MONUMENT NO. 1461879


-2600 to -700

ST 8198835962. Bronze Age saucer barrow situated to the southeast of Rodmead Farm. It is one of two saucer barrows on Rodmead Hill and survives as an earthwork. The mound has a diameter of 9.6 metres,a ditch 1.8 metres wide with traces of an outer bank 1.8 metres wide. Excavations by R.COlt Hoare in 1807 located no traces of any features or structures.

(NB. This barrow was originally recorded as part of Monument HOB UID 206919 - ST 83 NW 35. Please see this record for any additional information).

(Barrow 'B': ST 81983596) Tumuli (GT) (Two) (1)

One of two saucer barrows on Rodmead Hill: Barrow B: The southernmost barrow has a mound 32 feet in diameter and a foot high, with a ditch 4 feet wide and 6 inches deep and a vague bank, 6 feet wide and 6 inches high. It was excavated by Colt Hoare in 1807, 'very completely', but nothing found. Both are described as bowl barrows in MOW records. (2-4)

Barrow B is a 0.7 metre high bowl barrow; there are no indications of a ditch or bank. Published survey 1:2500 revised. (5)

The field is now under plough, and the barrow is extensively damaged. Barrow B: Chalk and flint mound measures 12.5 metres diameter, and 0.2 metres high. No visible trace of ditch or outer bank. Well defined soil-marks on Ordnance Survey aerial photographs (a).

1:2500 survey revised. (6)

The southern barrow has been recorded as having a mound 9.6 metres in diameter, a ditch 1.8 metres wide with traces of an outer bank 1.8 metres wide. (7)

[Also see as part of: 206919]
