Book reviews


'Situated writing as theory and method: The untimely academic novella' by Mona Livholts, Routledge. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 36(4), 693-694


‘The Ethics of Storytelling’ by Hanna Mretoja, Oxford University Press. Life Writing, 17(1), 129-30.


‘Considering Emma Goldman: Feminist Political Ambivalence and the Imaginative Archive’ by Claire Hemmings, Duke University Press, 2018. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 34(2), 277-284.


‘Tales of loving and leaving’ by Gaby Weiner, London authorHOUSE, 2016. Women’s Studies International Forum, 63, 43-44.


‘Inequality, poverty, education: A political economy of school exclusion Francesca Ashurst and Couze Venn, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014’, Subjectivity, 7, 313–315.

Henri Lefebvre and Education: Space, History, Theory. Women’s Studies International Forum, 44, 201-202, org/10.1016/j.wsif.2014.02.012

Emma Goldman, A Documentary History of the American Years, Volume 3: Light and Shadows, 1910-1916, edited by Candace Falk and Barry Pateman. Gender and Education, 26 (1), 87-88.

Foucault, Power and Education by Stephen, J. Ball. Journal of Educaion Policy, 29 (1), 140-141.


Marilyn Metta, Writing Against, Alongside and Beyond Memory Lifewriting as Reflexive: Poststructuralist Feminist Research Practice. Qualitative Research, 13 (2), 250-25.


Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories, Wanda M. Corn and Tirza True Latimer, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. University of California Press: Berkeley, Los Angeles, Women’s Studies International Forum, 35, 301-302.

Urban Youth and Schooling: The experiences and identities of Educationally and ‘At Risk’ Young People by Louise Archer, Sumi Hollingworth and Heather Mendick. Gender and Education, 24 (2), 247-248.


‘Making Connections: Psychoanalysis, Ecology and Deleuze and Guattaris’ philosophies’ review of the book Psychoanalysis and ecology at the edge of chaos: Complexity theory, Deleuze / Guattari and the psychoanalysis for a climate in crisis by Dodds Joseph, Psychology in Society, 42, 75-77.

Lost youth in the global city: class, culture and the urban imaginary, by Jo-Anne Dillabough and Jacqueline Kennedy. Gender and Education, 23 (6), 795-796.


‘Letters written in Sweden and Norway and Denmark’ by Mary Wollstonecraft’. Gender and Education. 22:4, 470-472.

‘Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues’ by Hickey Moody and Anne Malins (eds). Gender and Education, 22:2, 243-245.


‘Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches’ by J. Elliot. Qualitative Research, 6 (2): 277-279.


‘Pierre Bourdieu: Agent Provocateur’ by Michael Grenfell. Auto/biography, 13 (3), 267-268.

‘Fabricating Foucault’ by Roger Alan Deakon. Theoria, 17, 124-127.

Gender and space: femininity, sexualization and the female body’ by Niranjana Seemanthin. Gender and Education, 17 (1): 109-111.


‘After-Education: Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Psychoanalytic Histories of Learning’ by Deborah Britzman. Auto/biography, 12 (3), 261-262.


Managing Equal Opportunities in Higher Education, a guide to understanding and action by Diana Woodward. Teaching in Higher Education 7 (3), 359-361.

‘Promise of a dream’ by Sheila Rowbotham. Auto/biography, Vol.X (1&2), 146-147.


‘Genealogy and Literature’ by L. Quinby (Ed). Journal of Education Policy, 13 (4), 581.


‘Writing Selves: Contemporary feminist Autography’ by J. Perrault. Journal of Education Policy, 11 (4), 508.


Marilyn Metta, Writing Against, Alongside and Beyond Memory Lifewriting as Reflexive: Poststructuralist Feminist Research Practice. Qualitative Research, 13 (2), 250-251.


Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories, Wanda M. Corn and Tirza True Latimer, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. University of California Press: Berkeley, Los Angeles, Women’s Studies International Forum, 35, 301-302.

Urban Youth and Schooling: The experiences and identities of Educationally and ‘At Risk’ Young People by Louise Archer, Sumi Hollingworth and Heather Mendick. Gender and Education, 24 (2), 247-248.


‘Making Connections: Psychoanalysis, Ecology and Deleuze and Guattaris’ philosophies’ review of the book Psychoanalysis and ecology at the edge of chaos: Complexity theory, Deleuze / Guattari and the psychoanalysis for a climate in crisis by Dodds Joseph, Psychology in Society, 42, 75-77.

Lost youth in the global city: class, culture and the urban imaginary, by Jo-Anne Dillabough and Jacqueline Kennedy. Gender and Education, 23 (6), 795-796.


‘Letters written in Sweden and Norway and Denmark’ by Mary Wollstonecraft’. Gender and Education. 22:4, 470-472.

(2010) ‘Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues’ by Hickey Moody and Anne Malins (eds). Gender and Education, 22:2, 243-245.


‘Using Narrative in Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches’ by J. Elliot. Qualitative Research, 6 (2): 277-279


‘Pierre Bourdieu: Agent Provocateur’ by Michael Grenfell. Auto/biography, 13 (3), 267-268.

‘Fabricating Foucault’ by Roger Alan Deakon. Theoria, 17, 124-127.

Gender and space: femininity, sexualization and the female body’ by Niranjana Seemanthin. Gender and Education, 17 (1): 109-111.


‘After-Education: Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, and Psychoanalytic Histories of Learning’ by Deborah Britzman. Auto/biography, 12 (3), 261-262.


Managing Equal Opportunities in Higher Education, a guide to understanding and action by Diana Woodward. Teaching in Higher Education 7 (3), 359-361.

‘Promise of a dream’ by Sheila Rowbotham. Auto/biography, Vol.X (1&2), 146-147.


‘Genealogy and Literature’ by L. Quinby (Ed). Journal of Education Policy, 13 (4), 581.


‘Writing Selves: Contemporary feminist Autography’ by J. Perrault. Journal of Education Policy, 11 (4), 508.