Axe sheath

Mom and Dad found this really cool battle axe and knew immediately they needed to get it for me for Christmas. Sure, it goes well with my Chainmail Armor and all. But what are they trying to say, really???!!!

But when Lynn was putting away our Christmas gifts, she cut herself on the blade. So right away, I knew it needed a sheath. Being a Scoutmaster and all that gives me that extra intelligence.

I started by creating a paper template model of the sheath I wanted to create.

When I was happy with the template, I cut out the paper template and traced the leather.

Next, cut the leather, The single template worked for both sides of the sheath, since it was mostly symmetric.

I used my drill to create holes for the thread. I then sewed the two pieces of leather together.

I found a really nice looking axe sheath on forum I used it as my inspiration and stamped my design

Stain it nice and dark.

Finished product. I think it came out right nice. No more sleeping on the couch.