Dragon DNA Directions

Because of rain and bad weather the DNA Parade at Balboa Park sceduled today has been CANCELLED. More info on reschedulling in class next week! Stay dry. Ms. rhonda


Getting to Balboa Park using Public Transportation

Visit Balboa Park using the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), with easy access from the downtown and Mission Valley areas.

    • Print out a handy map of the bus and trolley systems servicing downtown, the airport, and Balboa Park.
    • Review the times for route Routes 120 (Fashion Valley) and Route 7 (Smart Corner) the two main bus routes through Balboa Park
    • For information and custom transportation routes to Balboa Park, visit San Diego Commute or dial 511. You'll be given the option of selecting transit routes that are: the fastest; have the fewest transfers; or have the least amount of walking.

Getting to Balboa Park by Car

Balboa Park is located at 1549 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101 [see Google map].

Southbound from I-5

Take the 10th Avenue Exit off I-5. Turn left on "A" Street and left again on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Northbound from I-5

Take the B Street/Pershing exit off I-5 to Pershing Street. Take Pershing and then left on Florida Dr. Turn left on Zoo Place to Park Blvd. Left on Park Blvd.

Southbound from Hwy 163

Take the Park Blvd. exit off Hwy 163. Turn left on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Balboa Park Maps

See Maps for Google map locations of the museums, attractions, restaurants, and amenities. You can also download a PDF of the Balboa Park map to bring with you to the Park.