Newletter for the week of 02/13/2015

Post date: Feb 11, 2015 8:26:17 PM

Mr. Santiago 8th Grade American History News


“I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.” ~John D. Rockefeller

We are learning about:

Topics: Domestic and Foreign Policy, political parties, federalism, power, economics, and presidential administration.

Vocabulary: Spoils System, Jacksonian Democracy, Trail of Tears, Supremacy Clause , Assimilate, Secede, Nullification Crisis, Suffrage, states’ Rights Tariff of Abomination, and Indian Removal Act

Rationale: The focus of this unit will be about the events that shaped the United States from 1828 to 1838. We will see how political and economic decisions were intertwined.

Major concepts addressed this week:

· Indian policies

· Bank Crisis

· Jacksonian Democracy / expanded suffrage

· Nullification Crisis

Skills: Identify; Explain; Inference; Compare and Contrast

Upcoming News:

February-13- Pre-AP DBQ data analysis due

February 17- SSI meeting (information to be sent home)

February 18- Pre- AP DBQ essay Outline due

February 20- Pre AP DBQ essay due Save As: Lastname_1stInitial_RCard

February 25- Social Studies Unit 7 Test


From Mr. Santiago,

Congratulations to our 8th grade boys and girls Basketball teams on having a successful growing season.

Please be on the lookout for tutoring notices coming home. Do not hesitate to contact me about academic or behavioral questions you have for your students. With that being said please encourage your students to come see me with questions or any concerns. Grades should be updated by this Friday. Ungraded assignments include the project that was turned in this last week.

Hector Santiago, Jr.

NJHS Co-Sponsor

Bass Club Fishing Sponsor

Bailey Junior High Family Engagement Contact