wind and good atmospherics. NOTE - also saw about 5 UFOs...

duration 32:20 minutes

( please using the right click of your mouse, and Open Link in Next Private Window, )

YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE ... TO VIEW UFOs at -25:27, -24:07, and an underground city in -04:30 from the end of the video !


It is also the only celestial body that does not make the movements of all other known planets and satellites, and its size is disproportionate to be a satellite of our Earth's.

Russian scientists during our time have recently developed a design where humans will be able to live inside specially designed balloons in the voids they exist beneath the surface of the Moon. There ... the deadly space radiation that is dangerous to humans not that exist, and the force of gravity is proportional to that used by the Earth. On the lunar surface they can be live exclusively inside space suits.


Aristotle of Stagira, Chalcidice

Αριστοτέλης ο Σταγειρίτης απο τα Στάγειρα ,της Χαλκιδικής

[ image ] Aristotle


[ image ] Arcadia

"Arcadia: A region of ancient Greece in the central Peloponnesus. Its inhabitants, somewhat isolated from the rest of the world, proverbially lived a simple, pastoral life. Any region offering rural simplicity and contentment. The term Arcadia is used to refer to an imaginary and paradisal place"

"ET IN ARCADIA EGO " or "The Arcadian shepherds", by Nicolas Poussin

Classical Arcadia

by Marc Wiesmann, Professor of French and Classics

Arcadia is an actual region of Greece, a series of valleys surrounded by high mountains and therefore difficult of access. In very ancient times, the people of Arcadia were known to be rather primitive herdsmen of sheep, goats and bovines, rustic folk who led an unsophisticated yet happy life in the natural fertility of their valleys and foothills. Soon, however, their down-to-earth culture came to be closely associated with their traditional singing and pipe playing, an activity they used to pass the time as they herded their animals. Their native god was Pan, the inventor of the Pan pipes (seven reeds of unequal length held together by wax and string). The simple, readily accessible and moving music Pan and the Arcadian shepherds originated soon gained a wide appreciation all over the Greek world. This pastoral (in Latin "pastor" = shepherd) music began to inspire highly educated poets, who developed verses in which shepherds exchanged songs in a beautiful natural setting preserved pristine from any incursions from a dangerous "outside." In the third century BC, a Sicilian poet, Theocritus, created a literary genre called "bucolic poetry" (from the Greek "bukolos," a herdsman), poems called "Idylls" that used these exchanges of verses by fictional shepherds as a compositional strategy. Mainly, these idealized shepherds recounted their heterosexual or homosexual love affairs and praised the poetry they loved and the master singers they admired. Two centuries later, the greatest of Roman (and perhaps of European) poets, Virgil (70-19 BC), used Theocritus's Greek Idylls in order to create in Latin 10 masterpieces of bucolic poetry, known as the "Eclogues" or "Bucolics." Unlike Theocritus, who had placed his shepherds in Sicily, Virgil locates them back in Arcadia, an Arcadia, however, which has features strikingly resembling those of Northern Italy, where Virgil was born. Just as their Theocritean counterparts, the inhabitants of Virgil's Arcadia sing about love and its poetry, but they also make several crucial references to the political situation of Virgil's turbulent times. Many subsequent readers have in fact insisted that the "Eclogues" are stuffed full of references to politics and politicians, such as Julius Caesar and Octavian (Augustus Caesar). Virgil's poetic superiority has insured that his "Eclogues" never remained unknown in all the subsequent centuries of European culture. They became especially popular and imitated in the Italian, Spanish, French and English Renaissances of the 14th to 17th centuries, a period in which a type of verse called Pastoral Poetry was much appreciated by the intellectual and cultural elites. Parallel to the literary vogue of pastoral there existed in this period a rich pictorial tradition, paintings and prints representing shepherds and shepherdesses in a bucolic or idyllic setting of forests and hills. In the seventeenth century, the French painter Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) used this pictorial tradition to paint one of his most famous canvasses, known as "The Arcadian shepherds" or as "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" (1647). This painting represents four Arcadians, in a meditative and melancholy mood, symmetrically arranged on either side of a tomb. One of the shepherds kneels on the ground and reads the inscription on the tomb: ET IN ARCADIA EGO, which can be translated either as "And I [= death] too (am) in Arcadia" or as "I [= the person in the tomb] also used to live in Arcadia." The second shepherd seems to discuss the inscription with a lovely girl standing near him. The third shepherd stands pensively aside. From Poussin's painting, Arcadia now takes on the tinges of a melancholic contemplation about death itself, about the fact that our happiness in this world is very transitory and evanescent. Even when we feel that we have discovered a place where peace and gentle joy reign, we must remember that it will end, and that all will vanish.

For a fundamental discussion of Poussin's great painting, see Erwin Panofsky's essay in his book "MEANING IN THE VISUAL ARTS". In this essay, he analyzes brilliantly the possible interpretations of the expression ET IN ARCADIA EGO.

From the book (in French):

Les Bergers d' Arcadie: Le secret d' un tableau d' exception

...D'abord, constat est fait de l'apparition pour la premiθre fois de la locution "Et in Arcadia ego" dans un tableau de Giovanni Francesco Guercino, dit le Guerchain, peint entre 1621 et 1623.

Deux bergers s'arrκtent devant un crβne humain posι sur un bloc de maηonnerie gravι des mots "Et in Arcadia ego". Il ne fait guθre de doute qu'il faille comprendre que la mort apostrophe le spectateur, pour lui dire : "Mκme en Arcadie, moi, la Mort, j'existe" et lui rappeler ainsi sa prιsence au sein des paysages et des activitιs les plus heureux. On suppose que l' expression "Et in Arcadia ego" a ιtι suggιrιe par le prιlat Giulio Rospigliosi, grand amateur et protecteur des arts (qui deviendra le pape Clιment IX). Il aimait les allιgories, et c'est pour lui, suppose-t-on, que Poussin va ensuite rιaliser les Bergers d'Arcadie. Depuis la remarque faite par Louis Marin, il est admis que le R pointι du doigt dans le mot ARCADIA par l'un des bergers du tableau est l'initiale du commanditaire du tableau.

Pour tout dire, l'origine de l'expression "Et in arcadia ego" reste douteuse ; elle pourrait se trouver dans un poθme ou une chanson de la renaissance, maintenant oubliιs...


The Great Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle wrote that Arcadia, before being inhabited by the Greeks, had a Pelasgian population ( the Arcadians ) and that these indigenous people had been living in this area for a very long time where there was still no Μoon in the sky. That is why he also named them Pro-Selenes. ( Moon = Selene )

[ image ] Apollonius of Rhodes

[ image ] Danae

[ image ] Deucalion

The Ancient Greek Epic poet, librarian, and scholar Apollonius of Rhodes mentioned the time "when not all the bodies that were circled in heaven were before the tribes of Danae and Deucalion appeared, and there were only the Arcadians, who were said to dwell on the mountains and feed on acorns, they existed before the Moon. "

[ image ] Plutarch

[ image ] Ovid

[ image ] Hippolytus

[ image ] Lucian

[ image ] Censorinus

We have similar references from Plutarch, Ovid, Hippolytus, Lucian, Censorinus.

[ image ] Tiahuanaco Ruins And The Kalasasayas

Apparently, in South America, symbols found on the walls of the courtyard of the Kalasasayas, near the city of Tiahuanaco (Bolivia), record the first appearance of the Moon some 12,000 years ago.

The appearance of the Moon is said to have caused major upheavals on Earth in the form of earthquakes, massive floods and climate change.

A similar change today could also cause the Earth's magnetic poles to move with similarly devastating effects on our modern planet.

[ image ] Lucian from Samosata book "True History"

Lucian from Samosata, Syria, of Greek descent, who lived in 120 AD. in his book "True History" gives information that is surprising because it was impossible for a person to know at that time.

To understand, read on

"He was traveling on a boat that was taken by the air for seven days and nights and on the eighth day it reached the Moon." This is what modern spacecraft do today to travel to the Moon.

"He went into a well that had mirrors above and could view the whole Earth."

(This is a state-of-the-art telescope, that humans have not yet constructed because he also view humans on Earth).

King of the Moon was Endymion who was taken from the Earth and was made King of the Moon. "

He describes airplanes powered by three-engines "flying triceps", he describes modern binoculars, "putting and pulling out their eyes that anyone could wear and view very far away", he describes warriors in space suits which was equipped with two antennas on the helmet.

[ image ] Phaethon - Son of the Sun-God of Greek Mythology

This army was of Phaethon and because they were humans like us and the Moon's temperature was high so they wore space suits.

It also describes space travels to the stars of the Zodiac as well as landing on the sea ( sea landing - water landing ) similar to that of modern cosmonauts, and even in the Bermuda region.

He visited Sirius and did not want to leave since in a few years he would return.

Finally, he describes a war between the inhabitants of the Moon and Sirius.

"Airships battles were made and terrible weapons were used and the inhabitants of Sirius were the winners"

It seems that Lucian read a manuscript that he wrote about all of this and because he seemed outrageous to call it a fairy tale he wrote it and called it a true story.

Greek philosophers in general knew a great deal about the Moon and were very interested in it.


Thales of Miletus

Θαλής ο Μιλήσιος

[ image ] Thales of Miletus

The Great Ancient Greek Philosopher Thales of Miletus, considered as the father of Greek and Global Philosophy, was the first to say that the Moon receives light from the Sun and he was the first to calculate its diameter and its orbit.


Xenophanes of Colophon

Ξενοφάνης ο Κολοφώνιος

[ image ] Xenophanes


Socrates of Athens

Σωκράτης ο Αθηναίος

[ image ] Socrates

The Ancient Greek Philosopher Xenophanes says that his teacher, the Great Ancient Greek Philosopher Socrates characterizes her: "A large hollow sphere with seas and lakes inhabited by humans like us".

Words of Socrates that ... are supported by modern astronomers today.


Pythagoras of Samos

Πυθαγόρας ο Σάμιος


[ image ] Pythagoras

[ image ] Apollo

[ image ] Artemis

The Great Ancient Greek Philosopher Pythagoras son of Apollo, recounts orbiting around the Moon with the vehicles of the Celestial Gods who lived there, and reports that the Lunar day is 15 times larger than the day of the Earth, as actually it is!

Pythagoras also insisted that the Moon is inhabited by divinely human-like beings but taller, blond, and much more beautiful.

All knowledge of Pythagoras, in Mathematics, Music, Geometry, Physics stated that it is knowledge he received from the Celestial Gods with whom he had constant contact.

[ image ] Hades

[ image ] Prometheus, Prometheus' journey

[ image ] Aristaeus Proconessios

[ image ] Avaris a magician, healer, and priest of Apollo.

Aristotle stated that as he heard from testimonies many times, Pythagoras could be in two different places at the same time - the property of the individual's electron only - and traveled to Hades following Prometheus' journey. Pythagoras could hover and become invisible or be in two places at once. Apollo taught him such as Aristaeus Proconessios and Avaris a magician, healer, and priest of Apollo.

There are many references to the Moon from texts of Greek Mythology that refer to Gods and Demigods. The Greek God Orpheus, son of Apollo, the most regular traveler to the Moon and Serius, tells us: "The Moon has mountains, states, and houses, its surface is Earth-like ground and it is inhabited by Divine Societies."

Orpheus knew the 12-month Lunar Calendar and the Phases of the Moon.

He talks about the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, the temperate, tropical and polar zones of the Moon, the Eclipses of the Moon, the Solstices, the Equinoxes, the movements of the planets and the global attraction, and he claims that the inhabitants of the Moon are wandering from planet to planet.

All these claims of Orpheus are referred to in ancient texts by Plutarch and Diogenes Laertius.

A lot of information from our ancient texts also comes from the Telchines of Rhodes and the Kaviroi of Samothrace who disappeared according to legend after the Great Flood.

Their technological evolution was such that they allowed them to leave the Earth and be saved on the Moon or Mars, on bases used by the Gods during the colonization of the Earth, as the magazine “strange” reports.

[ image ] Epic poet Nonnus from Panopolis of Upper Egypt

Epic poet Nonnus from Panopolis of Upper Egypt reports that Phaethon made 30 orbits around the Moon, traveled to Venus ( Aphrodite ) and frequently visited the North and South Poles of the Earth.

[ image ] Dionysus

[ image ] Artemis - Diana, Apollo's twin sister, was made a Queen of the Moon, as Pythagoras insisted.

[ image ] Hercules

[ image ] Idmon

Dionysus, Artemis, and Hercules had traveled to the Moon, and Idmon traveled there with his shining comet-like chariot, giving accurate information on the Moon's Far Side, which only a few years ago did modern Humanity.

A map of the Moon's Invisible Side ( Far Side ) was found in a Mayan temple in Mexico in 1950, which proved to be quite accurate when compared to the recent ones brought by spaceships. The first mapping of the Moon’s Invisible Side by humans took place on 7.10.1959, so the old map was found either on Earth or by a visit to Earth by the Moon or by an alien visit to Earth.

According to the Sanskrit texts and the Hindu religion, the Moon has never existed as a satellite of the Earth in a very ancient time. Later the Earth had three satellites. At a time when the Earth had no satellites, humans were about 1.20-1.50 meters high. When it had three satellites then humans had a height of 2.50-12.00 meters and finally with one satellite the height of today's man 1.60-2.00 meters due to gravity (g = 9.81m / sec2).

We have to rule out the version of the creation of the Earth-Moon at the same time because the density of the Earth is 5.5 and the Moon is 3.3. The age of the rocks brought by the Apollo missions from the Moon shows ages ranging from 7 to 20 billion years while the Earth is 4.5 billion and the solar system 5 billion years.


In conclusion we should expect developments from the Artificial Satellite of the Earth …

all the data converge that there is an eye watching over us.










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