Journal Articles


Letters, Gender and Mathematics: a feminist genealogical approach, Foro de Educación, 22(1), 17-34. doi: (0pen access)

A Princess of Science? Becoming the First Woman Professor in Mathematics in Modern Europe. Nordic Journal of Educational History 11 (2):57-79. (open access)

Hidden in the archive of gender and science: The agonistics of knowledge and learning, History of Education, 53 (2), 380-402, doi/full/10.1080/0046760X.2024.2304339 (open access).


Feeling Happiness, Feeling Science: Diffractive Readings of Émilie Du Châtelet’s and Sophie Germain’s philosophical writings. Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, 2, 68-88, doi: 10.1163/2666318X-bja00020.  
Reading letters of an eighteenth-century femme philosophe: love as an existential and creative force in Émilie Du Châtelet’s correspondence, Women's History Review, (published on-line first, open access)

Exceptional Women in Science Education? Émilie du Châtelet and Maria Gaetana Agnesi, Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education, doi.10.1080/00309230.2023.2238621 (published on-line first, open access)

‘Ever yours, mathematically’: women’s letters and the mathematical imagination, Gender and Education, 35(8), 742-757. (open access)

Antigone re-imagined : uprooted women’s political narratives’. Feminist Theory,  24(3) 416–432,


Traces in the Archive: Re-imagining Sofia Kovalevskaya, Life Writing, 19(3), 341-356, 


Fannia Mary Cohn et le mouvement pour l’éducation des travailleuses aux États-Unis [Fannia Mary Cohn and the movement for women workers’ education in the US]. Histoire de l’education, 156.2, 53-71.

Moving Between Worlds: Border Women in Narratives of Forced Displacement in Greece. Gender, Place and Culture: a journal of feminist geography, 28(10), 844-863,   (You can listen the Faculti interview on this paper here)

Becoming-cat or what a woman’s body can do. Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research, 2(2), 130-153,

Feeling the real: the non-nomadic subject of feminism. Theory, Culture and Society, 38(3), 3-27, doi: 10.1177/0263276420942803 . Here is the video abstract 

Narrative Rhythmanalysis: the art and politics of listening to women’s narratives of forced displacement’ International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(2), 149-162, 


Amor Narratio. Editor's Introduction for the Special Issue, 'Amor Narratio: A Festschrift For Catherine Kohler Riessman'

Narrative Works, 10. 

Mobility assemblages and lines of flight in women’s narratives of forced displacement,  European Journal of Women’s Studies, 27(3), 234-248, doi/10.1177/1350506820932946.

Challenging the Bifurcation of Nature: Women Workers’ Education through Process Philosophy, History of Education, 49 (3), 313-326, doi: 10.1080/0046760X.2020.1739758 

Archives, Genealogies and Narratives in Women Workers’ Education, Women’s History Review, 29(3), 396-412, doi: 10.1080/09612025.2019.1611122.


New Materialisms in the Archive: in the mode of an œuvre à faire, Mai: Feminism and Visual Culture.


Rethinking the subject in feminist research: narrative personae and stories of 'the real', Textual Practice, 32(6), 939-955, doi: 10.1080/0950236X.2018.1486541 

Living and Thinking the Event, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 1601-1602, doi: 10.1080/00131857.2018.1461431.

Action as narration/narration as action: reading Maud Gonne’s auto/biographical writings as marginalized knowledges of the historiographical operation. Irish Educational Studies, 37 (2), 243-254, doi: 10.1080/03323315.2018.1465834

Painting the Body: Feminist Musings on Visual Autographies. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, 33 (2), 327-345,

The joy of learning: Feminist materialist pedagogies and the freedom of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50 (9), 868-877, doi: 10.1080/00131857.2017.13962


Reassembling Documents of Life in the Archive. European Journal of Life Writing, [S.l.], v. 6, p. 1-19, apr. 2017, doi:

The Visual Turn and the Digital Revolution, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, invited contribution to the special issue on What’s Next? The Futures of Auto/biography Studies, 32 (2), 359-362.


Education as Action / The Adventure of Education: Thinking with Arendt and Whitehead’. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 48(2), 136-147.

The work of memory: embodiment, materiality and home in Jeanne Bouvier’s autobiographical writing. Women’s History Review, 25(2), 207-226.

Feeling Narrative in the Archive: the question of serendipity. Qualitative Research, 16(2), 151-166. 

The autobiographical you: letters in the gendered politics of the labour movement. Journal of Gender Studies, 25(3), 269-282.


The Art politics of May Steven's work: Disrupting the distribution of the sensible' . Women's Studies International Forum, 48, 39-46, an overview of the paper can be reached here.

Farewell to the self: between the letter and the self-portrait. Life Writing, 12(1), 75-91.

Becomings: Narrative Entanglements and Microsociology [44 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 16(1), Art. 19. 

Not everything that the bourgeois world created is bad: aesthetics and politics in women workers’ education’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(3), 424-436, you can listen to the abstract, here.


Narrative Personae and Visual Signs: Reading Leonard’s intimate photo-memoir, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, 29 (1), 27-49.

Imagining and living the revolution: an Arendtian reading of Rosa Luxemburg’s letters and writings, Feminist Review. (106, 27-42)

Archival Research: Unravelling space/time/matter entanglements and fragments, Qualitative Research, 14(5), 617-633. 

Beyond figuration and narration: Deleuzian approaches to Gwen John’s paintings, Deleuze Studies. 8 (2), 230-255.


Love, Narratives,Politics: Encounters between Hannah Arendt and Rosa Luxemburg, Theory, Culture and Society, 30 (1), 35-56.

Educating the seamstress: studying and writing the memory of work, History of Education, 42(4), 509-527.


Truth telling in Foucault and Arendt: Parrhesia, the Pariah and Academics in Dark Times,  Journal of Education Policy, 27 (6), 849-865.

Heterotopic and Holey Spaces as Tents for the Nomad: Rereading Gwen John’s Letters,  Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 19 (3).


Interfaces in narrative research: letters as technologies of the self and as traces of social forces, Qualitative Research, 11 (5), 625-641.

Rethinking the Private Hypothesis: Epistolary Topographies in Carrington’s Letters, Emotion, Space and Society, 4 (1), 25-34.


Narratives from within: an Arendtian approach to life-histories and the writing of history, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 42:2, 115-131.

Relational Narratives: Autobiography and the Portrait, Women Studies International Forum, 33, 170-179.

Working With Stories as Multiplicities, Opening up the Black Box of the Archive,  Life Writing, 7 (1), 19-33.

Charting Cartographies of Resistance: Line of Flight in Women Artists’ Narratives, Gender and Education, 22 (6), 679-696.


Leaving the self Nomadic passages in the memoir of a woman artist, Australian Feminist Studies, 24:61, 307-324.


Re-imaginingthe narratable subject, Qualitative Research, 8 (3), 283-292.

Machinic Assemblages: Women, Art Education and Space, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 29 (3), 359-375.

Educating the other, invited response to a previously unpublished document by Sylvia Pankhurst (1959) on a women’s college in Ethiopia, Gender and Education, 20 (1), 77-80.


Power, desire and emotions in education: revisiting the epistolary narratives of three women in apartheid South Africa,  Gender and Education, 18 (3), 231-250.


Rethinking the political subject: narratives of parrhesiastic acts, International Journal of Critical Psychology, 14, 138-157.


Tracing Heterotopias, Writing women educators in Greece, Gender and Education, vol. 16 (2), 187-207.

Educational Heterotopias and the Self, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 12(3), 399-413.

Nomadic trails in the unfolding of the self,, 4 (3).

Enjoy their Symptom: Of Women, Men and Other Interesting Figures in Greek literary texts, Women a Cultural Review, 15 (1), 83-100. (with Angie Voela)


Writing feminist genealogies, Journal of Gender Studies, 12 (1) 5-19.

Interrogating“ the emotional turn”: making connections with Foucault and Deleuze,  European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling and Health, 6 (3) 209-223.


Erasing Sexuality from the blackboard,  Australian Feminist Studies, 17(38), 135-149.

Nomadic subjects: Young black women in Britain, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 23(3), 267-284. (with Stephen J. Ball)


Of Other Spaces: women’s colleges at the turn of the century, Gender Place and Culture, a journal of feminist geography, 7(3), 247-263.

The paradox of being a woman teacher, Gender and Education, 12 (4), 463-478.


Writing genealogies: an exploration of Foucault’s strategies for doing research, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 20(2), 201-218.

Spacing herself, Gender and Education, 11(2), 125-139.


Mapping herself: aspects of women teachers’ existence in autobiographical texts [Χαρτογραφώντας τον εαυτό της [Προσεγγίσεις της γυναικείας ύπαρξης στην εκπαίδευση μέσα από αυτοβιογραφικά κείμενα]. Dini, feminist Journal [Δίνη, φεμινιστικό περιοδικό], 9, 51-74. (in Greek)