Chapter 14

Review Classes for AP Psychology will be after school in 206N - Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

We are using the Review book

(If you have the 4rth Edition pages - 273-284)

Friday, April 23

Aim: What is social psychology?

HW: Workbook chapter 14 pp. 221- 228

One main focus of social psychology is attitude and attitude change

1.Identify how each of these terms play a role: Mere Exposure Effect, Central and Peripheral Route

2. What was the findings of the LaPiere study in 1934?

3. Explain cognitive dissonance Theory - think of a personal example

4. How does Festinger's and Carlsmith's study reveal about people when they experience cognitive dissonance?

5. Explain the three types of compliance strategies people use: Foot-in the door, door in the face and norms of reciprocity

6. Explain the etiology (cause) of attribution theory. What does it mean stable or unstable?

7. How does Kelly explain the type of attributions people make

8. What is the Rosenthal's Pygmalian Effect?

9. How does fundamental attribution error occur?

Define the three types - self-serving bias, false consensus, just world bias

10. Define the following terms: Stereotype, prejudice, ethnocentrism, and discrimination

11. How does in-group and out-group impact on stereotypes and prejudice?

12. How do we learn prejudice?

13. Explain the Contact theory and superorinate goal as a strategy to combat prejudice.

Monday, April 26

Aim: Identify Major Studies in Social Psychology

Read pp 228-232

1. Explain the two types of aggression

2.Identify and explain four causes of aggression according to psychological schools of thought

3. What is pro-social behavior?

4. A. When are people more or less likely to help someone else is an area of research in social psychology.

B. Explain the concept of diffusion of responsibility in the Kitty Genovese Case

5. How does diffusion of responsibility and pluralistic of ignorance impact on how you will respond to an emergency the next time?

6. What three factors will determine who you marry in the future? Which factor surprised you the most?

7. Why does an audience improve performance? Why does it impair performance?

8. Explain the term conformity.

8. What is the Asch Effect? When was conformity high? low?

9. What does the Milgram Study reveal about human behavior? Why would this study be considered unethical as well as illegal?

10. Group Dynamics

Define the following terms: Norms, roles, soacial loafing, group polarization, group think, and deindividuation

11. How did Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment reveal deindividuation?

quiz on chapter 14 in class

Wednesday, April 27

Aim: Identify Major Studies in Social Psychology