

‘Rethinking the subject in feminist research: narrative personae and stories of “the real”’, Textual Practice, 32(6), 939-955. Reprinted in Tory Young (ed.) Queer and Feminist Theories of Narrative. London: Routledge.


‘History and Ethnography: interfaces and juxtapositions.’ In Sara Delamont (Ed). Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. Northampton (MA) and Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 136-152. Second edition, edited by Michael R.M. Ward and Sara Delamont, 27-34.


 ‘Of Other Spaces: women’s colleges at the turn of the century’, in Gender Place and Culture, a journal of feminist geography, 7(3), 247-263. Reprinted in the digital platform Routledge Historical Resources: 19th Century British Society, edited by Susie Steinbach and Martin Hewitt.


‘Writing genealogies: an exploration of Foucault’s strategies for doing research’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 20(2), 201-218. Reprinted in Foucault and Education: Putting Theory in Work, edited by Stephen J. Ball, 103-120. London: Routledge. 


‘Re-imaginingthe narratable subject’. Qualitative Research, 8 (3), 283-292, reprinted in Researching Gender, ed., Christina Hughes, London: Sage. 


Charting Cartographies of Resistance: Line of Flight in Women Artists’ Narratives. Gender and Education, 22 (6), 679-696. Also published in Jessica Ringrose, ed. 2011. Rethinking Gendered Regulations and Resistance in Education. London: Routledge. 


‘Machinic Assemblages: Women, Art Education and Space. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 29 (3), 359-375. Also published in Dillabough, J. A., McLeod, J., Mills, M., (2009) Troubling Gender in Education. London: Routledge, 57-73, reprinted in March 2011 in Routledge popular paperback series. 


‘Interrogating“ the emotional turn”: making connections with Foucault and Deleuze’. European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, 6 (3) 209-223. Reprinted in I. Parker (ed) Critical Psychology, Routledge Major Work Series, Critical Concepts in Psychology, Vol.IV, ‘Alternatives and Visions for Change’, Part 10: Conceptual.


‘Spacing herself’. Gender and Education, 11(2), 125-139, reprinted in Joyce Goodman and Jane Martin, eds. (2010) Women in Education: Major Themes.


‘Tracing Heterotopias, Writing women educators in Greece’. Gender and Education, vol. 16 (2), 187-207. Reprinted in B. Harrison (2009) (ed.) Life Story Research, Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, Volume IV, pp.87-110.


‘Nomadic subjects: Young black women in Britain’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 23(3), 267-284. Reprinted in M. Arnot, and Mac an Ghail (eds) (2006), The Routledge Falmer Reader in Gender and Education, 252-267. (with S.J. Ball)