Week of 02/02

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"This May be True in Theory, but it does not Apply in Practice”

What are human rights?

Why should anyone ever want or need human rights?

What happens if we do not have them?

If not all human rights are equal, which ones deserve primacy?

What role should support of human rights play in the foreign policy of the United States?

Should Human Rights be given more or less emphasis in a post-September 11 world?

Should states make it their business to intervene against other states in matters of human rights?

Suggested Assignment

The Cancer of Human Rights - Due Feb 5th

  • Summarize the thesis and evidence

  • Explain the importance of the evidence

  • Evaluate/assess the effectiveness of the evidence

  • Form questions that can extend your understanding and ideas.

The 10 Stages of Genocide

Falling in and Out of War

Cambodia: Witness Describes Brutal Torture Episodes at Genocide Trial

Court Dismisses Claims That Serbia and Croatia Committed Genocide During the Yugoslav Wars

UN court dismisses Croatia and Serbia genocide claims - BBC News

Croatia and Serbia Cleared of Genocide by Hague Court - NYTimes.com

Turkey’s Erdogan says history will be the judge of the ‘Armenian genocide.’ Really?

The Sneetches

Pale Blue Dot
