McCuistion Vacation 1998 - Iceland

McCuistion Vacation 1998 - Iceland and Holland

This year we left our children at home (with a minder) and flew to Holland, with a stopover in Iceland (map). Mom and Dad are working on joining the Centurian club (visit 100+ countries.) They've been to some 70 or so.

The FIRST thing we did was to order up some famous Icelandic Wool sweaters.

Sure, they're warm. It's a good thing too, 'cause it rained, snowed, hailed, wind, fogged, and sunned on us. All in the first hour. The weather was extremely variable.

Because it can be a little gloomy-cold in Iceland, they paint their homes many bright colors; even the rooftops. As you fly in, it looks like you're landing in Disneyland.

We stayed at a wonderful Bread and Breakfast Egg Farm, just outside of Reykeyvic. They were so friendly. There was a great poster at the airport "We'll Leave the Lights on for you, ... All summer long". Even past 11pm evenings, it was still light outside.

We drove around the South-western section of the island. The entire island is black lava rocks. Even the beachs have black sand.

Many of the roads are paved, with excellent signs. But if you drive out of town abit, you end up with dirt roads (or should I say Lava-roads).

Iceland sits on a very active volcano section. Iceland gets larger with every passing year, as more land swells up as lava errupts from the sea.

They keep their homes nice and toasty by using the natural hot water geysers as a heat source.

EVERYTHING is expensive in Iceland; easily two to three times the cost of things in the USA.

Of course, they only really have wool and fish to export (unless you can export lava rocks).

After they cut off the fish bodies, they string up the fishheads. Apparently, there is some delightful treat that some of the old Icelandic fisherman know how to make from dried fishheads.

Our hostess was kind enough to get us some.

Its better with butter.

Next stop, Holland.