Kevin's Eagle Scout Service Project


This project entails the restoration and enhancement of a section of the Monocacy Nature Center. Approximately one mile of forest trail will be demarked and protected by a covering of woodchips. The bank of the park's creek will be protected from erosion. This protection will be accomplished by blocking off sections of the path too close to the water and rerouting existing trails.

We will be building rock deflectors in the river. These deflectors create eddies that pile up silt, thus rebuilding badly eroded sections of river bank.

We will also be cleaning the trails. This will involve picking up of litter, clearing weeds from the trail, and moving fallen trees to a safe distance from the trail.


Barren Trail eroding into the stream

Chips for the second day of work

During Project: Load those chips

Haul those chips

Clean that garbage

Dump those chips


What group will it benefit?

  • Present and future citizens of Bethlehem,

  • Towns, cities, and downstream users of the clean river,

  • Youth groups (scouts, schools, etc.) who use and study the river and shoreline,

  • The Monocacy Watershed Org.

This project will be of benefit to the group because:

  • A clean trail provides a natural environment.

  • A trail laid with woodchips is protected against weed growth; also, people are less likely to stray from a clearly marked path.

  • Protecting banks from erosion prevents the creek from becoming too shallow and warm to support the fish that live in it.

  • Less garbage in the water will provide cleaner water for those downstream.

After Project: Beneficiaries