Extra Credit
"What can I do for Extra Credit?" , a question that is often asked throughout the school year. If you do the required assignments satisfactorily there is no need for extra credit. Extra Credit is not given to replace incomplete or non attempted assignments. And, in my limited time as an instructor, it has been my experience that the only students that ask for extra credit are those who usually don't need it, but be it as it may, the following is my policy regarding extra credit:
You must NOT have more than one Zero for Study Time assignments.
Extra Credit Policy
Points will be assigned only to quizzes or test. Projects, essays, Study time, and classwork are not eligible for bonus points.
There will be NO extra credit for Classwork or Homework assignments.
You can NOT have less than a 50% on a quiz to apply bonus points.
You must NOT have more than one Zero for Classwork assignments.
3 points for bringing into class a one or two scene cartoon or illustration that relates to American History content we are studying. It may be it related to the vocabulary, concept or content. Each student can earn up to 18 points each grading period during the semester for as many as six (6) cartoons. A student may bring no more than one cartoon strip per quiz. Each cartoon turned in for credit must have a one (1) inch border left around the illustration allowing for the title and the author's name to be present. Cartoons must be from original printed material, such as a newspaper or magazine. No computer downloaded cartoons/illustration or photocopied material will be accepted.
Caution: The cartoon/illustration must be acceptable to be viewed by the class, and therefore, must be in good taste and not racially, sexually or gender biased to any one.
TEKs to Questions
(5 Points) Each Unit Students are given the Readiness and Priority Standards. You are able to earn 5 points for converting the standards into questions.
Cornell Notes for Youtube
5-10 points will be given for completing Cornell Notes for assigned online tutorial videos. These notes as well must be taken prior to completing the Quiz or Test.
Historical Reading
The process for earning extra credit is as follows:
1. The student must bring in both the book and a copy of the Extra-Credit Reading Form with the Title and Author of book entered and the parent’s signature and date of approval.
2. The teacher then has one week to decide if book is
appropriate and return book and form to student with teacher’s signature and date of approval.
3. Once both signatures have been obtained, student may then read the book.
4. Once book is read, the student completes the rest of the Extra-Credit Reading Form and submits the form by the deadline specified. Remember, a student may only receive credit for up to 3 books a semester.
5. Books on the AR list are also eligible to complete for ELA and History class. A 90 or above must be made on the AR test to receive credit for the assignment.
Completing one of the Historical Reading Books will count as a replacement test grade.