Behave Yourself!

Psychology Class

Unit on Behaviorism /Learning

Aim: What is classical conditioning?

Read a Day in the Life page 127

  1. How do Linda, Janet, Marc, and Dan see learning?
  2. How do we learn as humans?

Read section 1 and answer the following questions read p128-130

  1. How does learning through association work?
  2. Define the term stimulus and response
  3. Define the term conditioning and classical conditioning
  4. Define the terms conditioned and unconditioned stimulus
  5. Define the terms conditioned and unconditioned response
  6. Explain how these terms work using Pavlov’s experiment

Aim: Review the main ideas behind classical conditioning

Read pp 130- 135

  1. How does classical conditioning contribute to taste aversions?
  2. Explain extinction
  3. Explain spontaneous recovery
  4. Explain generalization
  5. Explain discrimination
  6. How does flooding work?
  7. How does systematic desensitization work?
  8. What is counter-conditioning

Aim: What is operant conditioning?

HW: Read pp 135- 139, and 142-144

Answer the following on loose-leaf

1.What is the difference between operant and classical conditioning?

2.How is Project Pigeon an example of operant conditioning?

3.Explain the difference between primary and secondary reinforcers- give examples.

4.Explain the difference between positive and negative reinforcers- give examples.

5.Identify three reasons why punishment is not always effective.

6.Explain how these different schedules of reinforcement work

a. Continuous reinforcement

b. Partial reinforcement

Aim: What are the applications of classical and operant conditioning?

HW: read pp. 145- 146

  1. What did BF Skinner believe is the most important aspect of learning?
  2. How do cognitive psychologists differ?
  3. What did Tolman’s theories teach about the role of reinforcers?
  4. Define latent learning
  5. What is observational learning?
  6. Give examples of observational learning
  7. What role does TV play in observational learning?
  8. What impact does violence on TV have on behavior?

Aim: What are the cognitive factors of learning?

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