Weekly Newsletter

Post date: Jan 06, 2016 6:14:59 PM

Mr. Santiago 8th Grade American History News


“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

~Bob Marley

We are learning about:

Topics: Domestic and Foreign Policy, political parties, federalism, power, economics, and presidential administrations.

Vocabulary: Federalist Party, alien, neutrality, embargo, foreign policy, Democrat-Republican, Sedition, Isolationism, Act, nullify

Rationale: The focus of this unit will be on how our nation’s 1st 5 Presidents handled the challenges of governing a new nation. Which President did the best job? Which president did the worst job? To make your decision, you will have to learn what each President accomplished or did not accomplish during their presidency and ultimately evaluate whether or not the made good choices.

Major concepts addressed this week:

· Defining the authority of the central government

· Setting up the federal court system

· Maintaining national security

· Creating a stable economic system

Skills: Identify; Explain; Summarize, Memorize

Upcoming News:

Jan. 6, Wednesday- 8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Barnett JH, A- 5:30, B-6:45

8th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Barnett JH A- 5:30, B- 6:45

January 13 - Wednesday Quiz over citizenship and The Constitution

From Mr. Santiago,

Welcome back from your Holiday Break. I am very excited about our Journey to summer! Yep, it is always a race somewhere for me.

NEW STUDY TIME PROCEDURE: Study time (Homework) will now only be on Monday, and Wednesdays. We will continue having Wednesday quizzes.

The following is a bit of information for the Washington, D.C. trip. I am currently filling in our last few spots for the Washington, D.C. trip. Please register BEFORE the prices go up. We will get an opportunity to walk the hallways of the Capitol where current and past politicians have changed the world, and explore the amazing exhibits of the Smithsonian Museums. This adventure will be so much more than a typical history field trip! Your World Strides educational tour in Washington, D.C., is designed to enhance social studies curriculum. Students will gain a deeper understanding of our history, consider the consequences of politicians’ choices, and discover the American story. If you have any questions about the trip please email me.

Hector Santiago, Jr.

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