Theories of Development

Monday, December 10

Aim: Return and Review Test on Freud


Tuesday, December 11

Aim: Moral Development Scenarios

HW: None

Wednesday, December 12

Aim: How did Kohlberg use the Heinz Dilemma to understand Moral Development and Reasoning?

HW: Pose the Heinz Dilemma to friend, family or child and ask them what would they do given these circumstances.

Based on their answer identify on loose-leaf what their answer was and more importantly their explanation of their actions.

Based on this explain what stage of moral development this person is

Thursday, December 13

Aim: Are babies moral?

60 Minutes

HW: Text pp. 241- 246

1. Why was Piaget interested in cognitive development?

2. What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation in thinking?

3. Identify the 4 stages of cognitive development according to Piaget

4. What do children know at each stage? What obstacles must they overcome at each stage?

5. Define the following words based on Piaget's theory

Object Permanence




Friday, December 14

Aim: How did Piaget organize cognitive development?


Monday, December 17

Aim: Explain Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive development


Tuesday, December 18

Aim What types of accommodation and assimilation occur in child schemas to facilitate learning?

HW: Text pp.233 - 239

a. How is social development defined?

b. Define attachment based on Mary Ainsworth's ideas.

c.What is stranger anxiety? What is separation anxiety?

d. Why do babies love their moms according to Harry Harlow?

e. Explain imprinting - Give an example of imprinting

Wednesday, December 19

Aim: How does social development impact on children and their relations with others?

HW: Over the break you are to read on-line article from Wall Street Journal Magazine "Tiger Moms"

There are questions posted on the blog for you to answer -

There are two major parts to this assignment and it will count as two separate grades -

Part 1: Parenting 101

Part 2: Why Chinese Moms are Superior questions posted on blog as well


Have a Happy Christmas!