Book Chapters


Decolonizing feminist theories and mapping surging feminist knowledges. in: Ulmer, J. B., Hughes, C., Salazar Pérez, M.  and Taylor, C. A., and (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Transdisciplinary Feminist Research and Methodological Praxis .

'Curated Panel: "Genealogies and Apparatuses of New Materialist Production" ’ by Aurora Hoel and Sam Skinner with contributions from Jelena Djuric, David Gauthier, Evelien Geerts, Sofie Sauzet and Maria Tamboukou. In Felicity Colman, & Iris van der Tuin (Eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024, pp. 105-135.


‘Working women on the move: genealogies of gendered migrant labour’, Women, Work and Agency. Organizing and activism around the world in the long 20th century, edited by Eloisa Betti, Leda Papastefanaki, Marica Tolomelli, Susan Zimmermann. Budapest, New York: Central European University Press, 293-318.

‘The Gendered Politics of Love: An Arendtian Reading’. In Hannah Arendt and the History of Thought, edited by Marguerite La Caze and Daniel Brennan, Lexington Books, 77-93.

“Introduction-Diffractions, in Thinking with Stephen J. Ball: Lines of Flight in Education, edited by Maria Tamboukou. London: Routledge, xxii-xxvii.

‘Borderlands and Radical Hope: beyond academic philanthropy’, Thinking with Stephen J. Ball: Lines of Flight in Education, edited by Maria Tamboukou. London: Routledge, 96-109.


‘Genealogies and assemblages of resistance: Jeanne Bouvier’s struggles in “le travail à domicile” ’ , in  Homebased Work and Homebased Workers 1800-2021, edited by Malin Nilsson , Indrani Mazumdar and Silke Neunsinger,  pp.203-226. Leyden: Brill. 


‘Women Workers’ Education’, in Fitzgerald Tanya (eds) Handbook of Historical Studies in Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Singapore: Springer, 813-829

 ‘Epistolary Lives: fragments, sensibility, assemblages in auto/biographical research’, in The Palgrave Handbook of Auto/Biography, edited by Anne Chapell and Julie M. Parsons, 157-164. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

‘History and Ethnography: interfaces and juxtapositions.’ In Michael R.M. Ward and Sara Delamont (Eds). Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. 2nd Edition. Northampton (MA) and Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 27-34.


 ‘Archival Methods in Auto/biographical Research’, in Research Methodologies for Auto/biography Studies, 19-25. New York: Routledge.


Amor mundi: Romantic socialisms and feminist politics, British Sociological Association: Auto/Biography Yearbook, Vol. XI, 63-76.


Epistolary entanglements of Love and Politics, Reading Rosa Luxemberg's letters, The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History, 381-391, edited by Ivor Goodson, with Ari Antikainen, Molly Andrews and Pat Sikes. London: Routledge


Ordinary / Extraordinary: Narratives, Politics, History. In Political Aesthetics: Culture, Critique and the everyday, 181-200, edited by Arundhati Virmani. London: Routledge.


The female self as punctum: Fannia Cohn’s archival technologies of the self. British Sociological Association:  Auto/biography Yearbook. Vol. VII, 99-113.


‘Good night and good-bye: temporal and spatial rhythms in piecing together Emma Goldman’s auto/biographical fragments'. British Sociological Association, Auto/biography Yearbook. Vol. VI, 17-31. 

A Foucauldian Approach to narratives. In M. Andrews, C. Squire and M. Tamboukou (Eds.) Doing Narrative Research.London: Sage, 88-107. (first edition 2008)

‘What is narrative research? In M. Andrews, C. Squire and M. Tamboukou (Eds.) Doing Narrative Research. London: Sage, 1-26. (first edition 2008) (with Squire C., Andrews, M)

‘Becoming an Artist: Life Histories and Visual Images’. In Matthew Partington and Linda Sandino, (Eds.) Oral History in the Visual Arts. London: Bloomsbury, 171-179. ( with Gali Weiss)


‘History and Ethnography: interfaces and juxtapositions.’ In Sara Delamont (Ed). Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. Northampton (MA) and Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 136-152.


‘Introduction’. In Hyvärinen, M., Hydén, L.C., Saarenheimo, M., Tamboukou, M. (eds) Beyond Narrative Coherence, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, pp.1-15. (with Hyvärinen, M., Hydén, L.C., Saarenheimo)

‘Broken Narratives,Visual Forces: Letters, Paintings and the Event’. In Hyvärinen, M., Hydén, L.C., Saarenheimo, M., Tamboukou, M. (eds) Beyond Narrative Coherence, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, pp.67-86.


‘Visual silences, nomadic narratives’. Auto/biography Yearbook. Vol. II, pp.1-20.


Women on derive: Autobiographical explorations of lived spaces'  In Geography and Gender reconsidered, Women and Geography Study group. (with Judith Burnett and Erica Cudworth


‘Stories of narrative research’. In Gubrium et al. Qualitative Research Practice, London: Sage. (with Molly Andrews, Shelley Sclater-Day ,Corinne Squire)

Genealogy andEthnography: finding the rhythm’. In Tamboukou, M., and Ball, S.J., (eds) Dangerous encounters: genealogy and ethnography, New York: Peter Lang, 195-216.

‘Genealogy and ethnography: fruitful encounters or dangerous liaisons?’ In Tamboukou, M., and Ball, S.J., (eds) Dangerous encounters: genealogy and ethnography, New York: Peter Lang, 1-36. (with Stephen J. Ball)