Professional Development

Helpful Resources for Teachers

KHAN Academy:

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational website created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan, a graduate of MIT and Harvard Business School. The stated mission is to provide "a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere." Wikipedia

TED Talks:

Ted Ed

The idea behind TedEd is that teachers can take the best of YouTube or create their own videos then flip them, which means adding titles, directions, questions and links to other resources. You can adapt and edit any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch around any YouTube video.

SAS Curriculum Pathways:

· SAS Curriculum Pathway’s resources are aligned with individual state and Common Core standards as well as AP curricula, which are often needed for new and engaging interactive experiences. In social studies courses such as AP U.S. History, for example, primary-source document analysis is a core skill. SAS Curriculum Pathways Interactive Tools, provide innovative and interactive instruction in document analysis within historical frameworks across U.S. and world history.The Spanish Writing Tablet and corresponding Tool-based Lessons provide additional examples of how SAS Curriculum Pathways resources can directly support and build AP student skills and knowledge. And our Writing Navigator Series—which includes Writing Planner, Writing Drafter, and Writing Reviser—is a valuable addition to any Advanced Placement humanities course. SAS Curriculum Pathways offers a wealth of authentic materials that provide English Language Learners (ELL) with the opportunity to learn discipline-specific content.

Annenberg Media:

Workshops on creating hands on learning in mathematics

American Passages

American Literature and its cultural context

Social Sciences:

Workshops for Teachers

Teaching Channel

Teaching Channel is a video showcase -- on the Internet and TV -- of innovative and effective teaching practices in America's schools.

ITUNES UNIVERSITY – You need to Download and create an I Tunes Account

SHOWME APP: Create your own ShowMe lessons with the iPad app. It's easy and it's free. Download the application it is free


Visuwords -

Visuwords™ online graphical dictionary — Look up words to find their meanings and associations with other words and concepts. Learn how words associate.


This site creates “word clouds” from text that is provided to it. These clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text that was input.


This allows for you and your students to organize your thoughts when outlining.


This site allows the user compare anything. What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament? Popular v. Electoral Vote? DNA v RNA? How does living in Seattle compare with living in Amsterdam? These comparisons clarify some Need To Know question and provide words that will be valuable in the research process. The pages includes TED Talks and other resources

Read Write and Think

Cube Creator:

Summarizing information is an important post reading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned.

WWW.TEACHEM.COM - Post videos with questions for students to watch

NY Times Learning Network: