Weeks 14-16

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Weeks 14-16

Chapter 13 – European Society in the Age of the Renaissance

December 1

The Evolution of the Renaissance


December 4

Intellectual Hallmarks of the Renaissance


Rough Draft - Political Action based on Religious Belief - Summary, Importance, and personal Reaction

December 8

Art and Artist



Compare the visual and document below, and summarize in writing the ways in which they reflect the values of the Renaissance.

From: Oration on the Dignity of Man

written by Pico Della Mirandola

"I have set thee," say the Creator to Adam, "in the midst of the world, that thou mayst the more easily behold and see all that is therein. I created thee a being neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal only, that thou mightest be free to shape and to overcome thyself. Thou mayst sink into a beast, and be born anew to divine likeness....To thee alone is given a growth and a development depending on thine own free will."

From Michelangelo's scene on the Moment of Man's Creation,

Sistine Chapel

December 10

Social Change


Point of View

Renaissance Chart

December 12

The Renaissance in the North


December 16

Politics and the State in the Renaissance


  • Do you believe Machiavelli was basically evil or good? Why?

  • Do you think American leaders should follow Machiavelli’s advice in The Prince? Why?

  • “Love is a bond men easily break,” says Machiavelli, “but fear of punishment holds them in check. Therefore, it is better to be feared than loved.” Do you agree with this statement? Must successful leaders be feared and not loved? What does that say about the relationship between ruler and ruled?

  • From reading his entire book, what do you think Machiavelli cares most about? What examples can you give?

  • Machiavelli says, "For it must be noted that men must either be caressed or else annihilated; they will revenge themselves for small injuries, but cannot do so for great ones." Explain how this might influence that way leaders treat their opponents in politics or in business today.

  • "That in taking a state the conqueror must arrange to commit all his cruelties at once, so as not to have to recur to them every day." Should the Americans in Iraq follow this advice? What might that mean in Iraq? Why would this be a good idea? Why might it be a bad idea?

  • Do you think Machiavelli's ideas are relevant today? Give some examples and explain you reasons.

  • How much of The Prince is relevant to contemporary society in an age when monarchies no longer are the primary form of government?

  • In The Prince, Machiavelli argues that a successful ruler must know how to be good, but must also know " how not to be good." Discuss a contemporary example of a political figure who has chosen "not to be good," in the sense Machiavelli means. Do you agree with the choice made?

December 18

Chapter Exam