New materialisms
My interest in the genealogies and philosophies of neo-materialm was triggered by my involvement in COST Action IS1307: 'New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on 'How matter comes to matter' (2014-2018)
Sewing, Fighting and Writing: Radical Practices in Work, Politics and Culture, London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
Visual Lives: Carrington’s Letters, Drawings and Paintings, BSA/Auto/biography monographs, 2010
Journal Articles
‘Challenging the Bifurcation of Nature: Women Workers’ Education through Process Philosophy’, in History of Education, 49 (3), 313-326, doi: 10.1080/0046760X.2020.1739758, 2020
‘Doing New Materialisms: an interview with Maria Tamboukou by Beatriz-Revelles-Benavente’ in Matter: Journal of New Materialist research, 1(1), 153-174, 2020.
‘New Materialisms in the Archive: in the mode of an œuvre à faire’. In Mai: Feminism and Visual Culture, 2019.
Feeling Narrative in the Archive: the question of serendipity. Qualitative Research, 16(2), 151-166, 2016.
'Archival Research: Unravelling space/time/matter entanglements and fragments. Qualitative Research, 14(5), 617-633, 2014
Book Chapters
'Curated Panel: Genealogies and Apparatuses of New Materialist Production’ by Aurora Hoel and Sam Skinner with contributions from Jelena Djuric, David Gauthier, Evelien Geerts, Sofie Sauzet and Maria Tamboukou. In Felicity Colman, & Iris van der Tuin (Eds.) Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024, pp. 105-135.
Blog Entries
On the joys and pleasures of reading, entry for the Auto/bibliography of the New Materialism network, 2017
Almanac, entry for the Almanac of the New Materialism netwok, 2016