How to make a Paracord Bullwhip: #2

After I made my first whip and learned the lessons, I made my second whip: an 8.5 ft 8-plait belly, 12 plait middle layer, 16-plait overlay. I had the basics skills this time, and could try more adventurous design techniques.

You start with a metal rod and some extension cord wire. Cut your cords

You attach the extension cord wire to the rod.

Attach the paracord and start plaiting

First pass finished

Cut the cords for the second layer

Attach and start plaiting

Finished with the second layer

Cut the cords for the third layer

Start plaiting. As you can see, 16-plait is a spaghetti mess

Almost done plaiting

Attach the Fall and the cracker. The finished product!

A close-up of the handle. I did a little fancy plaiting.

It works much better than the first. Cracks nicely. I actually had to learn how to crack the right way with this one, it's so long. Now I am ready to try leather for my third whip

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