Bradley Hs (2)

— W O R K I N P R O G R E S S —





    • Bradley House Walled Garden and Greenhouses may well have become confused as not listed and put on the 2005 Wish List in error. The reason being that only parts of Bradley House were of special conservation interest to the people compiling the original listing's inventory. Therefore causing a false lay assumption that all within the fenced/walled boundaries of the Bradley House were NOT listed by association, and thus certain other aspects needed listed [see: curtilage - below].

    • According to David Barnett (Estate worker); he and assistant Chris Downes, removed the greenhouses (structurally unsafe - summer 2012?),. All, that is, except for parts of their roofing and structural framework (perhaps mostly the glass was removed?). which are still attached to the garden wall on Kingston Lane side. There seems to be some confusion that The Village Allotments [see item] are coefficient with The Walled garden. This seems not the case, as David and Chris confirm, the allotment is on the outside of the separating west face of wall in question [see diagram below].

    • Perhaps the reason for the confusion of nomenclature is simply caused by a truncation of: 'garden space next to wall which encloses Bradley House gardens' = 'The Walled Garden'? Other titles include: Community Garden, Community Allotment - either of which would help establish some titular clarity as to which space was being addressed. 'Community Garden' will be used on this site to indicate the distinction

    • As the Community Garden was not in existence (2010) when the 2005 Handbook was produced, then it follows that The Walled Garden and Greenhouses refers to this page's content ONLY. Furthermore, the Community Garden replaced a virtual wasteland with no evident features whatsoever worth listing. [see: Community Garden / Maps - Google Street View, 2009]

    • Curtilage ('enclosed land around a house or other building') also obscures this issue. That may raise a question regarding any legal protection extended to the old grape greenhouses; which, according to our sources above, have now been partially dismantled - as the photos here confirm.



(1) indicates the Walled Garden/Greenhouses area; whilst (2) shows The Village Allotment permissory allocation zone (outside the walls as such). A red circle encloses the old south facing grape greenhouses.

For a background to The Community Garden (permissory village allotments) see separate item, here



Bradley House Walled Garden and Greenhouses.

Parish Council to initiate approaches to see if some more valued features (e.g. Fountain, Village Hall mural) can be listed. [Including Walled Garden and Greenhouses - see Wish List.]

The Walled Garden (of Bradley House) was the location for an unsuccessful planning application in 2004 for a composting unit (to serve several parishes as well as Maiden Bradley), public toilets and car parking. This was the latest of several ongoing ideas for the creative use of the Walled Garden.

We oppose the location of a package of composting, toilets and car parking in the Walled Garden but a small majority favour a composting unit somewhere within easy reach.

69% opposed the Walled Garden composting package, and 25% supported it. A further 6% supported the composting element, but without one or both of the other components. Altogether 53% favoured a composting unit for the Parish, but were divided between those who wanted it in the Walled Garden (31%) and those who wanted it somewhere else (22%). If there is to be a composting unit then 60% prefer to deliver their waste to it, while 40% would like a collection service.

As to where additional car parking might be located, the Walled Garden is the most frequently mentioned, followed by the area around the entrance to the Rec.