Bullwhip Cracker/Popper construction

It's pretty easy to create crackers for your bullwhips. The hardest part is remembering how to make them! So I documented how I do it, so I'll be able to remember.

I use colorful mason cord. It's cheap and readily accessible from your local big-box construction store.

Measure out about 18 inches.

Cut. Don't worry too much about it fraying. You'll want it to fray, when you're done.

This next part is the tricky/fun part. Hold one end (somehow) and twist the other end a bunch. A 'Bunch' is a technical whip-making term for many times until the string binds up on itself, which means you twisted it too much, so back up a bit.

Then, bend the string in half on itself, and let go of the middle of the string. It will magically warp around itself.

Tie an overhand/half hitch with one side of the string near the end.

Finished product!