Jason's Eagle Project

Here's the original area. The Wildlife Conservancy wanted an access from the road to the Lehigh River for the Naturalists who give the lectures. While the Scouts and other teenagers have no trouble scampering up the bank, the older folks are not as agile.

refuse gathered from the banks

We gathered a LOT of junk, discarded along the banks of the river around the access area. This is our youngest scout, Michael, with the dozen tires we pulled up from the edge of the river.

So, here's the junk we gathered. This dumpster was some 30 feet long. Jason was worried, at first, if we would even cover the bottom, let alone fill it. But there was sufficient garbage to fill it respectably.

Working on the stairway

Here's the Scoutmaster and a recent Eagle Scout, working on the foundation and supporting stonework that lines the walk.

They were actually having a race, but when one would start to fall behind, the other would switch to help catch up, in the true Scouting spirit.

The finished product

Here's what the finished product looks like. Not bad handy work, eh?