Herbal DIY Projects

Here you’ll find many interesting, and creative uses for herbal preparations.

Wintergreen Air Freshener

To fill your home with wonderful wintergreen scent, all you need are some cotton balls and some oil of wintergreen. (Find at a pharmacy)

Dip the cotton balls in the oil of wintergreen and place near opened windows or anywhere out of sight where the air will circulate around them - smells minty and wonderful!

*Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) contains methyl salicylate. Some people may be sensitive to this herb.

Wintergreen Oil Rub

This is an oil base rub that helps sore, tired, and achy muscles. Use approximately 20 ounces of pure sunflower oil and pour into a clean jar with lid.

To this add 20 drops of pure wintergreen oil.

Cover and invert the jar a few times and it’s ready to use.

The wintergreen oil amounts may be changed to suit each person.

It’s nice to take a hot bath first and then massage the oil wherever needed. The sunflower oil is absorbed quickly into the skin.

You may want to use latex gloves if you are using this to massage someone's back, etc. due to the fact that you might be using so much of the oil and that it will also be absorbed into your hands. This would be your choice.

*Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) contains methyl salicylate. Some people may be sensitive to this herb.

Wintergreen Paper Mache




Wintergreen Oil

Stir three parts water into one part flour until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

To make the paste last longer, add a few drops of oil of Wintergreen. (optional) You can buy this oil at a drugstore.

Stir well and the paste is ready to use.

Now you need paper- newspaper works well!

Dip each piece of paper in the liquid mixture and apply it one piece at a time to form your shapes.

*Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) contains methyl salicylate. Some people may be sensitive to this herb.

Wintergreen Skin Scrub

from “Creation Farm”

2 Tbs Wintergreen Oil

1 Tbs Camphor Oil

1/2 tsp Eucalyptus Oil

1 tsp Lavender Oil

1 tsp Peppermint Oil

2 Tbs Jojoba

Blend together all ingredients and let rest for one hour before using. Massage gently the skin with a light touch until it feels soothing. After massage then rinse the scrub from the skin thoroughly. This scrub will leave the skin soft and moist with no need for any lotion. These work well sealed in either Squat style wide-mouth canning jars or “Squat Bail-Wire Jars”.

*Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) contains methyl salicylate. Some people may be sensitive to this herb.