Conferences and Talks
Keynote addresses
Tracking Processual Pockets of Thought in Sociology and Social Theory. Keynote address for the Sociological Association Ireland Postgraduate Conference 2024, 'Reshaping Boundaries: Sociological Perspectives on Globalization and Cultural Dynamics', hosted by the University of Limerick, February 24, 2024.
The joy of being together in difference. Keynote address for the ATGENDER Spring Conference: Feminist Pedagogy of/beyond Borders, Kadir Has University, Istanbul 4-6 September 2023.
Epistolary narratives of love, gender and agonistic politics. Keynote lecture for the Femmes Auteurs Anglo-Americaines (FAAM) conference Intimate Politics in Anglophone Women's Writing, University of Paris Nanterre, September 23-24, 2022.
Politicogenetic phenomena: Hannah Arendt, Rosa Luxemburg and their feminist interlocutors. Keynote talk for the inaugural conference of Arendt in Aberdeen 2022-2024 series: Council Democracy as an alternative to Representative Democracy. University of Aberdeen, June 24, 2022.
Surging Knowledges : Revisiting the nomadic subject. Keynote talk for the Graduate Conference, Adventures in Post-Humanism, Plymouth Institute of Education, May 5, 2022, on-line. (you can watch it here)
Challenging the bifurcation of nature: women workers' education through process philosophy. International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Humboldt University, Berlin, August 29-September 1, 2018.
Archival sensibility or how to do research with traces. Archive Fever, Melbourne University, March 28-29, 2018.
Feeling the world: romantic socialisms and feminist politics. BSA Auto/biography Christmas Conference, December 8, 2017.
‘Archival Technologies: past traces, future imaginings’. National Finnish Conference on History Research, University of Turku, October 19-21, 2017. (presentation slides here)
'On the Aesthetics of Action: the artpolitics assemblage' Symposium on 'Disobedience and Complex Systems', Iklektic Arts Lab, University of the Arts, London, September 29, 2017.
'Entanglements in the archive of feminist memories’ in Gender and the Archive: Conversations Across Disciplines and Practices. The Research Groupin Sex, Gender and Sexuality. University of Roehampton, January 30, 2015. (soundtrack here)
‘Action as Narration/Narrationas action: reading Maud Gonne’s autobiographical writings’. 1st Irish Conference on Narrative Inquiry: Researching and Writing Irish Storyscapes. Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland, April 10, 2014. (you can follow the presentation slides here)
‘Portraits of Moments: Visual and Textual Entanglements in Narrative Research’ In Losing the Plot: grappling with narrative complexity, Conference on Narrative Research organized by the Narrative Network Australia in conjunction with Victoria University. Melbourne, July 9-10, 2010. Proceedings of the Conference.
‘Visual silences, nomadic narratives, British Sociological Association, Auto/biography Research Group, Annual Conference, Leicester University, July 10-12, 2008. (you can follow the presentation slides here)
‘Making cartographies of Narrative Research’, Symposium on Narrative Research, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 26-28 April, 2006
Invited papers for International Conferences and Academic Networks
'Epistolary Archives and Sensibilities: Between the Personal and the Scientific in Women Mathematicians’ Correspondence'. Annual lecture for the Manchester Centre for Correspondence Studies, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Languages and the John Rylands Research Institute and Library of the University of Manchester, March 5, 2024.
‘Epistolary Becomings: Archival Traces and Diffractive Readings’. Keynote lecture for the International Methodological Seminar on ‘Heritage of ordinary letters: research goals and methodologies’, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore’, January 26, 2024, on-line.
'Tracing events in entanglements of gender and science:a feminist genealogical perspective'. Keynote lecture for the International workshop 'The Same Event? Morphologies, Reflections, Disseminations', an event of the project Baltic Peripeties: Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes', University of Tartu, Institute of Cultural Research, December 15-17, 2022.
‘Feeling art in the archive: Adventures in New Materialisms’. Keynote talk for the PhD seminar, Meshes of the Archive. Gender, Diversity, Archives and Cultural Heritage. Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris / Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, March 22-24, 2022.
'Archival agonism, resistibility and memory work'. Keynote talk for a workshop on Gender and Education, Aarhus University, Denmark, February 24-25, 2022, on-line.
‘A Feminist Theory of Refusal’, invited response to a round-table discussion with Professor Bonnie Honig (Brown University) at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London, June 9, 2021, on-line. (you can watch it here)
‘Sewing, fighting and writing: women workers’ contribution to the political and cultural formations of modernity’, international panel on ‘Feminist Struggles for Scholarly Work in Academic Institutions’, organized by the Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz and the Gender Studies Association, Austria, May 20, 2021, on-line.
‘Home-based work without home: forced displacement, unfree labour and radical hope’, contribution to the joint plenary session of the working groups Free/Unfree Labour and Feminist Labour History. 3rd European Labour History Network Conference, Amsterdam, September 19-21, 2019.
Politiques culturelles et relations de genre dans le mouvement ouvrier: approches auto / biographiques dans un domaine interdisciplinaire in the session, 'Le récit biographique : une illusion?' for the colloque 'Une société d’individus, c’est-à-dire?', Symposium celebrating the 20 years of the CERLIS, on 16-17-18 January 2019. Amphitheatre Durkheim Sorbonne Université Paris Descartes Université Sorbonne Paris Cité Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 Cnrs
Yours, Roza: Gender Politics and Amor Mundi’. Centre for Gender Studies, Linnaeus University, Sweden, November 13, 2018.
Thinking Archival Research through Process Philosophy, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University Denmark, October 31, 2018.
Doing Gender in the Archive. Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies, Utrecht University, Doing Gender lecture series, June 13, 2018.
'Home-based work: genealogies and assemblages', invited paper at the International Conference on Long time perspectives on home-based industrial work, Stockholm, Swedish Labour Movement Archives and Library, May 22-24, 2018.
‘Narrative Entanglements: Reflections and Diffractions’. Invited talk for the launch of the Melbourne University Narrative Network, University of Melbourne, April 9, 2018.
'New materialist methodologies': Dialogue between Maria Tamboukou & Iris van der Tuin. 4th New Materialist Training School, Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona, November 20-22, 2017.
'Who are you? Narrative traces of uniqueness and plurality’ opening talk for a research workshop on Arendt at the Centre for the study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory (SELMA), University of Turku, Finland, October 17, 2017.
‘Biases in feminist research’ in Myths in Research: Beliefs, Bias, and Assumptions That Shape Our Knowledge, Arts Week 2017, Birbeck University, May 17, 2017.
'From representation to symbolic transformation', invited response to Milla Tiainen's keynote lecture, 'Emerging sonic situations: A new materialist cartography of feminist music and sound studies' at the 7th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 21-23 September, 2016.
Archaeology of knowledge and working in the archives, invited talk at the National Centre for Research Methods, for a research afternoon on Approaches to Analysing Qualitative Data: Archaeology as a Metaphor for Method, Foundling Museum, London, October 18, 2016. [you can watch the video of the event here]
Narrative personae in feminist research’, research seminar at the Centre for Gender and Language, Linnaeus University, Sweden, May 7, 2015.
Archives in Becoming. Presentation for the Research Symposium, Stories That Matter: Feminist Methodologies in the Archive, at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London, November 22, 2015.
‘Adventures’, UCL Institute of Education, Karl Mannheim Sociology Seminar marking Professor Stephen Ball’s move from Karl Mannheim Professor to Distinguished Service Professor. British Academy, June 30, 2015.
Narrativity as process: a Whiteheadian approach’, research seminar at Østfold University College, Fredrikstad, Norway, November 29, 2013.
Narrative personae: rethinking the subject in feminist research. Invited speaker at The Future of Feminist Narratology, a British Academy funded symposium of the European Narratology Network. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, October 12, 2013.
Autobiographical elements in the letters of women workers in the gendered history of the labour movement’. Open Lecture at a Research day event on Autobiographical Narratives, Textuality and the History of Writing. Department of Cultural History, University of Turku, Finland, November 21, 2014.
Narrative Research: an overview of themes, questions and problems in researching narratives. Invited presentation at a three-days symposium on Narrative Research, Østfold University College, Fredrikstad, Norway, November, 29-December 1, 2012.
‘Narratives, Imagination, Politics: Writing the Memory of Work’, research seminar at Malmo University, Sweden, May 8, 2012.
Ordinary/Extraordinary: Narratives, Politics, History. Invited presentation at The Political Aesthetics of Power and Protest, one day workshop, at the University of Warwick, Department of Politics and International Studies, September 25, 2012. (you can listen to the paper here)
Writing Feminist Histories of the Present’, inaugural professorial lecture, University of East London, May 25, 2012.
From the question of "what" to the question of "how" or how to write about the lives of others. In: What is Narrative? A Special TCRU/CNR/NOVELLA Seminar, February 28, 2012, Institute of Education, University of London.
Am I that name? Doing multiplicities ESRC seminar series, 'New Perspectives on Education and culture', seminar 1: Cultural narratives and forms of knowing, The Whitechapel Gallery, London, March 17, 2011 (read Times Higher Education article as a report of the seminar here).
Ethics, Aesthetics and Politics in Narrative Research’. Seminar at ‘Köket’ SoRAD, Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs, Stockholm University, December 15, 2011.
‘Who is the subject of Narrative Research? Mapping Sofia Laskaridou’s Subjectivity’. Panel on Narratives and Subjectivities. Annual Conference of the Association of Greek Women Academics. (ELEGYP). Aristoteleion University of Thesaloniki, Greece. 5-6 February, 2010.
Discourses of power and desire in narrative analytics: Foucauldian and Deleuzian approaches. Plenary talk for the symposium: The Life and Power of ‘Stories’ and ‘Discourses’ Mid Sweden University, Östersund, September 23, 2010 (you can follow the slides of the talk here).
‘Narratives and the political’ public lecture organized by the Narrative Network Australia and Victoria University, Melbourne, July 7th, 2010.
Tracing Heterotopias: writing women educators at the turn of the nineteenth century. 150 Year of Mekteb-i Mülkiye: Education, History and Politics, November 20, 2009, Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences.
Narrative Research: interdisciplinary approaches’. Lecture at the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy, Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki, Greece, October 30th, 2009.
Memories and Reflections inSofia Laskaridou’s memoir. Public seminar on Women’s Lives. Women’s network, Refugee Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 31st, 2009. You can follow the seminar slides here
‘L’Atelier Frivole’: Desire, Imagination and radical futures in art education. Conference on Happy Talk: researching learning and pleasure, sponsored by the Gender and Education Association, Goldsmith’s College, University of London, October 16, 2009.
Archive Pleasures or whose time is it? Archives and Life-History Research , European Science Foundation, Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, September, 21-23, 2009.
Heterotemporalities: affective space/time encounters of a feminist researcher in the archive. Open lecture for the inaugural event of The Network for Reflexive Academic Writing Methodologies (RAW), Mid Sweden University, October 23-24, 2008.
Auto/biographical narratives, feminist genealogies. International Conference on ‘Women in the Balkan History-Life Histories of Women Educators’, Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Greece, June, 20-22, 2008.
‘The self and the portrait’. Research Centre for Contemporary Culture at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June, 28th, 2007.
‘Interior styles/Interior lives’. Panel on The phenomenology of the letter. Conference of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), Europe University of Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, June, 24-26, 2005.
You can visit Maria's youtube channel for some recorded lectures, seminars and papers:
Invited talks and workshops
a. Overseas
A writer’s job is never done, an Early Career Researchers’ workshop on the ‘writing process’, organized by AtGender, The European Association for Gender Research, March 31, 2021, via Zoom
Re-imagining tomorrow through Arts and Sciences, a transdisciplinary collaboration between Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, CodArts and Willem de Kooning Academy. Invited Lecture on ‘Doing Archival Research’, October 5, 2020 via Zoom.
Doing Archival Research, Public Lecture followed by a PhD master class, 'The Researcher and her Archive' at Aarhus Unicersity Denmark, School of Culture and Society, 30 October 2018.
'Explorations in Narrative Research', narrative research workshop, Dublin City University, 5-6 May 2016.
Vrije University in Brussels, Belgium (February, 2011, two masterclasses on: narratives beyond coherence and politics and narratives)
Vrije University in Brussels, Belgium (December, 2009, masterclass and seminar on Foucauldian and Deleuzian approaches to narratives)
‘Tardean sociology’, Postgraduate seminar, Department of Social and Education Policy, University of Peloponnese, Greece, May, 19th, 2007.
‘Ethnographic methodologies’. Postgraduate seminar, Department of Social and Education Policy, University of Peloponnese, Greece, May, 25t, 2006.
‘Narratives of power and emotion’. School of Education research seminar series, University of Waikato, New Zealand, May, 2nd, 2006
‘Feminist encounters with Foucault and Deleuze’. Women’s studies programme, University of Waikato, New Zealand, May, 4th, 2006.
‘On the spatial constitution of the female self’. Crossing boundaries, a feminist geography graduate course, University of Waikato, New Zealand, May, 5th, 2006.
‘A Foucauldian approach to narratives’. PhD masterclass, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, April, 25th, 2006.
‘Writing the self, painting the self’. Narrative Methods in the Social Sciences graduate course, Department of Sociology, Boston College, USA, March 23rd, 2006.
‘Women and Education-Women in Education’, Interdepartmental programme on Gender and Equality, University of Thessaly, Greece, November, 6th, 2004.
‘Genealogy and Ethnography’ Postgraduate seminar, University of Patras, Greece, January, 17th, 2004.
b. UK
Feminist History and Philosophy of Science group: Conversations with Professor Maria Tamboukou on feminist historiography, University of Cambridge, May 18, 2022, on-line.
‘On the art of listening’, invited contribution to the panel ‘The Challenges of Representation’ in the final workshop of the project Feminist Representations: Sexual Violence Against Women, Asylum and Testimony, University of Westminster and Université Paris 8, June 25, 2021, via Zoom. (You can watch the presentation here)
Errantry in the archive: Feeling traces of the self. Seminar on Activating the Archive: Artistic Politics, Feminist Viewpoints, Goldsmiths College, February 28, 2019. (listen to the talk here)
Numbers and Narratives: Becoming a Woman Mathematician, LSE Department of Mathematics, Women in Mathematics seminar series, November 28, 2018. [You can watch the seminar here]
'The adventure of Women Workers' Education'. Centre for Women’s History in Education, University of Winchester, January 25th, 2017.
Material Matters of Practice: research workshop fort the New Materialism Training School on Research Genealogies and Material Practices, Tate Modern, London, May 27-29, 2016.
‘Technologies of the self: Narrative and Affect: Theoretical Approaches to Studying People’s lives’. University of Brunel, Centre for Youth WorkStudies, Seminar Series 2014-2015: Violence and Young People: Approaches to Study and Intervention, February 24, 2015.
‘Aesthetics and Politics in women workers’ education’. Plymouth Centre of Education Research, University of Plymouth, February 19, 2014.
‘Gendering the memory of work’. Invited lecture/workshop at the ESRC funded National Centre for Research Methods, Phase III Node, Narratives of Varied Everyday Lives and Linked Approaches (NOVELLA), Institute of Education, March 8, 2013.
‘History andEthnography in Educational Research: Treading the Narrative Path’. Research seminar, Educational department, Brunel University. February 15, 2012. Y
‘Rethinking Resistance in Microsociological Analytics’ Social Theory Seminar in the Education, Equality and Development Group, University of Cambridge, October 25th, 2010.
‘Letters as Portraits of Moments in the Discourse of History’, Centre for Women’s History in Education, University of Winchester, January 19th, 2010.
‘Ordinary/Extraordinary: Narratives, Politics, History’, Institute of Historical Research, University of London, January 12th, 2010.
‘My dear Master: Of Love and Other Signs’ Psychosocial Special Interest Group and the Arts/Culture Group (Psychosocial Network). Institute of Education, December 4th, 2009.
‘What’s wrong with narratives? Interrogating biographical constructions of the female self in art’, data analysis, workshop on Creative Work and Cultural Careers, Open University, UK, June 2nd, 2009.
‘Epistolary Narratives: Working with Gwen John’s letters and paintings’, University of the Arts, February, 12th, 2008.
‘Working with stories as multiplicities: opening up the black box of the archive’, invited response for Theories, methodologies and Revisions, first seminar of the ESRC seminar series: Narrative Studies in Interdisciplinary Perspectives, University of Edinburgh, March, 23rd, 2007.
‘The force of narrative: making connections between the visual and the textual’. Centre for Narratives and Transformative Learning Seminar Series, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, January, 18th, 2007.
‘Disciplining art: social class and women artists’ spaces’, paper presented at the sociology seminar series, University of Surrey, November, 2nd, 2006. You can follow the seminar slides here.
‘Interfaces: narrative research in education’ paper presented at the Cultural studies in education seminar series, University of Exeter, June 28th, 2006.
‘Narratives, Power and Subjectivity: a genealogical approach’, paper presented in the seminar series of the ‘Culture, Subject, Economy’ research cluster, Cardiff University, October 26th, 2005.
Drawing topographies between genealogy and ethnography in sociological research, King’s College London, October 20th, 2004.
Lines of flight: The nomadic self, School of Cultural Studies, Goldsmith’s College, University of London, May, 26th, 2004.
‘Dangerous Encounters’, seminar held at the Institute of Education, University of London with Stephen Ball, January 2004.
‘Rethinking the Private Hypothesis’, Feminist Salon, Goldsmith’s College, University of London, January 29th, 2003
‘Genealogy and Ethnography’, at The Institute of Access Studies at Staffordshire University, as part of an ESRC funded programme of seminars, ‘Problematising Methodology in Access Studies’, July, 8th, 2002.
Public seminars and talks
'Walking the archive: epistolary geographies and visual topographies' for the Seminar, Archive Thinkers: How Artists and Researchers use Archives at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, January 27, 2022.
Decolonizing Feminist Theory, Listening to Uprooted Women’s Narratives. Public keynote lecture, Bader International Study Centre, Queen’s University, Canada, , April 6, 2021, via zoom.
‘The Force of Life Histories’. Public seminar and workshop on life history research. Kara-Tepe Refugee Camp, Lesvos, Greece, March 29, 2019.
‘Migrant and Refugee women: Stories of Escape and Education’. Public seminar at 2nd General Lykeion of Nea Filadelfia, Athens, March 19, 2019.
‘Women workers’ education’. Community seminar series, Stratford, London, January 26, 2019.
‘Heterotopias: Sexuality and Gender in Education’, public seminar at Beaver Cooperativa, Athens, December 12, 2018.
Memories and Reflections in Sofia Laskaridou’s memoir. Public seminar on Women’s Lives. Women’s network, Refugee Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 31st, 2009.
Selected Conferences
(2023) Diffractions on happiness in Émilie du Châtelet and Sophie Germain’s philosophical writings. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) at Maynooth University, Ireland, November 17-18, 2023. (you can watch the paper here)
(2023) Letters, gender and mathematics: an award letter too late to receive. Paper presented at the Epistolary Research Network (TERN) Conference, 6-7 October 2023 (you can watch the paper here)
(2023) Narrative Rhythmanalysis of Sofia Kovalevskaya's literary writings. 7th European Narratology Network Conference, Monopoli, Italy, 26-28 September 2023. (you can watch the paper here)
(2021) Troubling the archive: auto/biographical reiterations of the self. British Sociological Association, Auto/biography Study Group Summer Conference, July 15-16, 2021, on-line. (you can listen to the paper here)
(2019) Feeling the real: the non-nomadic subject of feminism. NORA Conference on Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses and Feminist Politics, University of Iceland, May 22-24. 2019.
(2019) Working women on the move: genealogies of gendered migrant labour , in New perspectives in feminist labour history: work and activism, University of Bologna, January 17-18, 2019.
(2017) Considering the home/work continuum. European Labour History Network Conference, Paris, November 2-4, 2017.
(2017) Epistolarity and the singular you: gendered politics and labour histories. Giving Life to Politics: The Work of Adriana Cavarero, University of Brighton, June 19-21, 2017.
(2016) Writing the memory of work: aesthetics, politics and the archive. International Conference, Quand les femmes s’écrivent dans le monde : autobiographie féminine et souci du monde/ women’s autobiographies and relationship to the world, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre, 14-15 October 2016.
(2016) Situated Memories: neo-materialist insights in the gendered memory of work. 7th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms: Performing Situated Knowledges, Space, Time, Vulnerability. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 21-23 September, 2016.
(2016) Narrative Sensibility in Archival Research: (2016) Narrative Sensibility in Archival Research: genealogies and Rhythmanalysis, paper presented at the 2016 British Sociological Association Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 6-8 April, 2016.
(2015) œuvre à faire : materialising feminist utopias. In New Materialist Politics and Economies ofKnowledge, Sister-Sixth Conference on the New Materialisms. University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2-4 October 2015.
(2015) 'Lunch Hour in New York or Narrative Phenomena in the Archive Paper presented as part of the symposium, Radical Futures Entangled Mundanity: Matter and Meaning in Education Research Practices. 10th International Gender and Education Association Conference on ‘Feminism, Power and Pedagogy’, Roehampton University, June 24-26.
(2015) Reassembling Documents of Life in the Archive. International Auto/Biography Association (IABA/Europe) Conference, Dialogical Dimensions in Narrating Lives and Life Writing. Centre for Atlantic Studies, CEHA, Funchal Madeira, 27-29 May 2015.
(2014) ‘Gendering the history of the labour movement: The importance of internationalization’ as part of the panel ‘Labour History, the colonial condition and gender’. Fourth European Congress on World and Global History, Ecole Normal Supérieure, Paris, September 4-7, 2014.
(2013) ‘Narrative Personae: entanglements between visual and textual approaches to the subject of auto/biography’. International Auto/Biography Association (IABA/Europe) Conference, University of Vienna, October 31-November 3
(2013) ‘Archival rhythms: sensing and transcending the spatio-temporal continuum’, paper as part of the panel on Archival Research in Sociological Inquiries. British Sociological Associations Annual Conference on Engaging Sociology, London, April, 3-5.
(2012) Love, Narratives, Politics: an Arendtian reading of Rosa Luxemburg's letters. Panel on Political Narratives, Narrative Matters Conference on Life and Narrative. American University of Paris, May 29-June 1.
(2011) with Gali Weiss. ‘Intra-actions between life and art, entanglements between artistic and academic spaces.’ Paper presented as part of the symposium, Radical Futures: Entanglements of Matter and Meaning in Contemporary Feminist Theory. 8th International Gender and Education Association Conference on ‘Gender and Education: Past, Present and Future’, University of Exeter, April 27-29, 2011.
(2010) ‘Painting from within: an Arendtian approach to narratives and the making of art history’. Paper presented as part of the CNR panel, ‘Mnemonic Practices: Intimate Stories, Life Writing and the Writing of History’ for the 7th Biennial International Auto/biography Association Conference: Life Writing and Intimate Publics. University of Sussex, June 28th -July 1st 2010.
(2009) ‘Narrative Technologies of the Self: the portrait, the letter and the researcher’. 7th European Feminist Research Conference on Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics, at Utrecht University in Netherlands, 4-7 June 2009.
(2008)(with Erika Cudworth)'The cat and her woman: gendered interpolations of species relations' , 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, Women's Worlds/Mundos de Mujeres, Computense University, Madrid, Spain, July 3rd-9th.
(2007) ‘Women artists as nomadic subjects: working in the intermezzo of narratives’, 3rd Tampere Conference on Narrative: Knowing, Living, Telling, held in Tampere, Finland, 27-30 June 2007.
(2005) ‘Spatial stories/narratable selves: rethinking the private-privacy contour’ paper presented as part of the CNR symposium on Relating Narratives/narratable selves at the BSA Annual Conference on Lifecourse: Fragmentation, Diversity and Risk, University of York, 21-23 March 2005.
(2004) ‘Genealogies of relating narratives: the artist’s auto/biography’. American Sociological Assocciation Annual Conference as part of the thematic session on Narrative, Biography and Culture, San Francisco, 14-17 August 2004.
(2004) ‘On the Art of Living: the memoir of a Greek woman art student’. 4th International Auto/biography Association Conference Inhabiting Multiple Worlds:Auto/biography in an (Anti) Global Age, at the Chinese Umiversity of Hong-Kong, 15-20 March, 2004.