• Thursday is cumulative chapter 1, 14, 5, 3
  • Friday is chapter 18

Chapter 1 - What is Psychology? Cognition and Behavior

What do Psychologists do?

What are the A, B, C's of psychology? - Define




Types of psychologists and the difference between psychologists and psychiatrists Clinical, counseling, school, educational, developmental, personality, social, experimental, forensic, and health

History of psychology

Freud and Psychoanalysis

Contemporary Approaches- cognitive, biological, humanistic, psychoanalytical, Learning, Socio-cultural

Chapter 14 : Theories of Personality


  • Personality Tests: Rorshach / Projective Tests / Thematic Apperception Tests
  • Piaget and Cognitive Development
  • Kohlberg and Moral Development
  • Ainsworth and our Attachment Style - secure or insecure
  • Harry Harlow and Contact Theory - the Monkeys
  • Diane Baumrind on Parenting Styles - Authoritarian, Authoritative, and Permissive - Which is the ideal parent?
  • Tiger Moms


  • Defense Mechanisms – Repression, Regression, Projection, Displacement, Rationalization, Denial, Reaction Formation, Compensation,Sublimation, Humor
  • Dream Analysis , Free Association , Two parts to a dream - Manifest and Latent Content
  • Freud – Psychosexual Development
  • Neurosis and Psychosis
  • Dream Interpretation: Manifest and Latent Content / Wish Fulfillment
  • Libido
  • Freud and the Unconscious - Id v. Ego v. Superego

o Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latent, and Genital Stage

o Libido, Id v. Ego v. Superego

o Oedipal and Electra complex

Chapter 5: Sleep and Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness

Purpose of Sleep

Five stages of Sleep: 4 NonREM and REM

Brain Wave Activity: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta

Describe the sleep cycle: Increase of REM in the latter part of the evening

Circadian Rhythm and the role of the Hypothalamus

How does sleep vary with age?

In REM, Motor Cortex is blocked and the Pons in the Brain stem prevent external movement of the body known as Atonia

Sleep Disorders: Parasomnia and Dyssomnia

Parasomnias include Bruxism, Night Terrors, Sleep Enuresis, Sleep Walking, Sleep Talking

Dyssomnias include Insomnia, Hyper / Hyposomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Circadian Insomnia

Caffeine and its impact on adenosine / Melatonin and sleep

Hypnosis and Meditation

Alternate States of Consciousness

4 types of psychoactive drugs

Amphetamines - cocaine, methamphetamine, caffeine,

Depressants - barbiturates, benzodiazepines and alcohol

Opiates - Analgesics - Pain Killers and mimic endorphins - Opium, morphine, heroin,

Hallucinogenics - Marijuana, Angel Dust- PCP,

The Brain: Chapter 3

What is Neuroscience?The Parts of the Central Nervous System (CNS)The role of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)Neurons / Brain Cells Role of Neurotransmitters/HormonesGABA





Parts of the Brain Brain Stem, Mid Brain, Cerebrum, Cerebral Cortex, Cranium / Skull. Cerebral Spinal Fluid

4 Lobes (Frontal, Occipital, Temporal, and Parietal) and the function of each - 8 questions on this!)

Role of the Limbic System

  • Hippocampus - Memory
  • Amygdala - fear and love
  • Hypothalamus - homeostasis, hunger, libido, sleep,

Key Role of Phineas Gage

How doe we study the brain?

EEG, PET Scan, CAT Scan, MRI

What is a Concussion?

Know this Diagram

Chapter 18 - Mental Illness / Psychopathology

* Normal vs. Atypical/ Abnormal - Distress, dysfunction and deviation

* Neurosis and Psychosis

* History of the Treatment

ECT / Lobotomy / Pharmaceuticals (THORAZINE)

* Drugs – Types

* Antidepressants – ie Prozac / Anti anxiety – Xanax / Antipsychotic - Haldol

* Causal Factors / Interpretations of the causes

* Biological. Psychoanalytical, Social Learning, Cognitive. Social / Cultural

* Role of the DSM-IV and now the new DSM -V

* Types of Mental Illness – Defined / Characteristics/ Causes

o Anxiety Based Disorders – Phobia, OCD, PTSD, General Anxiety, Panic Disorder

o Mood Disorders – Uni and Bi Polar /Clinical Depression/ Dysthymia/ SAD/ Postpartum ( role depression plays in suicide)

o Schizophrenia – Positive / Negative

Paranoid / Catatonic / Disorganized

Nervous System – sends chemical messages known as neurons or neurotransmitters The importance of serotonin and dopamine

· Developmental Disorders – Autism / Aspergers, ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia

· Somatic Disorders – Hypochondriasis, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Conversion Disorder (hysteria).Pain Disorder - This is different from Malingering and Munchausen by Proxy

  • Dissociative Disorders - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dissociative amnesia, Dissociative fugue, and Depersonalization