Green Tomato Pickles

16 cups of sliced green tomatoes

2 cups sliced onions

¼ cup pickling salt

½ Tablespoon powdered alum

3 cups vinegar, 5% acidity

1 cup water

4 cups sugar

1 Tablespoon mixed pickling spices

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 Tablespoon celery seed

½ teaspoon ground allspice

1 Tablespoon mustard seed

Sprinkle salt over sliced tomatoes and allow to stand 3 hours. Drain well, but do not squeeze dry.

Mix alum with two quarts boiling water and pour over tomatoes. Let stand 20 minutes. Drain and cover with cold water, then drain well, rinsing alum away.

Tie spices in a cheesecloth bag. Combine spices with vinegar and one cup of water. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour solution over tomatoes, let stand overnight.

Bring the pickles and the solution to a boil. Remove spice bag.

Pack into sterilized jars to within a half inch of top. Put on cap. Process in boiling water bath 10 minutes. Yield: eight pints.