Mark's Chainmail

So awhile ago, I decided I wanted to do certain things before I check out of this life. I spent a couple months learning to make fire by rubbing two sticks together (using the firebow method). But that's a different hobby page.

I made a German Dirndl for Lynn out of chainmail. We went to the local Renaissance Faire and had a blast.

Chainmail Bowtie for Jason

Many Christmases ago, I made a Chainmail Bowtie for my eldest son

A funny story: He teaches the Navy officers how to turn on their Nuclear Sub engines (since he has a Masters degree in Nuclear Engineering). He wears a bowtie on the last day of rounds. When he walked in with his chainmail bowtie, the students went wild.

Of course, the first project is the traditional Chainmail Dice bag. It's done with 1/4 inch inner diameter rings. Here's the one I made for Michael.

Then I made a Coif. That's a Chainmail hat. This one is made with 3/8 inch inner diameter rings of Bright Aluminum 5356 using the European 4-1 weave.

Here's a chainmail Tie I made. Pin-stripped, but of course.

I made some Bracers 3/8 inch E6-1, which are really easy, since they are just 'sheets' of Chainmail.

Then, to learn the skills of smaller diameter rings, I made Lynn a Handflower. It's made with 3/16 inch inner diameter rings.

They're kind of pretty. Next, I worked on Gauntlets. You need to use small rings so the gauntlets will be flexible. Here's a picture of my work, and the finished products.

Then, I made a Bishop's Mantle. That's the thing you wear around your neck. The front is DragonScale, the back Elvesweave. I'm using the front 'V' to display various chain-weaves, like HP3-1, Kingsmail, and Roundmail.

Finally, after you learn the techniques, you make a vest (shirt with no sleeves) = Bernie. Then you add sleeves. I've got half of the sleeves finished. Finally, I'll extend the length.

Here's a picture of Kevin wearing the Coif, Bishops mantle and shirt, along with a sword strapped to his back.

Just for fun, here's some Chainmail Santa cookies I made for a Cookie Exchange party Lynn went to. I also made a tiny Coif to go on a tangerine, so the guest would know what the cookies represented. Apparently, knowing me, all of Lynn's friends knew right away what they were.