Do you Remember?

Chapter 7 – Memory

HW: Read from text pages 152-155

1. Using the text read “A Day in the Life” on p. 153 and identify some factors that impact memory.

2. Using the case example what sort of situations will trigger your memory and what makes you forget?

3. For fun answer the Truth or Fiction questions

4. Define Memory

5. Identify and explain the three types of memory.

6. Define flashbulb memory. Give an example of one you experienced

7. Define explicit memory. How does this differ from explicit memory

8. Identify how you have used these three types of memories recently

HW Read pp155 – 160

1. What three processes of memory do both humans and computers use?

2. Define the term encoding and identify the three types of encoding that takes place in memory

3. How do you remember OTTFFSSENT?

4. Explain what we do when we store memory?

5. Identify two strategies used to store memories?

6. How are memories organized? What type of filing system do you use? Why do errors occur?

7. The third memory process is retrieval. How does retrieval work?

8. How does the semantic ode help you remember information? Give two examples

9. Explain how context memory takes place.

10. How does state dependent memory work? What type of state might inhibit memory?

11. What is meant by the “tip of the tongue” phenomena?

HW Read pp160 – 166

1. What are the three stages of memory?

2. Explain how sensory memory works.

3. Explain the two types of visual imaging that takes place in sensory memory. What auditory imaging takes place?

4. How does short term memory work? Identify three examples of how you use short term memory

5. How do you try to prevent short term memory loss?

6. How does the primacy- effect work? How does this differ from the recency -effect?

7. What is chunking? What is the magic number for chunking?

8. How does interference work in memory?

HW Read 163-166

1. What steps do you need to take to retain sensory and short term memory to become long term memory?

2. What is the capacity of our long term memory?

3. What is meant by memory as being reconstructive?

4. Explain what a schema is in terms of memory?

5. How does schema impact our ability to recount what we remember?

6. Give an example of how a schema might distort a person’s memory

HW: Read pp 167-170

1. Why is forgetting not as simple as not remembering? Identify different scenarios in how forgetting takes place.

2. What are three basic memory tasks? How do each of these three work to improve memory?

3. How is interference similar to decay? How is it different?

4. What are different types of decay?

5. Explain repression. How does it relate to dissociative amnesia.

6. Explain the term infantile amnesia. How did Freud explain infantile amnesia?

7. What neurological explanation accounts for this?

8. What is anterograde amnesia? How can this occur?

9. What is retrograde amnesia?

Go to Mapping Memory on National Geographic and answer the following questions

Making Memories:

1. What parts of the brain are involved in sensory memory?

2. Explain how each part works.

Storing Memories

3. What parts of the brain are important in LTM?

4. Where does semantic memory take place?

5. Where does flashbulb memories take place?


6. In normal aging what is the first type of memory that starts to decline?

7. What happens to memory between the ages of 25 and 75 years old?

8. What happens in Alzheimer’s patients?

9. Describe how the brain’s ability to remember deteriorates in an Alzheimer’s patient between 1-14 years

10. Be sure to identify the parts of the brain that are affected.

For fun click on Did You Know? And Memory Games