Week of 10/13

· Did WWII create a “Victory Culture” in America?

· Was the Rep. of Vietnam an American Creation? – RVN

· Which was more urgent for South Vietnam in the 1950’s, internal reform or military security?

· Was the southern insurgency and the creation of the NLF a predictable response to Diem’s oppressive policies or a Northern conspiracyy to subvert the RVN?

· Did IKE limit or increase US commitment to South Vietnam?

· Did US advice on counterinsurgency warfare help Saigon decrease its political vulnerability?

· Was the US responsible for the COUP against Diem?

Kennedy's Inaugural Address

Berlin Wall (see below)

Bay of Pigs

JFK's Cuban Missile Crisis Speech

Cuban Missile Crisis - Blast from the Past

Armageddon Papers


Castro (Part II)

