How to make a Bullwhip: #3

After I made my first whip and second whip out of paracord to learn the plaiting skills, I made my third whip out of cow leather from Tandy. I used an Australian Strander to cut the lace and a lace beveller to prepare the laces.

Here's my Australian Strander and homemade beveller. They are sitting on what's left of a piece of leather I got from Tandy, after cutting lace by going around and around. This is my 'learning' whip using leather. I definitively learned how not to cut laces.

For my first leather whip, I made the the core by soaking some laces in water, twisting them together and stretching them.

Start plaiting

Attach the core to the handle and continue plaiting

Finished with first layer

Cut laces for second layer

Second layer finished

Close-up of the handle showing the 5x8 Turks head knots. The heel knot was made with laces cut a little bit thinner.

I purchased some really thick leather and cut out an 18 inch fall. I beveled all edges, soaped it up good, and attached it to the plaited whip. For a 4.5 ft bullwhip, it cracks OK.

The plaiting soap I made from Crisco, Ivory Soap and water did indeed darken the color of the leather, but I like the look. None of the butchers around here had old-fashion lard.

Now I'm ready to try my 4th whip, an 8 foot bullwhip

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